Tag: festival

1stPress Release: Piksel Festival 2024: A Celebration of Electronic Art and Technological Freedom in Bergen

Bergen, Norway 21-24 Nov– Art lovers in Bergen are buzzing with curiosity as they observe a decline in exhibitions featuring diverse groups of artists and artworks. Many galleries have shifted their focus to solo exhibitions or site-specific projects, leaving the community to ponder: where are the exhibitions that unite multiple artists and provide a broader, more panoramic perspective on contemporary themes?

Amidst this shift, Piksel, the festival for electronic art and technological freedom, continues to stand strong in this guerrilla warfare of creativity. Now in its 22nd edition, the Piksel festival is set to arrive in Bergen with a robust lineup of artists presenting a significant electronic art exhibition. The festival will feature two nights of audiovisual performances at Østre, workshops, and presentations at Studio207—a shared space located at Strandgaten 207, home to both Piksel and Borealis, as well as various venues around the city.

Piksel is where new media, art, hacking, and DIY culture converge. This year festival presents the opportunity for local artists to connect with active media labs based in Europe. Artist-researchers from APO33 (France), MADLAB (Cyprus), and STWST (Linz) will gather in Bergen to present a new edition of MEDIA()MESS, an intermedia artwork that explores the disconnections in our mediated realities through audiovisual performances, media activism, and collaborative research.

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The festival also highlights sustainable ocean research and seafaring. Three visionary artists and engineers are behind the groundbreaking Ohanda.One Project, a utopian zero-emission ocean vessel designed to revolutionize sustainable ocean research. This mobile collaborative workspace and research platform aims to connect artists, scientists, and environmental organizations, fostering innovation while promoting open knowledge and environmental awareness. The ongoing workshop at Strandgaten 207 will serve as a hub for creative minds to tackle the pressing challenges facing our oceans.

The exhibitions will showcase more than 20 artists, theming video games and poetry, artificial intelligence warfare, privacy and the deep net, society defense strategies, and the ethical and environmental impact of technology. Visitors can expect interactive installations and experimental media, alongside live electronics, witnessing a fusion of technology and art that redefines live experiences.

Join us at the Piksel Festival 2024 from the 21st to the 24th of November in Bergen, and be part of a transformative artistic journey that challenges perceptions and sparks dialogue around the pressing issues of our time.

#InteractiveMedia, #LiveElectronics, #ExperimentalMusic, #ElectronicMusic, #LiveCoding, #NewMediaArt, #Piksel, #ElectronicArt, #TechnologicalFreedom, #Bergen, #InternationalNetwork, #FreeLibreOpenSource, #SoftwareProjects, #Workshops, #Performances, #ArtAndPolitics, #DigitalTechnology, #OpenSourceMovement, #ArtTechEconomy

Pictures: Audiovisual performance – Δ [Delta] – Miha Godec – Østre Saturday night
Exhibition and Workshop – Ohanda.one – Juergen Neumann, Tuomo Tammenpää, Julian Priest – Studio207
Audiovisual Performance MEDIA()MESS – APO33 (France), MADLAB (Cyprus), PIKSEL (Bergen), and STWST (Linz) Østre Friday night
Interactive installation – Here’s the Information We Collect- Tansy Xiao – Østre exhibition
Interactive 3D Game – Colateral Vertigo – Chico Ortiz de Carvalho – Piksel Exhibition
Interactive installation – Bioart – Organalog – Miha Godec – Piksel exhibition
Artificial Intelligence installation – Death Mother: As Above, So Below (2024) – Tor-Finn Malum Fitje – Piksel exhibition

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Metrópolis TV special about PikselXX

In February the Spanish national TV program – Metrópolis successfully aired a PikselXX special where they showed highlights of AV performances, the AI AI AI exhibition and interviews with artists and curators. Capturing the essence of Piksel in the beautiful framing of sunny Bergen and KiB, – Kunstskolen i Bergen, our main festival venue. The show is a must watch for any new media art enthusiast with a case of wanderlust. The full program with English subtitles can be seen here: https://www.piksel.org/nextcloud/index.php/s/Xj9oFdZnjoYNmdL

(click on the image to see the video)

Featured artist include: Oscar Martin a.k.a Noish (ES), Miller Puckette (US), Kerry Hagan (IR), Derek Curry (US), Jennifer Gradecki (US), Nick Montfort (US), Luz María Sánchez (MX), Ben Grosser (US), Özge Samanci (TR/US), Hillevi Munthe (NO), Elisabeth Schimana (AT), Sarah Grant (DE/US), Teresa Dillon (IR), Joana Chicau (PT/GB), Juan Pablo García Sossa (CO/DE), Lauren McCarthy (US), Shortwave Collective (UK). 

