Welcome to the Piksel Satellite Performance Event for ICLC the 2024 International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC), Shanghai 2024.
The International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC) is a global platform dedicated to exploring technologies and philosophies interpreting computer code as gesture within live performances. Hosted by NYU Shanghai, ICLC fosters dialogue and innovation within the live coding community worldwide.
On June 8th guest artists Blaž Pavlica from Slovenia and Flor de Fuego based in Germany, perform the virtual instrument through Hydra instances live coding within IDLE, the Inclusive Digital Laboratory for Experimental Art at Studio 207 in Bergen.
The Inclusive Digital Laboratory for Experimental Art (IDLE), based in Studio 207, Bergen, is an innovative art project focused on making art more accessible via the internet. Initiated by Piksel, IDLE has undergone significant development, including the establishment of a virtual gallery, integration of IoT systems into Studio 207, and the creation of virtual audio and visual instruments for remote performances. https://idle.piksel.org/
IDLE innovative virtual instruments: IDLE is inviting local and international artists to challenge IDLE’s performing possibilities. During the EFFEA residency last year, guest artists Blaž and Flor de Fuego, contributed to create a virtual instrument. On June 8th they will perform at the collaborative playground in the virtual gallery and extend its influence to the physical Studio 207.
Virtual Instruments are abstract instruments in the virtual space that can be musical or visual and they work taking into account the position of the avatars in the space, or their interaction with others. Collaborative interactions affect the physical and virtual gallery changing the color of the led lights, or applying different visual and audio effects over both venues.
Artists, art students and audiovisual performers are welcome to participate in the workshops to learn how to use the virtual instruments and create new performances using the developed tools. Join us the 13th and 20th of june. Participants will perform right after the workshops on public events!
Full program Live Coding at Piksel Fest Spill 2024
June 8th 23-24h: Satellite event in Bergen produced for the International conference for Live Coding in Shanghai (ICLC). International performance by Blaž Pavlica (SL) and Flor de fuego (AR/DE) Live Event at the Piksel TV Channel (https://www.twitch.tv/pikselfest) and at Studio 207 in Bergen. ()
June 13th, 20th: 15-18h IDLE Virtual Instruments Workshops for art students, artists and general public. 18h: Art Experiences Performances featuring by the participants.
June 28th: 20 h: Exhibition Program Closure 22 h: Final JAM IDLE Performance
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Imagine the future. Humans, computing machines, and various types of hybrids share the space they live in. Senses are altered, some are inextricably linked to computing devices. Electricity is used to control the space and beings living in it. Humans take responsibility to reshape social ties to avoid being controlled by corporations and machines.
The project You and I, You and Me explores the impact of the environment through electricity. How far could electricity help in understanding the other? Is there a possibility to alter human senses by electric impulses? During the participatory event, the audience is invited to experience the environment, including other humans, by wearing jewellery, shoes, and headwear.
The project production was supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture, and the Nordic Council of Ministers https://youtu.be/NmVE_78Y43o
The workshop will guide through the different wearables objects: jewellery, headwear and shoes which leads to different public interactions:
Collection of wearables
Jewellery The collection of jewelry questions the impact of differently charged ions on humans. By definition, an ion is an electrically charged particle produced by either removing or adding electrons from or to a neutral atom being in every solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. These differently charged subatomic particles, while interacting, generate electric current. Consequently, humans also generate electric current. What are the abilities of humans to generate electric current and, while using it, experience the environment?
The jewelry pieces hold within it a small LED powered by the human body. Being very sensitive, the flashing of the LED depends on humidity, temperature, contact to the body, and other parameters that affect the components used for the circuit.
Headwear. The project was inspired by research on brain-to-brain interfaces, including the study “A Brain-to-Brain Interface for Real-Time Sharing of Sensorimotor Information” by Miguel Pais-Vieira et al. Following the research, the collection of wearables questions the boundaries of empathy. Aesthetically, the project refers to traditional headwear and the role of headwear in signalling human identity to others.
The headwear uses medical strategies based on brain cell communication: the electrical impulses are detected while using electroencephalography (EEG), and brain stimulation is triggered by passing DC current through electrodes (tDCS), a non-invasive method to treat depressive disorder, increase empathic abilities, or decrease antisocial behaviour in violent offenders.
