Tag: workshop

PIKSEL Kidz Lab 2024 – Plants & Soft Sensors / LIVE CODING

Discovering Plant Magic: A Sensory Adventure with Soft Sensors for KidZ

Duration: 3 hours. The workshop repeats two days:
When: Tuesday 21st from 17:00 to 20:00 for individual kids and parents.
Age: 10-18 years old.
Place: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, 5004 Bergen
To secure a spot, send us an email to piksel24(AT)piksel.no with the Subject line: Piksel Kidz.
Remember to include the day and time you wish to sign up for as well as name and age of participants!

“Discovering Plant Magic,” is an workshop where kids will embark on a captivating journey into the world of plants using soft sensors and IoT technology. In this hands-on experience, we’ll explore the incredible abilities of plants and create “soft sensors” to unveil the secrets of their hidden language.

Introduction to Plant Power:

  • Uncover the wonders of plant life and learn how they harness energy through photosynthesis.
  • Understand the interconnectedness of ecosystems and why plants are essential for our planet’s health.

The Magic of Soft Sensors:
Dive into the concept of soft sensors – flexible, adaptable devices that can measure changes in their environment. Explore how these soft sensors mimic the sensitivity of plants, making them perfect companions for our green adventure.

Connecting Plants with Soft Sensors and IoT:
Participants witness the transformation as we connect soft sensors to plants, turning them into interactive, data-sharing companions. Learn the basics of IoT technology and understand how it enables communication and collaboration between devices.

Hands-On Exploration: The workshop engages in interactive activities to create own soft sensors to communicate with plants, collecting data on their responses to the environment.

Imaginative Creations:
Collaborate with others to dream up imaginative scenarios where soft sensors and plants work together harmoniously.
Think together about how this technology can be used to create a more sustainable and interconnected world.

Participants will gain a deeper appreciation for the intelligence and sensitivity of both plants and soft sensors. They will understand the basics of IoT and how it enables devices to communicate and collaborate seamlessly. All while they explore the potential for innovative, eco-friendly technologies inspired by the harmony between nature and soft sensors.

A workshop that seamlessly merges art, creativity, and eco-friendly technologies is immensely important for children’s development. This interdisciplinary approach offers a holistic learning experience, engaging kids on multiple levels and encouraging them to explore scientific concepts through hands-on activities. By stimulating imagination and fostering creativity, the workshop provides a space for children to think innovatively and express themselves.

In essence, a workshop that combines art, creativity, and eco-friendly technologies provides a dynamic and enriching learning experience. The hands-on exploration of creating soft sensors and delving into eco-friendly technologies nurtures children with valuable skills and environmental consciousness.


June 7th
Create your own show with live coding visuals. LIVE Coding!

Duration: 3 hours.
When: June 7th from 10:00 to 13:00
Age: 10-18 years old.
Place: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, 5004 Bergen
To secure a spot, send us an email to piksel24(AT)piksel.no with the Subject line: Piksel Kidz.
Remember to include the day and time you wish to sign up for as well as name and age of participants!

The internet is full of open-source and free software that we can use to create exciting sound and visuals. This workshop for children aged 14ish will introduce Live coding to the kids. Live coding is an audio visual performance practice that revolves around the creation and modification of code and algorithms in real-time.

Throughout the 3 hours workshop the kids will experiment programming with very simple code sounds and visuals. The workshop intends to de-mystify technology and reveal its design decisions, limitations, and creative potential. Kids will produce a final performance all together at the end of the workshop.

In this workshop, attendees will be introduced to Hydra – a live coding environment created by Olivia Jack. Using live programming, they will have the opportunity to explore image and camera manipulation and create unique visuals. Additionally, we will discuss the various formats where video plays a crucial role, such as live concerts, art installations, and music videos.

Hydra is a web-based video synthesizer. Olivia describes live coding as writing code in real time to make visuals and/or music as part of a performance. Originally begun as a series of explorations in the browser, Hydra is now used by a large community of live coding performers who perform in clubs and other venues, as well as in online streamed performances throughout the pandemic. There are many resources for getting started with Hydra, and a number of spin-off projects including PIXELJAM, also by Olivia, which allows multiple performers to do live coding together. There are also periodic online meetups where live coders worldwide meet up to talk and show off their works created with Hydra.