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Volunteers wanted for Piksel19!

Piksel Festival is looking for volunteers!!
Come on join us as artists assistants, exhibition mounting, event producers, communicators, and more!!
Email us at prod (AT) piksel.no or pm us on Facebook!!!
21-23 Nov 2019 BERGEN (NO)

Piksel is looking for volunteers!!
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PIKSEL17: Open Call

The 15th edition of the Piksel Festival takes place November 16th-18th 2017.
We are now open for proposals.
***** Deadline 1st of July 2017. *****

Submit your proposals here!

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TRANSPIKSEL, a touring festival in Central and South America.


Piksel is proud to present TRANSPIKSEL, a touring festival in Central and South America.

Four days of workshops, exhibitions, audiovisual concerts and a BioARt Lab with international and local artists working on art and technology with a special focus on bioart, environmental sciences and DIY electronics to be held in Lima (Perú), Mexico City (CDMX) and Manizales (Colombia).

■■ TRANSPIKSEL 2016■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

TransPiksel PERÚ, Lima – August 17th -21st
TransPiksel COLOMBIA – August 24th – 27th
TransPiksel MÉXICO, Ciudad de Mexico – September 5th – 12th


MOre info and full program:


TransPiksel is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, OCA, Bergen Kommune, Piksel Festival, PNEK (NO); Asimtria Festival, Fundación Telefónica (PE); UNAM, Arte + Ciencia, Bioscénica, Centro Cultural de España en Mexico (MX), Universidad de Caldas, Festival Internacional de la Imagen (CO).

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Piksel KidZ OPEN call for participants!!


a new media art lab for kids!

****To register email to tiril(at)piksel.no ****

The workshops are free to attend, but with a limited number of seats. Sign up NOW!

See english text below..

Er du mellom 8 og 18 år gammel? Så sjekk ut våre KIDZ og ikke-fullt-så-KIDZ verksteder!

Har du en historie å fortelle om Bergen? Og som som du vil andre skal få høre når de går rundt i byen?
City-go! gir deg opplevelsen av en utvidet virkelighet av Bergen by skapt av DEG!
Velg et sted i Bergen som betyr noe spesielt for deg, og fortell oss hvorfor. Du får spille inn historien din og legger den inn i kartet på appen vår, og når noen besøker stedet ditt vil historien bli gjenfortalt!

Har du lyst å lage en robotskulptur som styres av sollys? Sammen med kunstneren Egil Paulsen vil du få produsere skulpturer som får energien sin fra solen, og omformer denne til kinetisk energi. Kunstverkene som produseres av deltakerne vil bli en del av utstillingen Piksel Kids under Pikselfestivalen, 2015.

Er du nysgjerrig på vann og klima? Hva betyr det at vannet er sunt eller usunt, og hva trengs i vannet for at dyr og organismer skal kunne leve i det? På dette verkstedet får du lage dine egne sensorer og instrumenter til å teste vannkvaliteten med, og resultatene blir visualisert i Minecraft! Vi drar til sjøen i Bergen og tester hvordan det går med vannet der. Bli med, og vær en miljøbiolog for to dager!

er du mellom 8 og 1 8 år gammel? Så sjekk ut våre KIDZ og ikke-fullt-så-KIDZ verksteder!

Verkstedene er gratis, men med begrenset plass
For påmelding, send email til: tiril (at) piksel.no (merk med Piksel Kidz)

Are you between 8 and 18 years old? Check out our KIDZ and no so KIDZ electronic workshops!

Do you have a story to tell us about Bergen? Do you want everybody to hear when they walk throughout the city?
City-go! proposes an augmented aurality experience of the Bergen city created by YOU.
Choose a point in Bergen and tell us a story about it. Record the story in a sound studio and attach it to the Bergen map thorugh an smartphone app. When somebody visit the same location with their phone, the stories become alive again!