Shoes The collection of shoes uses excess human heat, which is turned into electricity to generate sound. At the same time, shoes refer to daily clothing, something humans wear to protect themselves from unexpected environmental obstacles, including other organisms that are not necessarily always friendly to humans as well as cold. While being affected by the ambient temperature, light, and movement, the shoes suggest rethinking human’s relationship with nature.
Furthermore, the collection critiques the hype surrounding renewable energy, which often pollutes the environment no less than the energy obtained from burning gas or coal. Could excess human heat be considered renewable energy?
About Mindaugas Gapševičius http://triple-double-u.com/you-and-i-you-and-me/
Mindaugas Gapševičius (born 1974) lives and works in Berlin, Weimar and Vilnius. His workquestions machine creativity without presuming that the human being is the sole creative force. He has completed MA studies at the Vilnius Academy of Arts in 1999 and received a Master of Philosophy degree from the Goldsmiths University of London. He is a creative fellow at the Bauhaus University in Weimar since 2015. Gapševičius was one of the initiators and founders of Institutio Media, the first Lithuanian media art platform (1998), as well as the European Migrating Art Academies network for emerging artists (2008). Along with colleagues from the TOP association, he initiated the first TOP community biolaboratory in Berlin (2016). In 2019 he established Alt lab, a laboratory for non-disciplinary research in Vilnius. Gapševičius’s works have been shown at the Ars Electronica festival in Linz (2019, 2020), the National Gallery of Art and MO Museum in Vilnius (2019), Piksel festival in Bergen (2018), RIXC art and science festival in Riga (2016), Pixelache festival in Helsinki (2015 and 2016), Pixxelpoint festival in Nova Goritsa (2014), KUMU Museum in Tallin (2011).
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Number of Participants: 10-15 Place: Bergen Dance Center, Georgernes Verft 12, 5011 Bergen Time: Saturday 20th of November from 10-14h Duration: 4 hours
Responsive Body is a dynamic system created by Roosna & Flak based on listening to yourself and the environment, training sensitivity and coordination as well as strength and stamina. Its purpose is to develop a strong, resilient and intelligent body that is open to internal and external impulses.
Roosna & Flak created the training from a need to prepare for a wide range of challenges. The system is under continuous evolution as a result of an ongoing movement practice and teaching.
The training starts with a gentle warm-up to access the breath and the joints, before bringing up the pulse and working through the major muscle groups. This is followed by a section focusing on more complex coordination and use of space, preparing for individual and partnering work, where the focus is on creating movement material based on listening to impulses from both outside and inside the body. This leads to more in-depth investigation into both creating and organizing material into choreographic structures.
Towards the end of the workshop sensor technology is brought into the game, enabling the research of a new set of connections between movement and sound. For this we use our own set of sensors.
Workshop leaders would offer a hands-on introduction to performing physically with movement sensors, developing the necessary sensibilities for producing sound and movement as an integrated whole.
Internationally active choreographers and dancers Külli Roosna (Estonia) and Kenneth Flak (Norway) have been collaborating since 2008. Whether they are creating their own choreographies or collaborating with others, their work deals with the narratives and technologies of the body. They have explored a wide range of themes, including deep ecology, Viking mythology, totalitarianism and internet culture. The core of their work is human experience in interconnected realities. This is often explored through the dancing body’s possibilities and limitations, in a constant dialogue with the digital technologies and discourses that extend and counterpoint it.
They have performed their works all over the world. Additionally, they teach Responsive Body movement technique, composition, and sensor programming at various universities and festivals, adapting their methodology and content to different contexts.
Their interactive music and dance performance Blood Music was nominated for the Estonian Dance Awards 2015; Stalking Paradise, a commission work for Lublin Dance Theater, was selected for the biannual Polish Dance Days. Prime Mover (2018) and Two Body Orchestra (2020) were nominated for the Estonian Dance Awards.
Külli Roosna (EE)
Born 1981, is an Estonian dancer, choreographer and teacher. She graduated Tallinn University in 2005 as a choreographer/dancer and continued her studies in Rotterdam Dance Academy in the Netherlands, obtaining her second bachelor degree in 2007.
In 2013 she obtained an MA of choreography at Tallinn University.
She has worked with international choreographers Stian Danielsen, Karen Foss, Kari Hoaas, Cid Perlman, Richard Siegal, Dylan Newcomb, Fine5 Dance Theater, and many others.
In 2010 her solo performance Circle Through was awarded the First Prize at the International Festival of Modern Choreography in Vitebsk, Belarus. She is the recipient of the 2017 Pärnu City Creative Stipendium.