Hydra is live code-able video synth and coding environment that runs directly in the browser. It is free and open-source and made for beginners and experts alike.

Hydra can be used:

  • to mix and add effects to camera feeds, screenshares, live streams, and videos
  • to create generative and audio-reactive visuals, and share them online with others
  • in combination with other javascript libraries such as P5.js, Tone.js, THREE.js, or gibber
  • to add interactive video effects to a website
  • to experiment with and learn about video feedback, fractals, and pixel operations
  • to stream video between browsers and live-jam with others online
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VECTOR SYNTHESIS is an audiovisual, computational art project using sound synthesis and vector graphics display techniques to investigate the direct relationship between sound+image. It draws on the historical work of artists such as Mary Ellen Bute, John Whitney, Nam June Paik, Ben Laposky, and Steina & Woody Vasulka among many others, as well as on ideas of media archaeology and the creative re-use of obsolete technologies. Audio waveforms control the vertical and horizontal movements as well as the brightness of a single beam of light, tracing shapes, points and curves with a direct relationship between sound and image.
You can see several demo videos here:



The Vector Synthesis library allows the creation and manipulation of 2D and 3D vector shapes, Lissajous figures, and scan processed image and video inputs using audio signals sent directly to oscilloscopes, hacked CRT monitors, Vectrex game consoles, ILDA laser displays, or oscilloscope emulation softwares using the Pure Data programming environment.


During this workshop, you will learn how to use a custom library in the Pure Data programming environment to directly control the vertical and horizontal movements, as well as the brightness, of a beam of light. You will then explore Lissajous figures, waveform representations, and other multiplexed, audio-driven visual shapes and forms which can be displayed and manipulated in real time on an XY oscilloscope, Vectrex game console, ILDA laser display, and other analog vector displays, or with oscilloscope emulating software directly on your laptop.


March 9-11 2018


Piksel Studio 207
Strandgaten 207
5004 Bergen

To sign up, send a mail to: prod (AT) piksel.no





Derek Holzer (1972) is an American instrument builder and sound artist based in Helsinki FI & Berlin DE, whose current interests include DIY analog electronics, the relationship between sound + space, media archaeology and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise, improv and extreme music. He has performed live, taught workshops and created scores of unique instruments and installations since 2002 across Europe, North and South America, and New Zealand


TRANSPIKSEL, a touring festival in Central and South America.


Piksel is proud to present TRANSPIKSEL, a touring festival in Central and South America.

Four days of workshops, exhibitions, audiovisual concerts and a BioARt Lab with international and local artists working on art and technology with a special focus on bioart, environmental sciences and DIY electronics to be held in Lima (Perú), Mexico City (CDMX) and Manizales (Colombia).

■■ TRANSPIKSEL 2016■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

TransPiksel PERÚ, Lima – August 17th -21st
TransPiksel COLOMBIA – August 24th – 27th
TransPiksel MÉXICO, Ciudad de Mexico – September 5th – 12th


MOre info and full program:


TransPiksel is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, OCA, Bergen Kommune, Piksel Festival, PNEK (NO); Asimtria Festival, Fundación Telefónica (PE); UNAM, Arte + Ciencia, Bioscénica, Centro Cultural de España en Mexico (MX), Universidad de Caldas, Festival Internacional de la Imagen (CO).

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Piksel KidZ OPEN call for participants!!


a new media art lab for kids!

****To register email to tiril(at)piksel.no ****

The workshops are free to attend, but with a limited number of seats. Sign up NOW!

See english text below..

Er du mellom 8 og 18 år gammel? Så sjekk ut våre KIDZ og ikke-fullt-så-KIDZ verksteder!

Har du en historie å fortelle om Bergen? Og som som du vil andre skal få høre når de går rundt i byen?
City-go! gir deg opplevelsen av en utvidet virkelighet av Bergen by skapt av DEG!
Velg et sted i Bergen som betyr noe spesielt for deg, og fortell oss hvorfor. Du får spille inn historien din og legger den inn i kartet på appen vår, og når noen besøker stedet ditt vil historien bli gjenfortalt!

