Free code



With representatives of more than 13 nationalities, heated discussions in German, Spanish, Dutch, English and Norwegian took part in the week long code-fest that was piksel04. The size of this unique event, which now functions as an essential get-to-gether and brain-storming session for artists and developers involved in free software on all platforms, is good testimony to the popularity of such approaches for audio, and primarily video work. Subtitled FLOSS (Free Libre and Open Source Software) in motion, piksel04 has most definitely snowballed from last year’s more modest gathering which was more about a close grouping of a small number of video developers pursuing a common set of concerns around interoperability.

In short, piksel04 was more about mutual inspiration amongst developer-coders, rather than a structured public event. Aside from the hefty schedule of presentations, most artists and developers were happy to show both work and coded underpinnings as larger groups of intrigued parties would group around their busy laptops, peering eagerly over onlookers’ shoulders.

#LiViDO (Linux Video Dynamic Objects) plugin framework

#streaming solutions, with Ogg Theora very much in favour,

#open source artistic apps, from the venerable Pd (Pure Data), PDP (Pure Data Packet) and Super-Collider to GePhex and the extrava-gantly named Gullibloon.

#GEM#LiVEs NLE (Non Linear Editing) #VJ tools

**Extract from the article written by Martin Howse for Linux Magazine England in 2004.

Martin Howse (UK) – ap02, Jonathan Kemp (UK)- ap02 crew, Niels Elburg (Netherlands)- VeeJay, Dursun Kocha (Netherlands) VeeJay crew, Matthijs van Henten (Netherlands) VeeJay crew, Tom Schouten (Belgia) PDP for PureData, Yves Degoyon (France) PiDiP for PureData, Carlo Prelz (Netherlands/Italy) MøB, James Tittle II (USA) GEM developer, Erich Berger (Austria/Norway), Gisle Frøysland ( Norway) MøB, Kentaro Fukuchi (Japan)EffecTV, Jaromil (NL/Italy) – FreeJ, HasciiCam and DyneBolic, Silvano “kysucix” Galliani (Italy) – crew, Eleonora Oreggia (Italy) – crew, Gabriel Finch (Salsaman) (NL/UK) LiVES. , Rama (Argentina/Spain), Tatiana de la o (Argentina/Spain) , Anders G., Lluis Gomez i Bigorda (Catalonia) Skeezo crew, Per Platou (Norway) , Thomas Sivertsen (Norway) -, Sara Kolster (Netherlands) , Derek Holzer (NL/USA) , Julian Oliver (Spain), Steven Pickles (pix) (AU/GER), Adam Overton (USA), August Black (USA), Tom Tlalim (NL/IL) TangieR CluJ duo, Amos Elmaliah (NL/IL) TangieR CluJ duo, Federico Bonelli (NL/IT) SUb multimedia, Maurizio Martinucci(Tez) (NL/IT) SUb multimedia, Antti Silvast (Finland), Marta Peirano (SP), BEK crew, Gisle Frøysland, Roar Sletteland, Thorolf Thuestad, Alf Waage, Per Platou, Grethe Melby, Marieke verbiesen, , PixelAche crew:, Juha Huuskonen, Jenni Valorinta, Teemu Kivikangas (Finland) , slimboyfatboyslim (Sweden/China) , Daniel Fischer (Germany) , Georg Seidel (Germany) GePhex developer, Martin Bayer (Germany) GePhex developer, Philipp Promesberger (Germany) GePhex developer, Oswald Berthold (Austria) GulliBloon project, Andreas Pieper (Austria) GulliBloon project, Wernfried Lackner (Austria) GulliBloon project, Jun Iio (Japan) MAlib.

#PikselXX #Piksel #pikselXXAIAIAI #PikselBergen #floss #ElectronicArts #pikselparticipants #piksel20years #friteknologi #elektroniskkunst #piksel2004

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Live coding Algorave performance Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.

Live coding Algorave performance Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.

Piksel Fest Spill 2020
29th of May – 23:00 – 24:00
Live coding Algorave performance by Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.

Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, BERGEN
Piksel Cyber Salon -

Live coding Algorave performance Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.
Live coding is a performance practice that revolves around the creation and modification of code and algorithms in real-time. This kind of events are also named ALGORAVE, joining the words algorithm and rave. The 29th of May we welcome the artists Antonio Roberts and Alex McLean and their live audiovisual performance, taking place in parallel at the Studio 207 and at the Cyber Salon.