Her teaching and performing has brought her to festivals, universities and theaters in Estonia, Norway, The Netherlands, Poland, Jordan, India, Japan, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, Sweden, Germany, France, Russia, Finland, Lithuania, Belarus, and South Korea. In 2014-15 she was board member of Estonian Dance Artist Union and head of its Stipendium commission.
Kenneth Flak (NO)
Born 1975, is a Norwegian dancer, choreographer, composer and teacher. He has performed in the works of André Gingras, Dansdesign, Richard Siegal, Kari Hoaas, Preeti Vasudevan and many others.
He is educated at the National Academy of Dramatic Arts in Norway and the Amsterdam Arts School in the Netherlands.
In 2007 he received a Bessie Performer’s Award in New York for his interpretation of Gingras’ solo CYP17. In 2010 he was nominated for the BNG Award in Amsterdam for his choreography Of Gods and Driftwood.
Flak has taught contemporary dance and sound design at universities and festivals around the world.
A self-taught composer and creative coder, he makes music and interactive tools for live choreographies and dance films.
He was chair of Norwegian Arts Council Commission for Dance 2018-2020.
Press Kahe keha orkester, Anu Jurisson, Pärnu Postimees, 26 March 2021. Post-dramaatiline tantsu-uurimus ja numbriballett, Heili Einasto, Postimees, 12 November 2020 Kehad tehnoloogia ja tantsu puutepunktis, Iiris Viirpalu, Sirp, 23 October 2020 Video: Sõltumatu Tantsu Laval kohtuvad kehad ja tehnoloogia, ERR kultuur, 6 Oktober 2020 Olemise protsess, Eline Selgis, STL, 29 September 2020
Media 11 January 2019: Elu pingeväljade liikumapanev jõud (Marie Pullerits, Sirp) 13 November 2018: [Külli Roosna rääkis tantsulavastusest “Prime Mover”](https://treraadio.bandcamp.com/track/1 November 018-k-lli-roosna-r-kis-tantsulavastusest-prime-mover) (Tre raadio) 12 November 2018: Külli Roosna lavastusest “Prime Mover”: see sündis meie endi elust (Ester Vilgats, ERR) 12 November 2018: Endlas esietendub pärnakate rahvusvaheline tantsulavastus (Anu Jürisson, Pärnu Postimees) 12 November 2018: Endla Teatris toimub tantsulavastuse “Prime Mover” Eesti esietendus (ERR) 5 November 2018: Video: katkend Külli Roosna ja Kenneth Flaki uuslavastusest “Prime Mover” (ERR) 2 November 2018: Tütrekese sünd ärgitas looma Endla Küünis tantsulavastust (Anu Jürisson, Pärnu Postimees)
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Live coding Algorave performance Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.
Piksel Fest Spill 2020 29th of May – 23:00 – 24:00 Live coding Algorave performance by Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.
Venues: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, BERGEN Piksel Cyber Salon -https://hubs.mozilla.com/qpMLs2c/piksel-fest-spill/
Live coding Algorave performance Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean. Live coding is a performance practice that revolves around the creation and modification of code and algorithms in real-time. This kind of events are also named ALGORAVE, joining the words algorithm and rave. The 29th of May we welcome the artists Antonio Roberts and Alex McLean and their live audiovisual performance, taking place in parallel at the Studio 207 and at the Cyber Salon.
The venues
Piksel Cyber Salon. Piksel invites you to have a cyber experience and to join us at our hybrid activities. Piksel Cyber Salon will host part of the Copy Paste exhibition, workshops, performances and lectures. Join us!
Piksel youtube@Piksel Produksjoner
Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, BERGEN The new Piksel/Borealis space in town for electronic art, experimental music and adventurous listening.
Piksel Fest Spill is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway and ProHelvetia.