Har du lyst å lage en robotskulptur som styres av sollys? Sammen med kunstneren Egil Paulsen vil du få produsere skulpturer som får energien sin fra solen, og omformer denne til kinetisk energi. Kunstverkene som produseres av deltakerne vil bli en del av utstillingen Piksel Kids under Pikselfestivalen, 2015.

Er du nysgjerrig på vann og klima? Hva betyr det at vannet er sunt eller usunt, og hva trengs i vannet for at dyr og organismer skal kunne leve i det? På dette verkstedet får du lage dine egne sensorer og instrumenter til å teste vannkvaliteten med, og resultatene blir visualisert i Minecraft! Vi drar til sjøen i Bergen og tester hvordan det går med vannet der. Bli med, og vær en miljøbiolog for to dager!

er du mellom 8 og 1 8 år gammel? Så sjekk ut våre KIDZ og ikke-fullt-så-KIDZ verksteder!

Verkstedene er gratis, men med begrenset plass
For påmelding, send email til: tiril (at) piksel.no (merk med Piksel Kidz)

Are you between 8 and 18 years old? Check out our KIDZ and no so KIDZ electronic workshops!

Do you have a story to tell us about Bergen? Do you want everybody to hear when they walk throughout the city?
City-go! proposes an augmented aurality experience of the Bergen city created by YOU.
Choose a point in Bergen and tell us a story about it. Record the story in a sound studio and attach it to the Bergen map thorugh an smartphone app. When somebody visit the same location with their phone, the stories become alive again!


Would you like to make a sculpture that gets alive with the sun?
With the participation of the artist Egil Paulsen, you will produce robotic sculptures whose energy source is the sun. These sculptures make up small engines that convert solar energy into kinetic energy. The art produced by all participants will be part of the exhibition Piksel Kids program within the Piksel Festival 2015.


Are you a “water curious?”, does a certain temperature and muddy water mean the water is healthy? Or do we need water full of useful stuff for animals to live in it?
In this workshops, you will be “making” your own computer sensors and devices to test the water. Will go to the Bergen shores and test how is the water doing in here. Join us to be an environmental biologist for 2 days!!!

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PIKSEL13 || RIOT – Open Workshops


* PIKSEL13 workshop series
* Free and Open Creative Technology workshops

In connection with the PIKSEL13 festival we are offering in total 10
workshops. All the workshops are free to attend, but for some of them
there is a cost for materials. To sign up or get more information,
please contact us on piksel13 [AT] piksel.no or register directly at:



<3-bit shirt workshop for young people
Tue 19.11 – Thu. 21.11 16-20

<3-bit is a workshop on wearable technology and sound experimentation.
The aim of the workshop is to create a shirt capable of capturing and
transmitting your heartbeat though the use of DIY electronics and
creative coding.

Thu 21.11 – Sun 24.11 11-17

A series of workshops and field trips to take place during the Piksel festival investigating notions of earth/solar connection, diy scientific instruments as tools for musical expression and expanding human creativity through the use of open source electronics (Arduino), software (Arduino IDE and Pure Data), freely available and recycled materials.

Thursday 21.11 11-17

The Paper-Duino-Pi is an Arduino shield for the Raspberry Pi. Due to
the fact that it is designed as Paper-PCB it is easy to create and one
doesn’t need a printed circuit board.

LornaLab Projection Workshop
Thursday 21.11 11-17

This workshop focuses on creating real-time graphical projections
from text using OpenFrameworks. The motivation behind the workshop
is to create custom visual graphics from streaming text.

Sound happens in the group!
Friday 22.11 11-17

Building DIY electronic instruments developed and used by Theremidi
Orchestra. The workshop will be conducted in a free manner and all
interactions should be part of the process. Throughout the workshop
some contextual historic and technological information will be given in
a non-linear fashion.

Friday 22.11 11-17

APODIO is a 10 years old Gnu/Linux distribution, dedicated to
multimedia tools for audio/visual creation, to run your own radio, TV,
make your own film, animation, art installation, Live Coding and other
A/V performance…

Noise Make-up Language
Saturday 23.11 11-17

NML is a noisemaking propaganda network of browsers, DIY electronics,
pure data and activist collaboration.