The venues

  • Piksel Cyber Salon. Piksel invites you to have a cyber experience and to join us at our hybrid activities. Piksel Cyber Salon will host part of the Copy Paste exhibition, workshops, performances and lectures. Join us!
  • Piksel youtube@Piksel Produksjoner
  • Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, BERGEN The new Piksel/Borealis space in town for electronic art, experimental music and adventurous listening.

Piksel Fest Spill is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway and ProHelvetia.

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Live Coding Piksel Pavilion at the Musikkpaviljongen in Bergen

Piskel Fest Spill 2019 program

30th of May AV Performance @Piksel Pavilion from 21:00 – 23:00
LIVE CODING Music, Toccata for two keyboards Hlöðver Sigurðsson (IS)
LIVE CODING Visuals with Visual Hifa, Valentín Vago (CH)

Piksel Pavilion – The central info point for Piksel Fest Spill

The 30th of March, Piksel comes back to the Music Pavillion in Bergen with 2 hours of audiovisual live performances. The music pavilion will be electronically updated to host different Piksel artists doing high impact performances as a preview of what is going to happen at the Piksel Festival.

Piksel Pavilion are LIVE CODING sessions focused on sound and visuals.

Hlöðver Sigurðsson (IS) is a computer musician and composer from Reykjavik. His performances has been seen at the Spektrum (berlín), Piksel Festival (Bergen) and Sonic Code Sessions Showcase, part of vorspiel of Transmediale 2017.

Valentín Vago (CH)
In 2016 I decided to create a new software called Visual Fiha which allows the generation of visuals based on live coding and real time audio analysis. I have been performing alongside with international DJs and producers.

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SIGNAL TO NOISE, Curator: Tincuta Heinzel Exhibition program 2019 Piksel Studio 207

Official opening 24th of May from 19:00 – 23:00

Exhibition dates: 25th of May – 16th of June (Mondays closed)

Opening hours: 15:00 – 18:00

Bergen 2019

“I remembers the radio broadcasts from London during World War II and Norway’s king stiffening the resolve of his subjects under German occupation. ”
Judith Haaland, 98

The Paraset (Paratrooper radio set) was one of the most notorious of all the transceivers used by the partisan clandestine radio operators during WWII. Often transported in food baskets, suitcases, and other obscure places, it was used for clandestine radio communication primarily in Norway and Europe. The equipment is known as the “Paraset” because it was dropped by parachute for field agents. A fascinating piece of history.

With this exhibition Piksel wants to make an homage to the radio as a device and also to the importance of the listeners. In a historical moment where the FM analogue radio has been shot down and there are voices that claims that “Norway is not prepared for this.” and “Of course there is a lot of nostalgia in radio. That’s one of the reasons this switch is so controversial.” Piksel wants to bring some fresh air doing both, recalling the analogue radio and bringing new low-cost digital technologies to the people, radio-makers and emitters.

One of the well known examples of Victor Papanek’s “designs for the real world” is that of a radio receiver for the third world. Produced from very simple, “cottage” like materials, such as an used juice can, paraffin wax and a wick as power source, the radio was non-directional, receiving any and all stations simultaneously. “But, as Victor Papanek will comment, in emerging countries, this was then of an importance: there was only one broadcast (carried by relay towers placed about fifty miles apart”. And, as Papanek continues, “It was much more than a clever little gadget, constituting a fundamental communication device for preliterate areas of the world. After being tested successfully in the mountains of North Carolina (an area where only one broadcast is easily received), the device was demonstrated to the Army. They were shocked. “What if a Communist”, they asked, “gets to the microphone?” The question is meaningless. The most important intervention is to make information of all kinds freely accessible to people.”

This story of the non‐expensive, locally adapted produced radio receiver is the starting point for an exhibition and a workshop which deals with different aspects of radio broadcasting: From the way a radio receiver and a radio transmitter are produced to radio infrastructure, and from the delivered information to the means of questioning its accuracy and validity. The exhibition will consider a historical perspective, but will mostly bring into discussion researches related to the present forms of radio infrastructure and radio phenomena, as well as strategies and tactics of radio‐based interventions.

List of works and artists:
Repertories of (in)discreetness
Tincuta Heinzel & Lasse Scherffig

∏‐Node Platform

Embodied RF Ecologies
Afroditi Psarra

Do your own radio!
∏-box : streaming and local FM radio broadcasting with a raspberry pi

Piksel Fest Spill is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, the Wallonie-Bruxelles International and Rumanska Kultur Institutet.