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– 17:00
– Exhibition
– S59 and Piksel Studio 207
– 13:00
– Workshop
video manipulation software Gregoire
Rousseau, Piksel
Studio 207
– 13:00- Workshop
/ Biological sensing using Arduino and other open source approaches,
Cy Keener, Piksel
Studio 207
– 17:00
– Workshop
Feet by Instituto Stocos: Pablo Palacio, Daniel Bisig, Muriel Romero,
Studio 207
– 17:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s + Special guest – Piksel
Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet
– 17:00 – Lecture Post-news
journalism: Art meets journalism talk, Hossein Derakhshan, Bergen
Public Library
– 21:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s – Piksel
Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet
21:00 – 03:00 – AV Performances – Østre Invisible Ecologies, Gabriela Munguía (MX) Jana Jan vs. čirnŭ (NO/ES) ALOES: The Road, Alex van Giersbergen, Marloes van Son (NL/FI) Juan Antonio Nieto (ES) Limit of the Off-limit, Nnja Riot, Lisa McKendrick (UK/NZ)
23rd Nov
– 17:00 – Exhibition – S59
and Piksel Studio 207
– 13:00
– Workshop
Smart Futures, Andreas
Zingerle, Davide Bevilacqua, Linda Kronman, Piksel
Studio 207
– 17:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s +
Special guest – Piksel Hut //
Utestuen i Skostredet
– 21:00 – Installation and Piksel
DJ’s – Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet
21:00 to 03:00 – AV Performances – Østre OECUMENE, Pablo Palacios, Muriel Romero, Daniel Bisig (ES) Crystal Moss Core Force, Noish (ES) Jukka Hautamäki (FI) Transduction, Matt Spendlove (UK) Agnes Pe (ES) + Aleksandar Bradic (US)
—- Piksel is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Hordaland Kommune, Community of Madrid, Austrian Embassy, Acción Cultural Española, Inaem, Pro Helvetia and BEK.
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AV Performances nightsDownload AV Performances PDF program Interactive dance, laser performance, opti-sonic intervention, live coding muscles controlled, extreme computer music, electronic performances, voice and noise, psychoacoustic effects and environmental magnitudes into sound, light and movement.
PIKSEL19 – e/co,li:b-re.bel The 17th annual Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies is hosting three performance days. Thursday at the Piksel Pavilion from 4pm to 6pm. Friday and Saturday at Østre from 21:00 to 24:00, Piksel resident DJs will be playing until the very end of the night. Along the three days, Piksel Hut, the Utestuen i Skostredet will serve as a Piksel meeting point with installations and special guests from 15:00 to 17:00 and 19:00 to 21:00.
Audiovisual Performances PROGRAM
Thursday 21st Nov —————————————————————————————
16:00-18:00 – AV performance Piksel Music pavilion
18:00 – 20:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet
15:00 – 17:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet
19:00 – 21:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s + special guest Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet
21:00 to 03:00 – AV Performances Østre Invisible Ecologies, Gabriela Munguía (AR) Jana Jan vs. čirnŭ (NO/ES) ALOES: The Road, Alex van Giersbergen, Marloes van Son (NL/FI) Juan Antonio Nieto Limit of the Off-limit, Nnja Riot, Lisa McKendrick (UK/NZ)
Saturday 23rd Nov —————————————————————————————–
15:00 – 17:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet
19:00 – 21:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s + special guest Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet
21:00 to 03:00 – AV Performances Østre OECUMENE, Pablo Palacios, Muriel Romero, Daniel Bisig (ES) Crystal Moss Core Force, Noish (ES) Jukka Hautamäki (FI) Transduction, Matt Spendlove (UK) Agnes Pe (ES) + Aleksandar Bradic (US)
Thursday 21st Nov 16:00-18:00
at the Piksel Music pavilion
From 16:00 to 18:00, the music pavilion in Bergen will be known as the Pixel Pavilion, flooding the city center of Bergen in light and sound. Always updated on the latest and greatest in electronics, the pavilion will play host to the music of Agnes Pe along with the stunning visuals of Aleksandar Brandic, two Piksel artists doing high impact performances guaranteed to make you want to explore the entire Piksel festival program this year.
Bleep: A visual detour in Synthetic Biology Aleksandar Bradic https://bleep.live
Bleep is a new Open Source MIDI-driven browser-based vector graphics live coding framework, and is being used to create a event-specific visual narrative exploring the topic of Synthetic Biology. This visual work is based on the recontextualization of SynBio visual language, as well as the relevant data and research content from the field, to create a high-information-density abstract narrative posing questions at the intersection of biology, knowledge, and computation. The piece represents a kind of a random walk through synthetic, algorithmically generated design spaces, which are controlled and modulated in real-time by muscle actions of the performer. In this way, the work questions the relevance of human action in our increasingly algorithmically determined reality. All code and visual assets created for this work, as well as the hardware controller used for the performance, is entirely Open Source Software/Hardware.
Invisible ecologies is the result of a series of sensing and amplification devices of different environmental magnitudes such as wind speed and the process of mineral erosion. From the construction of various open source technologies, a series of machinery articulate different geological natural processes in the form of sound, light and movement. From a poetic and philosophical study on the possible processes of co-creation with nature, I am interested in the metamorphic relationship between scientific representation and artistic creation through technological experimentation.