Haptic City Workshop
Saturday 23.11 11-17

The aim of the workshop is to build a prototype of an embroidered
responsive map of the city, together with a group of individuals
interested in producing an artwork about their city.

Limen – electromagnetic sniffing device
Sunday 24.11 11-17

LIMEN is a workshop about traffic & wireless telecommunications.
Participants will construct an analog and portable device able to
amplify electromagnetic activity into audible signals.

OSC controlled realtime visuals with the gameengine Panda3D
Sunday 24.11 11-17

Creating OSC controlled realtime visuals with the open source game
engine Panda3D.


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Piksel presents: <3-bit shirt wearable electronics workshop for young people

3-bit_shirt_ web

In collaboration with Trafo we have invited Afroditi Psarra and Constanza Pina to host this exciting three-day workshop at the public library in Bergen.

Time: Monday 19. November – Wednesday 21. November.  4PM- 8PM

Who can attend: Young people between the ages 16 and 22. Anyone who is interested in wearable electronics, e-textiles, 8-bit music and DIY electronics. No necessary background in programming or electronics is required.

<3-bit is a workshop on wearable technology and sound experimentation. The aim of the workshop is to create a shirt capable of capturing and transmitting your heartbeat though the use of DIY electronics and creative coding. The workshop consists on a practical introduction to Arduino programming using the LilyPad micro-controller and experimenting with handmade speaker coils and building soft-circuits on fabric. Though the workshop the participants will be able to engage in the process of making electronic textiles and will share a fun hands-on experience with other like-minded individuals.

Sign up by e-mail to: info (AT) trafo (DOT) no

More info in Norwegian: http://trafo.no/prosjekter/107

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Call: Piksel Remote Hacklab – Experimental Communication System Open Workshop, Venice

Piksel Remote Hacklab: Experimental Communication System Open Workshop,

Free 2-day workshop, Venice, May 28-29th, 12pm-late.

Recent studies have shown that the electrical resistance in soil above a buried carcass has a different resistivity to that of near by soil due to the decomposition of bodily tissue. The body leaves a “real”, quantifiable electrical trace when it is dead. Following this idea that traces of the dead can be measured via electricity it may be possible that these traces can be found elsewhere such as in the electromagnetic field.

In this workshop the construction of various electronic devices which apparently enhance the possibility of communication with spirits both audibly and visibly will be undertaken. Attempts at direct electromagnetic induction from such a vitalist earth to human brain will be made in the construction of a diy earth-brain interface, along with devices such as the Germanium Trans-Dimensional Communication Receptor (TDC) and other EMF detectors, emitters, and amplifiers.
These will then be applied to Venetian decomposing geo-bio canal soup mixes in a final experimental communication system performance.

The workshop is free. Places limited to 10.
May 28 – 29th, 12pm – late.

Officina delle Zattere,

Fondamenta Nani, 947 Dorsoduro

30123 Venezia, Italia

(Vaporetto stop: Zattere or Academia)

rsvp x@xxn.org.uk




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MetaSonic/OpenSound Lisboa


Piksel joins the OpenSound gathering in Lisboa june 25-30.

During one week at Goethe Institut Lissabon, IPA and other urban spaces, sound will be the object of a shared apprenticeship, with no distinction between teachers and students, professional artists and people interested in creating art, finally becoming common propriety.


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PIKSEL11 — Open Workshops

  • PIKSEL11 workshop series
  • Free and Open Creative Technology workshops

In connection with the PIKSEL11 festival we are offering in total 12 hardware and software workshops. All the workshops are free to attend, but for some of the hardware workshops there is a cost for materials.

To sign up or get more information, please contact us on piksel11 [AT] piksel.no or register directly at:
_______________________________________________________________ (continue reading…)

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Pure Data workshop @ Piksel10

Some photo documentation from the Pure Data workshop held in Bergen during the Piksel10 festival. The workshop was held by Servando Barreiro and Arnfinn Killingtveit and was hosted by Piksel and TRAFO in collaboration. The audio is from the jam the last day of the workshop.

