Arduino Synthesizers – Gijs Gieskes |
A workshop in arduino synthesizers.participants can build arduino synthesizers from component kits, and (if there is time) learn how to make their own scripts for them. the following devices can be build:- – –
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Functional live coding workshop – Alex McLean, Dave Griffiths |
A Workshop aimed at those without programming experience, or programmers with some experience with functional programming language. Expert programmers without functional programming experience might find it heavy going, and are encouraged to think about Russian dolls for a while before signing up.The history and practice of live coding will be briefly discussed. Two live coding environments will then be introduced – SchemeBricks, a scheme live coding environment with colour block syntax rather than parentheses, and Tidal, a pattern language embedded in the Haskell programming language. The group will go through a simple hands-on example of both SchemeBricks and Tidal together, and then decide which they want to concentrate on. The group will then split into two, each playing with some ready-made examples, or building new scripts from scratch if they wish. Of course switching between groups is fine, as time allows.Participants should bring their own laptop with the latest PureDyne installed (or run it from usb stick/cd). (download PureDyne here)
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Mouse and keyboard hack – the way for a simple and universal interface
Mouse and keyboard hack – the way for a simple and universal interface
Mouse and keyboards are among the best working interfaces for a computer. They work wireless or with USB, they are supported by most software and every OS. And the best is each of them has its own interrupt. Above all they are cheap and reliable. That’s why they are the perfect base for an artist’s universal interface. You simply must hack them! In the workshop I’ll show you how mice and keyboards function. Furthermore I’ll show you how you can hack them and how you can connect those keyboards/ mice with switches and sensors. Additional I’ll show some tricks and circuit to turn of the “tilt-function” of a keyboard. The workshop will enable you to use hacked keyboards and mice for creating your own interactive installation. It is although possible to develop a universal Arduino Mouse Shield, which allows the communication between software and an Arduino pretending to be a computer mouse. Arduino Mouse Shield:
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November 15th, 2010 on 14:46
[…] **NoiZe bouyZ: Workshop and Guerilla Installation in Bergen – Jenny Pickett (UK), Julien Ottavi (FR)** *Thursday 18.11 11-16 @ KNIPSU* In this workshop the participants will produce EM NoiZe bouyZ as sculptual EM amplifying objects to be chained to various sonically interesting areas in the city center. The NoiZe bouyZ acts as a markers in the city, via which walkers or passers by may navigate/derive into an alternate veiw of Bergen Material cost: NOK 100,- more info: […]
November 15th, 2010 on 20:04
[…] Workshops […]
November 18th, 2010 on 00:50
[…] | KNIPSU PIKSELHUT 11:00-13:00 11:00 NoiZe bouyZ: Workshop and Guerilla Installation in Bergen [KNIPSU] 11:00 Building arduino synthesizers […]
November 19th, 2010 on 11:56
[…] | KNIPSU PIKSELHUT 11:00-14:00 11:00 Functional live coding workshop [KNIPSU] 11:00 CHEAP SOUND GENERATOR //// HACK YOUR RADIO IN 30 MINUTES […]
December 17th, 2010 on 14:40
[…] WORKSHOPS @ KNIPSU, StudioUSF & PikselHut […]