Would you like to make a sculpture that gets alive with the sun?
With the participation of the artist Egil Paulsen, you will produce robotic sculptures whose energy source is the sun. These sculptures make up small engines that convert solar energy into kinetic energy. The art produced by all participants will be part of the exhibition Piksel Kids program within the Piksel Festival 2015.


Are you a “water curious?”, does a certain temperature and muddy water mean the water is healthy? Or do we need water full of useful stuff for animals to live in it?
In this workshops, you will be “making” your own computer sensors and devices to test the water. Will go to the Bergen shores and test how is the water doing in here. Join us to be an environmental biologist for 2 days!!!

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Volunteers for PIKSEL15!

Join our team and become a volunteer at this year’s festival 19 – 22 November

Do you want to be a Piksel volunteer?

This year Piksel is arranged for the 13th time in Bergen, and we would love you to join the team. The festival is an annual event where artists and developers from over a dozen countries spend four days hosting presentations, concerts, workshops, performances, exhibitions and informal discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free and open source software.
As a volunteer you will experience the festival from the inside and will gain useful knowledge while having fun and making new friends.

The different tasks include selling tickets, manning the galleries, distributing information and handling technical equipment. So if you are curious about the combination of electronics and art and would like to meet likeminded people, sign up today!

Contact: piksel15(at)piksel(dot)no (mark with ‘volunteer’)


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DIGITAL_IA 15: Competition for artists



The total amount of prizes is 1200 EURO!

Application deadline_21.08.2015_ (date of post stamp)

We would like to invite you to participate in an International Competition digital_art_now addressed at artists creating interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary  art in the field of new media and using methods of Open Source software and/or hardware in artistic practice. Piksel is the co-organizer of  the competition and this years main partner of the Digital IA Festival.

For the competition we expect works which represent different artistic strategies and different media outputs connected to the exhibition theme: from video, through multi-media installations, interactive installations, performance, network projects (net art), up to multi-media concert projects, live cinema, mapping and activities in urban space, etc.

The competition is mainly addressed at artists interested in using digital media in their work and beside that at any work integrating “old” and “new” media in specific projects in an interesting manner.


Photo: 13muz archive / Justyna Orłowska, Remix , 2014, performance / the winner of the Grand Prix in 2014.

_Piotr Zawojski_an artistic director of the Festival, Ph.D., an associate professor at the Faculty of Film Studies and Media Knowledge at the University of Silesia in Katowice and a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow.

_Felix Hardmood Beck_is a designer and technologist. He graduated at the University of Arts Berlin and was appointed as »Meisterschüler« in 2011. As Art Director and Concept Designer he works for ART+COM Studios. Specialized in the fields of Interaction and Experience Design he envisions innovative objects, designs media installations and develops medial environments and spatial experiences. His research interest and work focus is on the overlapping fields of design and technology. His works has been featured in a range of art and design publications and has gone on to several exhibitions and international design festivals around the globe. Having recently given talks and workshops at various events and universities throughout Europe and Middle East, Felix also enjoys sharing his passion through public speaking.

_Regina Tetens_graduate of the University of Arts in Berlin and the curator of the Main Exhibition entitled “Re_Manufact”. In 2014 she was the Artistic Director of the Photography Playground in Cologne and Vienna, now currently working as an artistic project manager at ART +COM Studios. Besides her curatorial experience she was and is producing art exhibition, among others, in a gallery in Berlin, at Exit Art in New York, at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin and for the Berlin Biennale.

_Bernhard Draz_has been working since 1993 as a visual artist, independent curator, freelance art theorist and cultural manager. In 2000 he took part at the “Arti Visive 3/L‘Occhio in Ascolto” biennial in Genoa, and was displayed in the Villa Manin di Passeriano. From 2001 to 20002 he was project director and artist for the
exhibition series “FRAKTALE”, and from 2003 to 2010 he developed numerous art works at construction projects in southern Germany. In 1997 he founded the art and studio house MEINBLAU. Beside that he is a lecturer for the research studies course “Curating” at the University of the Arts in Berlin.