Jana Jan vs. čirnŭ Ivan Andre Paulsen, Itziar Markiegi (NO/ES)
Loud, extreme and unrepentant; both čirnŭ and Jana Jan are known for uncompromising and intense live-sets. After being thrown together for the first time at the Bruital Furore festival in 2019, finding their individual styles resonated quite nicely with each other – they decided to join forces again.
ALOES: The Road ((NL/FI) Alex van Giersbergen, Marloes van Son http://marloesvanson.nl/aloes/aloes.php
The audiovisual composition ‘The Road’ is inspired by endless bus-trips on winter roads and the ambiguous feeling of being away from home. ALOES moves along an abstract road through a computer generated landscape of ghostly visuals. They translate their travels into melodic soundscapes with self-built digital synthesizers, field recordings and voice. The sound is created using Arduino-based instruments, field recordings, a looper and voice. The accompanying visuals are live generated with custom made software.
Juan Antonio Nieto (ES) https://pangea-juanantonionieto.blogspot.com/
Juan Antonio Nieto is a Spanish experimental musician. He plays live electronics using field recordings as a raw material. His records have been published on labels as Moozak, Trente Oiseaux, Mandorla, Experimedia, Impulsive Habitat, Plus Timbre, Test Tube, A.M.P., and Luscinia among others. He has won the Radical dB award in the category audio/performance in 2016.
Limit of the Off-limit Nnja Riot, Lisa McKendrick (UK/NZ) http://www.listenlisse.co.uk/nnja-riot.html
Nnja Riot’s music is an exploration into the possibilities of instruments, electronics, collected sounds and the human voice. She performs with a combination of instruments, self-built synths and video synths. She has co-designed the Fort Processor which is a stand alone oscillating synth. Nnja Riot is the solo project of Lisa McKendrick who is based in London and born in New Zealand. Recently she has performed at Noise Shed, Sound Art Improv Electronics – Salon de Refuses, The Intimate Space at St Mary’s Tower, Classical Enemy in Noise Waters (The Golden Hinde), Skronktronic, Dronica Festival, Queer+_ Noise, Common Ground, Berlin, Liminality – Gallery 46, ELECTROLIGHTS AV, Gleetch, EVTV, EAM Experimental Electronics, Sotu Festival Amsterdam, Supernoise Festival Aarhus. She was featured in MusicTech magazine January 2019, The Sunday Tribune May 2019, Loose Lips blog, Noods Radio, Dronica Podcast, Resonance FM, Female Pressure Radio podcast and ZRadio.
Saturday 23rd Nov 21:00 to 03:00
Special event, interactive dance OECUMENE Pablo Palacios, Muriel Romero, Daniel Bisig (ES) https://www.stocos.com/
Oecumene is an interactive dance and music piece that reflects on the role of the individual in the world, expanded through technology beyond the limits of her geographical birthplace or cultural identity of origin. The piece employs an original technology that allows the dancer to interact in real time with lights and a sound reflection of the multidimensionality of the world that surrounds us.
The piece employs real-time analysis of movement qualities, generative algorithms to create musical structures and control the synthesis of sound and light. In addition several types of sensors and hardware have been specially designed for the piece: pressure
sensitive shoes, inertial Movement Units ( IMU) and Interactive Lasers.
Extreme computer music that explore chaotic and generative territories. Software under linux ubuntu; pure data, supercollider. Hardware: axolot and attack delay. Design of the release by Carlos Valverde and text by Lucia C Pino.
Live electronics sound performance. Jukka Hautamäki (FI) http://jukkahautamaki.com/
Hautamäki’s sound performances are microscopic studies into electronic sound picking up electromagnetic radiation and interference from under-hood work lights, electromagnetic sources, coil mics, diy amps, radio waves, fluorence lights,… Hautamäki addresses the concept of “forced” improvisation using difficult interfaces, and turning chaos and trash-aesthetics into instruments of live electronics. In his live electronics performance practice he experiments with interfacing, by integrating bodily performance with media technology.
Transduction Matt Spendlove (UK) http://spatial.infrasonics.net/transduction
Transduction is a performative opti-sonic intervention designed for projection and multi-channel sound. Presented as an abstract animation of visual music, illusory visual and psychoacoustic effects probe perception via experimental psychological processes and kinetic optical techniques. The performance is algorithmically generated and manipulated in realtime via live coding.