Repertories of (in)discreetness
Tincuta Heinzel & Lasse Scherffig

Largely used during the Soviet Revolution, the “new” communication mediums of the beginning of 20th century’s played an important role in the Soviets’s propaganda strategy during the 1917‐1918 revolution [3]. The same strategy was equally adopted during the installation of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe. The policies at the time have encouraged the production and the acquisition of radio devices by a large number in order to ensure the impact of the propaganda, while in the same time, the content of the broadcasting was subjected to a strict control.

Using this infrastructure, the USA and their Western alliances were trying to counter the communist propaganda. The creation of Radio Free Europe aimed to deliver “truth” and “objective” information. In the same way, radio phenomena (like interference) were used as technical interventions.

Repertories of (in)discreetness project has its starting point in the archives of Radio Free Europe from the Open Society Archives in Budapest. It questions the act and mechanisms of archiving “the Other”, with a focus on the European “East”. The project discusses the ways in which information is collected and transferred, the ways in which the East has gained an epistemic body through refraction. Thus we would like to point out the relation between nature of the information, the production of knowledge and its reception.

Radio Free Europe is considered unique in the annals of international broadcasting: acting as surrogate domestic broadcaster for the nations under Communism. It also relied on local official media and informal news in order to broadcast what was considered objective information. Due to their wish to outline an exhaustive portrait of the world behind the Iron Curtain, Radio Free Europe Archives give way to a series of questions:

What did the archives not capture and what rests uncatalogued and unverified? And, if something was indeed captured, how was it transformed through archiving? What parts of this composite portrait sketched by Radio Free Europe still survive today? And is this portrait only a mirror image resulting from the media war between East and West? By raising these questions, our project looks to divert and to put into a sensible perspective the act of collecting, organizing and using information, in order to question the nature of the information itself.

Documentation link: References: 3. Nicholas Reeves, The Power of Film Propaganda: Myth or Reality (London: A&C Black, 2004).

∏‐Node Platform

Fig 5. ∏-Node Installation, Orleans (2015).

∏-Node is an experimental platform for hybrid Web/FM radio-phonic composition. As a multi‐dimensional radio infrastructure platform, ∏-Node explores the narrative, involves participation, and imaginary possibilities of radio through the use of both historic and new, digital technologies.

∏-Node aims to explore the many dimensions of radio’s format and diffusion: its physicality (ether, radio waves, and the electromagnetic spectrum), its spatiality (bandwith, frequencies), its infrastructure (network of radio receivers/emitters), its methods of creation and editorial content management (programming boards/teams, recording studios), its methods of metadata reception (RDS/SDR), its history (radios libres and pirate radio movements), its legislation. Most importantly, ∏-Node also wishes to examine radio’s future at a time when everything is moved towards “the digital”.
The interconnectedness of these various dimensions, tools, and networks allow for the establishment of a decentralized and hitherto unseen diffusion structure, where each of the network’s nodes serve to both receive and diffuse information. Such a structure creates a break with the classic one-way radio format, substituting it with a horizontal peer‐to-peer model that creates room to play with new potentials for multi‐ diffusion and superposition, as well as room to rethink the radio network’s topology.

Embodied RF Ecologies
Afroditi Psarra

E-textile installation and sound performance

Following my quest to embody the invisible transmissions that surround us, in this wearable I explore the use of an IC mixer circuit to down convert the emissions from the NOAA weather satellite and make them audible. By continuing my research into textile antennas and fractal geometry as a means to detect radio-frequency (RF) transmissions, I aim to speculate about the body as an agent of power in a post-capitalist world, and to re-interpret transmission technologies through handmade crafting techniques.

Teaser video here:

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Press Note PIKSEL16 ZERO Level

Piksel 16, ZERO-Level
elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi
24-27 Nov
Bergen, Norway

PIKSEL16 Festival ZERO-LEVEL, elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi.

An independent look at the Bergen’s marine environment.


From 24 to 27th of November, artists from a dozen of countries will meet at the PIKSEL International Festival in Bergen. Throughout concerts, installations, performances, workshops and presentations, artists will share different ways to look at our marine environment.

Are the fish we eat “feminized” by pollution? In a post-internet era, how would we create an alternative communication network? How can we collect direct data from our seas and learn to interpret that? Is the boat a new artistic mobility tool? Is it possible to prototype with ZERO-emission?

