Date: 06.-08. August 2010
Location: Skjerjehamn [Norway]
We are sorry to inform that the Piksel SummerCamp 2010 is cancelled.
Due to reorganization of management on the camp location, there has been a delay in setting up the practical framework for the stay and giving potential participants the information needed to confirm their arrival. We thank you for your interest, and hope to see you again at future Piksel events.
Piksel Summer Camp is international gathering of artists, developers and creators that work with free and open technologies, taking place at the idyllic island of Skjerjehamn outside Bergen, Norway.
The Summer Camp is a participatory event aiming to bring forth new, fruitful collaborations, organized according to BarCamp principles and in the spirit of free and open source development.
The program will consist of presentations, workshops and performative events proposed and organized by the participants themselves before and during the Summer Camp. A particular focus is set on hands-on exploration, discussion and development of tools and applications for open video editing technologies.
Participation is open to everyone, and there is no fee.
Use this online form or send a mail to: info [AT] piksel.no to register.
This list will be updated as participants register for the event.
The Piksel Summer Camp program wiki is under construction, and will be available for event proposals soon.
You will need to register before entering event suggestions.
Accommodation: Skjerjehamn offers accommodation either at the island hotel, or by camping in the beautiful surrounding area.
More detailed information about prices and travel routes will come very soon.
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May 12th, 2010 on 14:35
[…] Piksel SummerCamp […]
June 19th, 2010 on 19:15
[…] is now open. !!!! Deadline – JULY 01. 2010 !!!! Please use our online form to register: http://www.piksel.no/pulse/summercamp/reg10 MORE: http://www.piksel.no/pulse/summercamp SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Piksel SummerCamp Call […]