SNUFF Agnes Pe (ES) https://www.agnespe.com/
SNUFF !! It is the parasitic kidnapping of live radio broadcast to turn it into a single sound matter: no interviews, no news, no music, no announcements, without all those conventions that have been generated around the radio medium. The sound planes disappear.
Piksel19 is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Hordaland County, Community of Madrid, Austrian Embassy, Acción Cultural Española, Inaem, Pro Helvetia. and BEK.
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PIKSEL19 – e/co,li:bre The 17th annual Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies, is pleased to announce OECUMENE, an interactive dance and music piece premiering in Bergen as an special event by Piksel19 Festival.
OECUMENE reflects on the role of the individual in the world, expanded through technology beyond the limits of her geographical birthplace or cultural identity of origin.
Oecumene is a piece that explores the creative possibilities of interactively controlling sound and light synthesis models. In this piece, a dancer experience through improvisation the relationships between their expressive movement qualities, and their translation into sound and light entities To relate the qualities of expressive movement of a dancer with the creation of musical and light material, the piece employs real-time analysis of movement qualities, generative algorithms to create musical structures and control the synthesis of sound and light. In addition several types of sensors and hardware have been specially designed for the piece: pressure sensitive shoes, inertial Movement Units ( IMU) and Interactive Lasers. These sensors and systems have been manufactured by the technical team specifically for this production.
The Oecumene is a term that comes from the Alexandrian ideal of Cosmopolis: the world inhabited as a whole, as the common possession of the civilized humanity of free men and women. A concept developed in this creation for a dancer and immersive sound and visual design, in which she enters and interacts with visual simulations of natural phenomena and sonic landscape composed of thousands of sounds coming from multiple places on the planet. The development of the expressive qualities of dance in relation to this tapestry of universal sounds and visuals in constant transformation, work as an organism that mirrors the trans-cultural syncretism of the world that we have to live.
Oecumene is a piece that explores the creative possibilities of interactively controlling sound and light synthesis models. In this piece, a dancer experience through improvisation the relationships between their expressive movement qualities, and their translation into sound and light entities To relate the qualities of expressive movement of a dancer with the creation of musical and light material, the piece employs real-time analysis of movement qualities, generative algorithms to create musical structures and control the synthesis of sound and light. In addition several types of sensors and hardware have been specially designed for the piece: pressure sensitive shoes, inertial Movement Units ( IMU) and Interactive Lasers. These sensors nd systems have been manufactured by the technical team specifically for this production.
Dance Technology, Interactive Sonification, Music and Movement
CHOREOGRAPY: Muriel Romero MUSIC : Pablo Palacio INTERACTIVE VISUAL SIMULATION : Daniel Bisig INTERACTIVE SONIFICATION : Pablo Palacio PERFORMANCE: Muriel Romero SOFTWARE AND INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY: Instituto Stocos, Daniel Bisig and Pablo Palacio. LIGHTING: Juan Carlos Gallardo PRODUCTION: Instituto Stocos. SUPPORTS:Comunidad de Madrid, Inaem, Beirut
Piksel19 is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Hordaland County, Community of Madrid, Austrian Embassy, Acción Cultural Española, Inaem, Pro Helvetia and BEK.
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30th of May AV Performance @Piksel Pavilion from 21:00 – 23:00 LIVE CODING Music, Toccata for two keyboards Hlöðver Sigurðsson (IS) LIVE CODING Visuals with Visual Hifa, Valentín Vago (CH)
Piksel Pavilion – The central info point for Piksel Fest Spill
The 30th of March, Piksel comes back to the Music Pavillion in Bergen with 2 hours of audiovisual live performances. The music pavilion will be electronically updated to host different Piksel artists doing high impact performances as a preview of what is going to happen at the Piksel Festival.
Piksel Pavilion are LIVE CODING sessions focused on sound and visuals.
Hlöðver Sigurðsson (IS) is a computer musician and composer from Reykjavik. His performances has been seen at the Spektrum (berlín), Piksel Festival (Bergen) and Sonic Code Sessions Showcase, part of vorspiel of Transmediale 2017.
Valentín Vago (CH) In 2016 I decided to create a new software called Visual Fiha which allows the generation of visuals based on live coding and real time audio analysis. I have been performing alongside with international DJs and producers.