Biotechnology is no longer just a subject for scientists; experimental artists are also researching biological, biopolitical and bioefficiency issues that affect society as a whole. As conscious citizens, artists raise these questions to the general public through art works, performances and workshops where everyone is invited to participate.

Piksel16, ZERO-level, wants to focus on the biological and social aspects of the sea as a sustainable environment. Zero in the meaning of: zero-emissions, zero-footprints, zero-waste, zero-energy, zero-pollution, zero-plastic, zero-trash. Also Zero encourages bio-efficiency, bio-ecology, marine inheritance, sustainable maritime transport, sea communication, civil society, water as a playground, and civil engagement.

Piksel 16, ZERO-Level is an international festival for electronic art and technological freedom in Bergen. From the 24th to the 27th of November; concerts, AV performances, exhibitions and workshops will take place at BAS, PIKSEL Studio 207, Rom 8 and the Mill. Artists coming from a dozen countries will be presenting DIY bio-art, DIY electronics instruments, visual programming, live coding and FM radio workshops, installations and performances.


Check out the program at
Find us in Facebook:

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Solar kinetic sculptures. OPEN workshop.

Egil Paulsen
Open call for participants!
16-05-2015 12:00 16:00

Workshop by Egil Paulsen (Oslo, Norway).
Creating simple solar kinetic sculptures (full workshop plan is under development).

Solar Sculptures
Nature gives way to speciation depending on the building blocks it can offer. Only by the decades, enormous amounts of plastic, silicon and metals has been dug up, refined, and put into circulation. It has been said that we are the genitals of our technology. We exist only to improve next years model. How can we recognize this quiet neighbour?

Kinetic sculptures: solar cells, dc motors, melted plastic, infrared heating lamps, table.


To participate send an email to: piksel15[at]

Egil Paulsen works with installation, computer art, and video. He has a Bachelor degree from Bergen National Academy of the Arts where he was enrolled under Department of Fine Art. As a graduated Bachelor in computer science with a genuine interest in the subjects HCI and Accessibility, Egil has been involved in teaching, consulting and worked as an experience designer in many projects. Egil also works as a freelancer within visualization, illustration and system development.

Egil Paulsen will held a presentation showing works including Solar Sculptures, Ultrasonic Vision, WiFi-Shamanism, and a newly completed face tracking installation done for a big mask exhibition at Rubin Museum of Art in NY.

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APODIO OPEN workshop

APODIO OPEN CALL for participants

Romain Papion
APODIO is a free computer operating system towards artists and new designers, alternative to microsoft and apple, created in Nantes in the APO33 Lab. It is the new generation of a free and creative computer science.
The new version 10 will be based on Xubuntu 14.04 LTS
Real swiss-army-knife software for audio, video, graphics, or 3D, Apodio is ready to use for a live an exhibition a performance or in a studio.

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Piksel13 || RIOT

The 11th annual Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies

– Exhibitions – workshops – live art – presentations
– November 21st-24th, Bergen (NO)

The 11th edition of the Piksel Festival takes place in Bergen (NO)
November 21st-24th 2013. This years theme – RIOT – connects to the
diversity in the tradition of hactivist art and specifically the use of
tactical media, digital resistance and electronic disturbance as more
relevant now than ever before.



EXHIBITIONS @ Franz : Navle and Lydgalleriet

Will Burn, Maria Colina Perez, Sergey Dushkin, Azahara Cerezo, F.A.T.,
Geraldine Juarez, Magnus Eriksson, Mark Beasley, Louise Harris,
Wolfgang Spahn, Artemis Papageorgiou, Aforditi Psarra, Stefan


Afroditi Psarra, Constanza Piña, John Bowerss, Sten-Olof
Hellström, Theremidi Orchestra, Servando Barreiro, Alex McLean, Ryan
Jordan, Raquel Meyers, Goto80, Great International Audio Streaming
Orchestra III, Malte Steiner, Darsha Hewitt, Anis Haron, Dr. Nexus,
Víctor Mazón Gardoqui, LaptopsRus, Casperelectronics


Trasformatorio, The Open Modular Synthesizer, Creating Performance
Systems with Pd, Raspberry Pi and Arduino, F.A.T. – Free Art &
Technology, MicroFlo: flow-based programming for microcontrollers, All
the lines arrive to NAZCA

WORKSHOPS @ Trykk : Trykk and Piksel HQ

PSYCHOHELIOPHYSICISTS – SUN TONGS, Sound happens in the group!, Noise
Make-up Language, Limen – electromagnetic sniffing device, APODIO V9
WORKSHOP, Haptic City Workshop, Paper-Duino-Pi, LornaLab Projection
Workshop, OSC controlled realtime visuals with the gameengine Panda3D,
<3-bit shirt

more info and complete festival program:

Piksel13 is supported by The Norwegian Art Council, Bergen
Municipality, Hordaland County, PNEK, BEK, Grundtvig – Lifelong
Learning Program and others.

