With representatives of more than 13 nationalities, heated discussions in German, Spanish, Dutch, English and Norwegian took part in the week long code-fest that was piksel04. The size of this unique event, which now functions as an essential get-to-gether and brain-storming session for artists and developers involved in free software on all platforms, is good testimony to the popularity of such approaches for audio, and primarily video work. Subtitled FLOSS (Free Libre and Open Source Software) in motion, piksel04 has most definitely snowballed from last year’s more modest gathering which was more about a close grouping of a small number of video developers pursuing a common set of concerns around interoperability.
In short, piksel04 was more about mutual inspiration amongst developer-coders, rather than a structured public event. Aside from the hefty schedule of presentations, most artists and developers were happy to show both work and coded underpinnings as larger groups of intrigued parties would group around their busy laptops, peering eagerly over onlookers’ shoulders.
#LiViDO (Linux Video Dynamic Objects) plugin framework
#streaming solutions, with Ogg Theora very much in favour,
#open source artistic apps, from the venerable Pd (Pure Data), PDP (Pure Data Packet) and Super-Collider to GePhex and the extrava-gantly named Gullibloon.
#GEM#LiVEs NLE (Non Linear Editing) #VJ tools
**Extract from the article written by Martin Howse for Linux Magazine England in 2004.
Martin Howse (UK) – ap02, Jonathan Kemp (UK)- ap02 crew, Niels Elburg (Netherlands)- VeeJay, Dursun Kocha (Netherlands) VeeJay crew, Matthijs van Henten (Netherlands) VeeJay crew, Tom Schouten (Belgia) PDP for PureData, Yves Degoyon (France) PiDiP for PureData, Carlo Prelz (Netherlands/Italy) MøB, James Tittle II (USA) GEM developer, Erich Berger (Austria/Norway) http://randomseed.org, Gisle Frøysland ( Norway) MøB, Kentaro Fukuchi (Japan)EffecTV, Jaromil (NL/Italy) – FreeJ, HasciiCam and DyneBolic, Silvano “kysucix” Galliani (Italy) – dyne.org crew, Eleonora Oreggia (Italy) – dyne.org crew, Gabriel Finch (Salsaman) (NL/UK) LiVES. , Rama (Argentina/Spain) http://rama.xicnet.com/media.php, Tatiana de la o (Argentina/Spain) , Anders G., Lluis Gomez i Bigorda (Catalonia) Skeezo crew, Per Platou (Norway) http://liveart.org/ , Thomas Sivertsen (Norway) -, Sara Kolster (Netherlands) , Derek Holzer (NL/USA) , Julian Oliver (Spain), Steven Pickles (pix) (AU/GER), Adam Overton (USA), August Black (USA), Tom Tlalim (NL/IL) TangieR CluJ duo, Amos Elmaliah (NL/IL) TangieR CluJ duo, Federico Bonelli (NL/IT) SUb multimedia, Maurizio Martinucci(Tez) (NL/IT) SUb multimedia, Antti Silvast (Finland), Marta Peirano (SP), BEK crew, Gisle Frøysland, Roar Sletteland, Thorolf Thuestad, Alf Waage, Per Platou, Grethe Melby, Marieke verbiesen, , PixelAche crew:, Juha Huuskonen, Jenni Valorinta, Teemu Kivikangas (Finland) , slimboyfatboyslim (Sweden/China) , Daniel Fischer (Germany) , Georg Seidel (Germany) GePhex developer, Martin Bayer (Germany) GePhex developer, Philipp Promesberger (Germany) GePhex developer, Oswald Berthold (Austria) GulliBloon project, Andreas Pieper (Austria) GulliBloon project, Wernfried Lackner (Austria) GulliBloon project, Jun Iio (Japan) MAlib.

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