Tag: ecology

Monitoring the Environment of Plants

Date: Saturday May 25th
Time: 15:00 to 18:00
Location: Piksel Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, 5055 Bergen
Duration: 3 hours (including break)
Language: English (with Norwegian-speaking assistant present)
For artists and the general public (10 years and older)
Cost: Free
Led by Artists: María Castellanos and Alberto Valverde

Plants exhibit remarkable responsiveness to their environment, reacting to stimuli from humans, other organisms, objects, and various environmental factors such as temperature, sound, and light.

In this workshop, led by the artists María Castellanos and Alberto Valverde , sensors are utilized to monitor the plant’s surroundings in real-time, facilitated by a bespoke web platform tailored for this project. Through this exploration, we aim to deepen our understanding of the intricate interactions between plants and their environment, fostering awareness of the shared coexistence between living entities.

To reserve a place, send an email to piksel24(at)piksel.no with the subject line: Piksel Workshop – Monitoring the Environment of Plants. Kindly include in the email the names of all participants you are registering.

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Piksel KidZ OPEN call for participants!!


a new media art lab for kids!

****To register email to tiril(at)piksel.no ****

The workshops are free to attend, but with a limited number of seats. Sign up NOW!

See english text below..

Er du mellom 8 og 18 år gammel? Så sjekk ut våre KIDZ og ikke-fullt-så-KIDZ verksteder!

Har du en historie å fortelle om Bergen? Og som som du vil andre skal få høre når de går rundt i byen?
City-go! gir deg opplevelsen av en utvidet virkelighet av Bergen by skapt av DEG!
Velg et sted i Bergen som betyr noe spesielt for deg, og fortell oss hvorfor. Du får spille inn historien din og legger den inn i kartet på appen vår, og når noen besøker stedet ditt vil historien bli gjenfortalt!

Har du lyst å lage en robotskulptur som styres av sollys? Sammen med kunstneren Egil Paulsen vil du få produsere skulpturer som får energien sin fra solen, og omformer denne til kinetisk energi. Kunstverkene som produseres av deltakerne vil bli en del av utstillingen Piksel Kids under Pikselfestivalen, 2015.

Er du nysgjerrig på vann og klima? Hva betyr det at vannet er sunt eller usunt, og hva trengs i vannet for at dyr og organismer skal kunne leve i det? På dette verkstedet får du lage dine egne sensorer og instrumenter til å teste vannkvaliteten med, og resultatene blir visualisert i Minecraft! Vi drar til sjøen i Bergen og tester hvordan det går med vannet der. Bli med, og vær en miljøbiolog for to dager!

er du mellom 8 og 1 8 år gammel? Så sjekk ut våre KIDZ og ikke-fullt-så-KIDZ verksteder!

Verkstedene er gratis, men med begrenset plass
For påmelding, send email til: tiril (at) piksel.no (merk med Piksel Kidz)

Are you between 8 and 18 years old? Check out our KIDZ and no so KIDZ electronic workshops!

Do you have a story to tell us about Bergen? Do you want everybody to hear when they walk throughout the city?
City-go! proposes an augmented aurality experience of the Bergen city created by YOU.
Choose a point in Bergen and tell us a story about it. Record the story in a sound studio and attach it to the Bergen map thorugh an smartphone app. When somebody visit the same location with their phone, the stories become alive again!


Would you like to make a sculpture that gets alive with the sun?
With the participation of the artist Egil Paulsen, you will produce robotic sculptures whose energy source is the sun. These sculptures make up small engines that convert solar energy into kinetic energy. The art produced by all participants will be part of the exhibition Piksel Kids program within the Piksel Festival 2015.


Are you a “water curious?”, does a certain temperature and muddy water mean the water is healthy? Or do we need water full of useful stuff for animals to live in it?
In this workshops, you will be “making” your own computer sensors and devices to test the water. Will go to the Bergen shores and test how is the water doing in here. Join us to be an environmental biologist for 2 days!!!

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Festival Mal au Pixel #4 / art + écologie / du 2 au 7 juin


MAL AU PIXEL #4 / Mal au futur ?
Electronic subcultures festival
June 2nd to 7th 2009 / www.malaupixel.org

EXHIBITION • opening on Tuesday June 2nd • From 6pm to 11pm
Until Sunday June 7th • free entrance

Mal au Pixel festival brings together young digital artists and unconventionnal electronics : unexpected technologies, prototypes and open ended events. For the 4th edition of the festival, we will once more be looking  at connecting technology, urban electronics and environmental issues, this time to investigate our ecological beliefs.

With : Richard Box (UK), HeHe (Fr), Beatriz da Costa (US), Nicolas Montgermont et Nicolas Maigret (Fr), Jenny Pickett et Julien Ottavi (UK, Fr), Djeff Regottaz (Fr), Calvacreation (Ve, Fr), Maja Djordjevic (Sr). (continue reading…)

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  • 📣 Piksel brings IDLE to Ars Electronica📣
    Piksel is pleased to announce our participation in STWST48x10 NOPE, part of the Ars Electronica festival, taking place from September 6 to 8, 2024, in Linz, Austria. This year, Piksel will showcase IDLE, our digital platform designed for collaborative art and live performance, both as an exhibition and a presentation. https://stwst48x10.stwst.at/en/idle
    #PikselFest #PikselCyberSalong #idle #stwst48x10 #arselectronica

    3 September 2024 @ 1:51 pm

    The Piksel Newsletter for August is out with more info about the Piksel Festival Call for Projects, IDLE at STWST48x10 NOPE and Stormy Fridays.Read it online here: https://piksel.no/?na=view&id=57
    #PikselFest #PikselCyberSalong #newsletter #bergen #norway

    17 August 2024 @ 1:58 pm

    📣 Friendly Reminder: Open Call for Projects! 📣
    Piksel24 | November 21-23, 2024 | Bergen, Norway
    Piksel is excited to announce the call for innovative online and physical projects for the 22nd edition of the Piksel Festival!
    We're especially interested in projects that explore our virtual gallery, IDLE. https://idle.piksel.no/
    more and apply at https://pretalx.com/piksel24/ by September 1st, 2024,

    6 August 2024 @ 2:48 pm

    Piksel24November 21-23 2024Bergen, Norway
    Dear friends,
    We are excited to announce the call for projects for the 22nd edition of the Piksel Festival!

    10 July 2024 @ 12:27 pm

    Piksel Fest Spill – Finnisage
    Silent Vegetal Thoughts closing event and IDLE Virtual Instruments Performance.
    Date: Friday, June 28thTime: 18:00 - 21:00Location: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207
    To finish up Piksel Fest Spill, we invite you to spend some additional moments with the plants before their time controlling Studio 207's lights and sounds comes to an end.
    In addition, we are excited to showcase the IDLE Virtual Instruments with an AV performance.
    #piksel #IDLE #Bergen #Studio207

    19 June 2024 @ 1:46 pm

    IDLE Virtual Instruments Workshop
    For musicians, artists, programmers, and VR professionals.
    Date: June 20thTime: 15:00-18:00Where: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, BergenSignup: Email piksel24(at)piksel(dot)no
    the IDLE Virtual Instruments workshop, Piksel invites musicians, artists, programmers, and VR professionals to continue exploring the potential uses of Virtual Instruments, emphasizing the artistic standpoint.

    19 June 2024 @ 1:41 pm

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