PIKSEL[X] open CALL for projects


November 22-25 2012
Bergen, Norway


Now open for proposals.
Read the open call for projects and use the online submit form to apply.

!!!!!!!!!!  Deadline postponed until August 25. 2012 !!!!!!!!!!


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Frei0r plugins 1.2 released

Finally, after 3 years of development the new Frei0r api is released! Frei0r is now widely adopted as the standard api for simple video effects on the GNU/Linux platform. It currently includes more than 80  effects and is  used  by free  video applications  such as [PureData],  [Open  Movie  Editor],  [DVEdit], [Gephex],  [LiVES],  [FreeJ],  [MøB], [VeeJay], [MLT], [KDEnLive] and others.

Here’s the full README for this release: (continue reading…)

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PikselSavers – Call for Entries

■■ PikselSavers – Screensavers that makes a difference!

■■ Piksel @ Meta.Morf

As part of the screening programme at the Meta.Morf Biennal in Trondheim, Norway oct. 7 – nov. 7 2010, Piksel will curate a special event called

PikselSavers use the screensaver as a point of departure and inspirational springboard connecting to the main festival theme ‘New.Brave.World’.
We are looking for videos and software based on the screensaver format – short audiovisual (non)narratives made for endless looping.  Possible thematic fields includes but are not restricted to: sustainable resource allocation, renewable technologies, energy harvesting, fair trade hardware, free content, open access, DIY economy, shared development.

■■ Call for Entries

Please use our submission form at or send a mail with  a short description of the work and bio of author(s) to info [at] A preview version of the work should be provided as an online or downloadable video or source code. The following criteria must be met:

– Format: digital video or executable software including sound made to run full screen at minimum 720p resolution.
– The work must be produced using free/open source software.
– Videos should be available in a free/open format (ogg/theora/dirac).
– Software works should be available as source code under a free/open license.

!!! Deadline postponed! – now you have until July 15th 2010 !!!

(continue reading…)

Artist in residence Call for Proposals

Funware Shared Artist in Residence:
Netherlands Media Art Institute, Amsterdam (NL)
BALTAN Laboratories, Eindhoven (NL)
Piksel, Bergen (NO)


BALTAN, NIMk and Piksel have launched an open call for proposals as part of the exhibition project Funware. We are looking for interesting new software art projects that can be developed in the period of June – November 2010 through a shared residency. The new work developed during the residency will be presented in the Funware exhibition at MU in Eindhoven, at HMKV in Dortmund and as part of the Piksel festival 2010.

This residency is a collaboration between three labs, based on a desire to investigate the ways and potential of working within a network of labs that support the exchange and sharing of resources and knowledge. The form of this collaboration aims to provide the most specific and relevant support to artists working on art and technology projects in residence. Knowing the capacities and competences of each lab/organisation, the residency exchange will offer targeted support (in the form of resources, space, technical support, local context and time) to be provided at different stages of the research and development of the project specific to each organisation. Off- and online dissemination of form and content via this partnership and the building of structural relationships are crucial to the collaboration. (continue reading…)

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  • We’re excited to share some positive news: thanks to your support, we’ve secured in funding from the city about one-third of what we usually received before cuts, which has allowed us to regain our operational footing. This is an important milestone, and we’re truly grateful for your solidarity. Thank you for believing in Piksel and our mission. Let’s keep working together to build a vibrant future for art, technology, and society. Warm regards, The Piksel Team

    10 January 2025 @ 2:17 pm

    31 December 2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Please support our petition!!

    9 December 2024 @ 8:36 pm

    Streaming now: Transmission~, Luis Sanz

    24 November 2024 @ 2:41 pm

    Streaming now: The Way of Schesa, Ryan Ross Smith and Shawn Lawson

    24 November 2024 @ 2:02 pm

    Piksel needs your support!!
    #piksel #culturecuts #electronicart #mediaart #funding #Bergen

    20 November 2024 @ 11:39 pm

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