MEINBLAU project room_is discourse-oriented and interdisciplinary exhibition space. It serves as a forum for artistic self-organization, and basically aims at creating an aesthetic dialogue between the objects
on display and the specific architectural situation.

_Gisle Frøysland_a musician, VJ and visual artist. He is a founding member of BEK – the Bergen Centre for Electronic Art and initiator/director of the Piksel festival. His work has been presented at several international festivals like Electrohype, Dissonanze, Transmediale, Borealis, Ultima, MakeArt, Pixelache, Mal au Pixel and Electropixel. His past collaborators include KKNull, Emi Maeda, VuNhatTan, John Hegre, Lasse Marhaug, BAKtruppen and Motherboard.

_Ked Olszewski_ the curator of the 13 Muz City Art Gallery. A visual artist, a creator of photo installations and the creator of culture. An initiator and the artistic director of the inSPIRACJE Visual Arts Festival. An associate professor in charge of the Department of Photography of the Academy of Arts in Szczecin.

_Bernhard Draz_has been working since 1993 as a visual artist, independent curator, freelance art theorist and cultural manager. In 2000 he took part at the “Arti Visive 3/L‘Occhio in Ascolto” biennial in Genoa, and was displayed in the Villa Manin di Passeriano. From 2001 to 20002 he was project director and artist for the exhibition series “FRAKTALE”, and from 2003 to 2010 he developed numerous art works at construction projects in southern Germany. In 1997 he founded the art and studio house MEINBLAU.Beside that he is a lecturer for the research studies course “Curating” at the University of the Arts in Berlin.


The notified projects shall be executed no ealier then 2013. Detailed information concerning the participation conditions in the Competition have been listed in the Regulations below or under the following e-mail address: digitalia2015@13muz.eu

Interested persons are asked to send their applications by 21st August 2015 to the following address:

13muz / Kamila Pałka
pl. Żołnierza Polskiego 2,
70-551 Szczecin, Poland



Cultural Institution the City of Szczecin 13muz (13muz.eu)
Piksel Festival (piksel.no)
City of Szczecin (szczecin.eu)
Norway Funds (eog2016.mkidn.gov.pl)

The competition of Digital_ia 2015 project co-financed from EEA funds coming from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and national resources.



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PIKSEL[X] open CALL for projects


November 22-25 2012
Bergen, Norway


Now open for proposals.
Read the open call for projects and use the online submit form to apply.

!!!!!!!!!!  Deadline postponed until August 25. 2012 !!!!!!!!!!


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Piksel11 // open CALL for PROJECTS


November 17-20 2011
Bergen, Norway


Now open for proposals.
Read the open call for projects and use the online submit form to apply.

!!!!!!!!!!  Deadline postponed to August 31. 2011 !!!!!!!!!!

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MAL AU PIXEL festival


open source cultures festival

June 9-19, 2011 – Paris


——– with ——–

HONF, IB:SC | Utopies Monétaires Internationales : Paolo
Cirio, Mansour Ciss Kanakassy & Baruch Gottlieb, Enric Duran, Christian
Nold, Dyndy | DRIFT: Martin Tétreault, eRikm, Arnaud Rivière, DJ Sniff  |
WJ-SPOT | Altlabs meeting | artisans numériques
| DIY Music : Casper
Electronics, Emmanuelle Gibello, Das OS | Mario de Vega | Horia Cosmin Samoila
| Transmissions : Art of Failure, Benjamin Cadon, Alejo Duque | Vincent
Epplay, Sebastien Roux, Sally Golding, chdh, {eab}…

——– 6 ——–

Mal au Pixel festival consists of exhibitions, workshops, public
meetings and concert series.

For its sixth edition, Mal au Pixel program weaves open
dialogs on digital creation, through different public meetings : WJ-SPOT, Altlabs and Artisans Électroniques (Digital
Craftmen).  We gather together many role-player on the independant digital
art scene, may it be immaterial through shared Internet experiences, or
physical with the open-source solutions as cultivated in many independant labs.

We will further explore bio and social issues, by hosting
the House Of Natural
(Indonesia) in a residency, for the Intelligent Bacteria
project, applying open source to microbiology and alcohol distillation.

With the exhibition and meeting series Utopies Monétaires Internationales (International
Monetary Utopias), we will unveil several researches on alternative currencies,
from artistic experiences to actual prototypes.