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31st of May Workshops @Piksel Studio 207 from 14:00 – 18:00
To sign up send and email to piksel19(at)piksel(dot)no with the subject Live Coding Visuals
Visual live coding
in the browser with Visual Fiha by Valentin Vago (CH)
The Visual Fiha web
app is a personal and non-commercial project from Valentin Vago
(zeropaper) aimed for him to experiment with web related
It is a free VJing
software that runs in browsers. The development of the first version
of Visual Fiha begun in October 2016. That first version was based on
the amazing AmpersandJS library, it supported live manipulation of
THREE.js scenes, HTML5 canvas, SVG, HTML with CSS, integrated the P5
library as well and implemented the concept of signals.Visual Fiha
was first used for a live performance in December 2016 and a first
workshop took place in May 2017 in Moscow.
Valentín Vago (CH)
In 2016 I decided to
create a new software called Visual Fiha which allows the generation
of visuals based on live coding and real time audio analysis. I have
been performing alongside with international DJs and producers.
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of May Workshops @Piksel Studio 207 from 14:00 – 18:00
To sign up send and email to piksel19(at)piksel(dot)no with the subject Live Coding Music
This workshop is an introduction to real-time music creation with emphasis on Csound and Supercollider to a lesser extend. Csound has the ability to run everywhere and on every platform (eg. android, raspberry-pi, Bela, iOS or web-browser) and is relatively easy to learn compared to other computer music languages. I will introduce my own live-coding system Panaeolus as well as other live coding platforms which I have used. Participants will create their own web-based instrument or web-based installation (webstallation), which will be hosted online.
Hlöðver Sigurðsson
(IS) is a computer musician and composer from Reykjavik. His
performances has been seen at the Spektrum (berlín), Piksel Festival
(Bergen) and Sonic Code Sessions Showcase, part of vorspiel of
Transmediale 2017.
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dates: 25th of May – 16th of June
(Mondays closed)
hours: 15:00 – 18:00
Bergen 2019
“I remembers the radio broadcasts from London during World War II and Norway’s king stiffening the resolve of his subjects under German occupation. ”
Judith Haaland, 98
The Paraset (Paratrooper radio set) was one of the most notorious of all the transceivers used by the partisan clandestine radio operators during WWII. Often transported in food baskets, suitcases, and other obscure places, it was used for clandestine radio communication primarily in Norway and Europe. The equipment is known as the “Paraset” because it was dropped by parachute for field agents. A fascinating piece of history.
With this exhibition Piksel wants to make an homage to the radio as a device and also to the importance of the listeners. In a historical moment where the FM analogue radio has been shot down and there are voices that claims that “Norway is not prepared for this.” and “Of course there is a lot of nostalgia in radio. That’s one of the reasons this switch is so controversial.” Piksel wants to bring some fresh air doing both, recalling the analogue radio and bringing new low-cost digital technologies to the people, radio-makers and emitters.
One of the well known examples of Victor Papanek’s “designs for the real world” is that of a radio receiver for the third world. Produced from very simple, “cottage” like materials, such as an used juice can, paraffin wax and a wick as power source, the radio was non-directional, receiving any and all stations simultaneously. “But, as Victor Papanek will comment, in emerging countries, this was then of an importance: there was only one broadcast (carried by relay towers placed about fifty miles apart”. And, as Papanek continues, “It was much more than a clever little gadget, constituting a fundamental communication device for preliterate areas of the world. After being tested successfully in the mountains of North Carolina (an area where only one broadcast is easily received), the device was demonstrated to the Army. They were shocked. “What if a Communist”, they asked, “gets to the microphone?” The question is meaningless. The most important intervention is to make information of all kinds freely accessible to people.”
This story of the non‐expensive, locally adapted produced radio receiver is the starting point for an exhibition and a workshop which deals with different aspects of radio broadcasting: From the way a radio receiver and a radio transmitter are produced to radio infrastructure, and from the delivered information to the means of questioning its accuracy and validity. The exhibition will consider a historical perspective, but will mostly bring into discussion researches related to the present forms of radio infrastructure and radio phenomena, as well as strategies and tactics of radio‐based interventions.
List of works and artists:
Repertories of (in)discreetness
Tincuta Heinzel & Lasse Scherffig
∏‐Node Platform
Embodied RF Ecologies
Afroditi Psarra
Workshop Do your own radio! ∏-box : streaming and local FM radio broadcasting with a raspberry pi ∏‐Node
Piksel Fest Spill is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, the Wallonie-Bruxelles International and Rumanska Kultur Institutet.
