Tag: software art

TransPiksel MX exhibition opening

Video from the opening of the TransPiksel MX exhibition at the FAD-XOCH-Galería Luis Nishizawa, Mexico City.


Solar kinetic sculptures ::  Egil Paulsen (Oslo, Norway)
Cociclo ::  Alexandre Castonguay (Canadá)
From DNA to NSA  ::  Maite Cajaraville (Spain) & Gisle Frøysland (Norway)
Olga  ::  Berenice Olmedo en colaboración con BlackLab
Viva  ::  Hersúa / Cristian Delgado / Mary Carmen Jiménez de Loera / Minerva Hernández
El último aliento :: FRONDA (José Luis Romero, Siglinde Langholz y Javier Acevedo Mota)
Los ojos de la milpa  ::  PIEZA COLECTIVA
Rizosfera FM ::  Colectivo Electrobiota (Gabriela Munguía y Guadalupe Chávez)
GrAMo. Gran archivo de Movimiento  ::  [Radiador]
Desmodium máquina  ::  Medialab 2012 del Centro Multimedia
Pacha Transmisión  ::  Guadalupe Chávez
Del tiempo y la luz :: Carlos Johari Pérez Herrera
(in) pulso lunar  ::  Minerva Hernández Trejo

From “ppg256” | From Concrete Perl :: Nick Montfort
For What It’s Worth :: Pall Thayer
Google Badwords :: Wayne Clements
SnowStorm :: Mark Beasley


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PikselSavers – Call for Entries

■■ PikselSavers – Screensavers that makes a difference!

■■ Piksel @ Meta.Morf

As part of the screening programme at the Meta.Morf Biennal in Trondheim, Norway oct. 7 – nov. 7 2010, Piksel will curate a special event called

PikselSavers use the screensaver as a point of departure and inspirational springboard connecting to the main festival theme ‘New.Brave.World’.
We are looking for videos and software based on the screensaver format – short audiovisual (non)narratives made for endless looping.  Possible thematic fields includes but are not restricted to: sustainable resource allocation, renewable technologies, energy harvesting, fair trade hardware, free content, open access, DIY economy, shared development.

■■ Call for Entries

Please use our submission form at https://piksel.no/pulse/pikselsavers or send a mail with  a short description of the work and bio of author(s) to info [at] piksel.no. A preview version of the work should be provided as an online or downloadable video or source code. The following criteria must be met:

– Format: digital video or executable software including sound made to run full screen at minimum 720p resolution.
– The work must be produced using free/open source software.
– Videos should be available in a free/open format (ogg/theora/dirac).
– Software works should be available as source code under a free/open license.

!!! Deadline postponed! – now you have until July 15th 2010 !!!

(continue reading…)

Artist in residence Call for Proposals

Funware Shared Artist in Residence:
Netherlands Media Art Institute, Amsterdam (NL)
BALTAN Laboratories, Eindhoven (NL)
Piksel, Bergen (NO)


BALTAN, NIMk and Piksel have launched an open call for proposals as part of the exhibition project Funware. We are looking for interesting new software art projects that can be developed in the period of June – November 2010 through a shared residency. The new work developed during the residency will be presented in the Funware exhibition at MU in Eindhoven, at HMKV in Dortmund and as part of the Piksel festival 2010.

This residency is a collaboration between three labs, based on a desire to investigate the ways and potential of working within a network of labs that support the exchange and sharing of resources and knowledge. The form of this collaboration aims to provide the most specific and relevant support to artists working on art and technology projects in residence. Knowing the capacities and competences of each lab/organisation, the residency exchange will offer targeted support (in the form of resources, space, technical support, local context and time) to be provided at different stages of the research and development of the project specific to each organisation. Off- and online dissemination of form and content via this partnership and the building of structural relationships are crucial to the collaboration. (continue reading…)

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Tools to Fight Boredom

Tools to Fight Boredom: FLOSS and GNU/Linux for Artists Working in the Field of Generative Music and Software Art. New Article by Marloes de Valk.

This article takes a look at the impact the operating system, programming languages and software, as a whole, have on the practice of artists working in the field of generative music and software art.
Proprietary operating systems lack the openness needed to create an environment that fulfills the specific needs of artists and musicians who program and programmers who produce art and music. “Hackability”,
the possibility to take things apart, modify, adjust, and improve, is an ever more important aspect that software artists and electronic musicians seek to include in their production environment. GNU/Linux and Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) possess this feature, and many more, providing artists with a truly creative and open environment, free of unnecessary technical limitations, predetermined interaction, lack of control over the work environment and dependence on software companies.

The article has been published in Volume 28, Issue 1, 2009 of the Contemporary Music Review journal. This issue, “Generative Music”, has been edited by Nick Collins and Andrew R. Brown. It features other articles from Karen Collins, Andrew R. Brown, Andrew Sorensen, Robert Rowe, Palle Dahlstedt, Margaret Schedel, Alison Rootberg , Paul Berg and Nick Collins.

You can purchase the journal here:
or preview the article online on Marloes’ website:

  • We’re excited to share some positive news: thanks to your support, we’ve secured in funding from the city about one-third of what we usually received before cuts, which has allowed us to regain our operational footing. This is an important milestone, and we’re truly grateful for your solidarity. Thank you for believing in Piksel and our mission. Let’s keep working together to build a vibrant future for art, technology, and society. Warm regards, The Piksel Team

    10 January 2025 @ 2:17 pm

    31 December 2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Please support our petition!! https://chng.it/pJpmgmJvzh

    9 December 2024 @ 8:36 pm

    Streaming now: Transmission~, Luis Sanz

    24 November 2024 @ 2:41 pm

    Streaming now: The Way of Schesa, Ryan Ross Smith and Shawn Lawson

    24 November 2024 @ 2:02 pm

    Piksel needs your support!!
    #piksel #culturecuts #electronicart #mediaart #funding #Bergen

    20 November 2024 @ 11:39 pm

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