DRIFT, another
main spot of the festival, invites four creative « turntablists » for
crossed performances : eRikm, Arnaud Rivière, Martin Tétreault, DJ
Sniff.  The performance will be carved onto an experimental
record, being capable of random play.

In the Transmissions
performances event, the artists play with different radio wavelenghts and
signals. The DIY Music
concert will showcase inventor of electronic instruments, such as Casper
Electronics. And with I-R-L event,
the latest audivisual experiences are put to the test.

And this new edition will offer the opportunity to meet up
with the different Pixelache nodes and to figure out an event in 2012… to
celebrate the network’s 10 years.

See you there !

——– partners  ——–

In partnership with : la Gaîté Lyrique, la Maison des Métallos, la Fonderie de
l’Image, la Dynamo,
Plateforme, Espace en Cours, Espace d’En Bas, le Bouillon Belge

and : Upgrade!
Paris & MCD, IRL, les Instants Chavirés, Ars Longa

With the support
of : CNC – Dicréam | Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie |
Conseil Régional d’Ile-de-France

——– links  ——–

La Gaîté
1 /06 – Art in Culture
workshop by HONF



Drift @ Dynamo – 16 //06


Utopies Monétaires talks, with Upgrade!Paris

in MCDates @ Maison des Metallos  – 17 /06



Utopies Financières Internationales @ Plateforme 9 – 19



10 & 11/06 – Altlabs Meetings,
WJspots, HONF




Artisans Numériques day at la Fonderie de l’Image le


« Diffractions Transmutatoires » opening at l’Espace d’en Bas, on
June 10th

And  Michel Guillet concert on 18th


I-R-L VJ performances on  June 18th, with Sally
Golding, Vincent Epplay & Sebastien Roux, chdh, {eab}


——– partner events  ——–


From June 8 to 10, Nantes

Meeting organized by PING


PiNG welcomes you to
LABtoLAB@Nantes, 3 days of international meetings on digital creation,
workshops, concerts and performances. This event is part of LABtoLAB meetings
series, started in 2009, between several eropean medialabs.

du Paris-Villette,

des scènes virtuelles

From June 15 to 25


Mélanie Couillaud | Jean-François Peyret | Cécile Saint-Paul
| Annie Abrahams | Lucille Calmel | Eric Watt | Marie Piemontese | Marie
Marfaing | Bérénice | Milad | Véronique Aubouy | Scénographies Open…

19 projects on a theater stage, or
outdoors and distantly, using the networked communication territories. A
patchwork of stages, both real and virtual.

——– ++

Full program on : http://www.malaupixel.org

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Free intermedia and electronic art festival!! #1
Organized by APO33 in Nantes 12-15 May 2011

John Bowers, Oscar Martin (noish), Rybn, LiveScape, Supercolor Panular, Alexandre Quessy, Gisle Froysland, La Peste, Nanofamas, Jerome Noetinger, koz, hardtistik, Electric chicken Crew, Christian Galarreta, Jean Cristofol, Fabrice Gallis, Michel Giroud, Art Clay, Anaisa Franco, Aditya Mandayam, Gabriel Menotti, Jerome Joy, Béatrix Alquier, Pierre-Guillaume Clos, Jenny Pickett, Rep…etc.

details on the programmation here : http://www.electropixel.org

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  • We’re excited to share some positive news: thanks to your support, we’ve secured in funding from the city about one-third of what we usually received before cuts, which has allowed us to regain our operational footing. This is an important milestone, and we’re truly grateful for your solidarity. Thank you for believing in Piksel and our mission. Let’s keep working together to build a vibrant future for art, technology, and society. Warm regards, The Piksel Team

    10 January 2025 @ 2:17 pm

    31 December 2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Please support our petition!! https://chng.it/pJpmgmJvzh

    9 December 2024 @ 8:36 pm

    Streaming now: Transmission~, Luis Sanz

    24 November 2024 @ 2:41 pm

    Streaming now: The Way of Schesa, Ryan Ross Smith and Shawn Lawson

    24 November 2024 @ 2:02 pm

    Piksel needs your support!!
    #piksel #culturecuts #electronicart #mediaart #funding #Bergen

    20 November 2024 @ 11:39 pm

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