Repertories of (in)discreetness Tincuta Heinzel & Lasse Scherffig
Largely used during the Soviet Revolution, the “new” communication mediums of the beginning of 20th century’s played an important role in the Soviets’s propaganda strategy during the 1917‐1918 revolution [3]. The same strategy was equally adopted during the installation of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe. The policies at the time have encouraged the production and the acquisition of radio devices by a large number in order to ensure the impact of the propaganda, while in the same time, the content of the broadcasting was subjected to a strict control.
Using this infrastructure, the USA and their Western alliances were trying to counter the communist propaganda. The creation of Radio Free Europe aimed to deliver “truth” and “objective” information. In the same way, radio phenomena (like interference) were used as technical interventions.
Repertories of (in)discreetness project has its starting point in the archives of Radio Free Europe from the Open Society Archives in Budapest. It questions the act and mechanisms of archiving “the Other”, with a focus on the European “East”. The project discusses the ways in which information is collected and transferred, the ways in which the East has gained an epistemic body through refraction. Thus we would like to point out the relation between nature of the information, the production of knowledge and its reception.
Radio Free Europe is considered unique in the annals of international broadcasting: acting as surrogate domestic broadcaster for the nations under Communism. It also relied on local official media and informal news in order to broadcast what was considered objective information. Due to their wish to outline an exhaustive portrait of the world behind the Iron Curtain, Radio Free Europe Archives give way to a series of questions:
What did the archives not capture and what rests uncatalogued and unverified? And, if something was indeed captured, how was it transformed through archiving? What parts of this composite portrait sketched by Radio Free Europe still survive today? And is this portrait only a mirror image resulting from the media war between East and West? By raising these questions, our project looks to divert and to put into a sensible perspective the act of collecting, organizing and using information, in order to question the nature of the information itself.
Documentation link: http://ro.tranzit.org/en/exhibition/0/2015-03-18/repertories-of-indiscreetness References: 3. Nicholas Reeves, The Power of Film Propaganda: Myth or Reality (London: A&C Black, 2004).
∏‐Node Platform
Fig 5. ∏-Node Installation, Orleans (2015).
∏-Node is an experimental platform for hybrid Web/FM radio-phonic composition. As a multi‐dimensional radio infrastructure platform, ∏-Node explores the narrative, involves participation, and imaginary possibilities of radio through the use of both historic and new, digital technologies.
∏-Node aims to explore the many dimensions of radio’s format and diffusion: its physicality (ether, radio waves, and the electromagnetic spectrum), its spatiality (bandwith, frequencies), its infrastructure (network of radio receivers/emitters), its methods of creation and editorial content management (programming boards/teams, recording studios), its methods of metadata reception (RDS/SDR), its history (radios libres and pirate radio movements), its legislation. Most importantly, ∏-Node also wishes to examine radio’s future at a time when everything is moved towards “the digital”.
The interconnectedness of these various dimensions, tools, and networks allow for the establishment of a decentralized and hitherto unseen diffusion structure, where each of the network’s nodes serve to both receive and diffuse information. Such a structure creates a break with the classic one-way radio format, substituting it with a horizontal peer‐to-peer model that creates room to play with new potentials for multi‐ diffusion and superposition, as well as room to rethink the radio network’s topology.
Embodied RF Ecologies Afroditi Psarra E-textile installation and sound performance
Following my quest to embody the invisible transmissions that surround us, in this wearable I explore the use of an IC mixer circuit to down convert the emissions from the NOAA weather satellite and make them audible. By continuing my research into textile antennas and fractal geometry as a means to detect radio-frequency (RF) transmissions, I aim to speculate about the body as an agent of power in a post-capitalist world, and to re-interpret transmission technologies through handmade crafting techniques.
Teaser video here: https://vimeo.com/326116349
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We’re excited to share some positive news: thanks to your support, we’ve secured in funding from the city about one-third of what we usually received before cuts, which has allowed us to regain our operational footing. This is an important milestone, and we’re truly grateful for your solidarity. Thank you for believing in Piksel and our mission. Let’s keep working together to build a vibrant future for art, technology, and society. Warm regards, The Piksel Team https://chng.it/hGQKNgV99F
AUDIOVISUAL PERFORMANCES / ONLINE CONCERTS @ PikselFest Streaming now: The Way of Schesa, Ryan Ross Smith and Shawn Lawson https://www.twitch.tv/pikselfest