During the workshop, the students constructed simple software instruments and effects in pure data from scratch, were shown how to hack existing patches, learned about crude frequency analysis, explored the possibilities of video manipulation in pure data with GEM, made their own DIY reactable (without the projection), and learned about FM and AM synthesis, among other things.

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Piksel10 program 19.NOV 2010


We are in the second day of Piksel10 – Martin Howse, Shu Lea Cheang and Anthony Iles are starting off the morning assembling moments for a 6 hour period, in their performative live art event “The Construction of Situations”, and on two other locations in the city centre workshop participants learn how live code, and hack their radios in no time. The Piksel main exhibition at Galleri 3.14 opens at 18.00 – revealing seven installations that all reference the festival theme (Un)stable, accompanied by concert with Cellulose (NO).
All in time before dinner.
Evening starts at 21:00 at Studio USF and we are proud to present five audiovisual concerts.


11:00 Functional live coding workshop [KNIPSU]


11:00 – 17:00 The Construction of Situations



LIVE ART | STUDIO USF 21:00-01:00

21:00 Cartografia Sonora Antarctica
22:30 trAnsCodE
23:00 Andy Bolus / Miho
23:30 slub

See the full festival schedule for the coming days.

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PIKSEL10 :: Call – Open Workshops

PIKSEL10 ::Call – Open Workshops

* PIKSEL10 workshop series
* Free and Open Creative Technology workshops

In connection with the PIKSEL10 festival we are offering in total 7 hardware and software workshops. All the workshops are free to attend, but for the
hardware workshops we need to charge material costs.

To sign up or get more information, please contact us on piksel10 [AT] piksel.no or register directly at:


**Building Arduino Synthesizers – Gijs Gieskes (NL)**
*Thursday 18.11 11-16 @PikselHut*
Build your own Arduino synthesizers from component kits, and (if there is time) learn how to make their own scripts for them.
Material cost: NOK 100,-
more info: https://www.piksel.no/p10/schedule-2?page_id=2573/#Gieskes2

**NoiZe bouyZ: Workshop and Guerilla Installation in Bergen – Jenny Pickett
(UK), Julien Ottavi (FR)**
*Thursday 18.11 11-16 @ KNIPSU*
In this workshop the participants will produce EM NoiZe bouyZ as sculptual EM amplifying objects to be chained to various sonically interesting areas in the city center. The NoiZe bouyZ acts as a markers in the city, via which walkers or passers by may navigate/derive into an alternate veiw of Bergen
Material cost: NOK 100,-
more info: https://www.piksel.no/p10/schedule-2?page_id=2573/#Pickett

**HACK YOUR RADIO IN 30 MINUTES – Julien Ottavi (FR)**
*Friday 19.11 11-16 @PikselHut*
Learn to hack cheap radios (on the am frequency) to make a new crazy light / touch / radio feedback sound generator.
Material cost: NOK 100,-
more info: https://www.piksel.no/p10/schedule-2?page_id=2573/#Ottavi2

**Psychedelic D.i.Y. Toilet Roll Goggles – Ryan Jordan (UK)**
*Saturday 20.11 11-16 @ PikselHut*
D.i.Y hardware hacking and stroboscopic light. The workshop will focus on building simple hardware synths from 555 timer circuits and CMOS4093 chips. These electronic noise machines can also control lights and the workshop will focus specifically on stroboscopic light.
Material costs: NOK 100,-
more info: https://www.piksel.no/p10/schedule-2?page_id=2573/#Jordan2

**Mouse and keyboard hacking – Wolfgang Spahn (AT)**
*Sunday 21.11 11-16 @ KNIPSU*
Learn how to use hacked keyboards and mice for creating your own interactive installation.
Material cost: NOK 100,-
more info: https://www.piksel.no/p10/schedule-2?page_id=2573/#Spahn


**Functional live coding workshop – Alex McLean (UK), Dave Griffiths (UK) **
*Friday 19.11 11-16 @ KNIPSU*
Live coding using Schemebricks and Tidal.
The workshop is aimed at those without programming experience, or programmers with some experience with functional programming languages
more info: https://www.piksel.no/p10/schedule-2?page_id=2573/#McLean2.

**Spectral Analysis and Processing in Pure Data – Alexandre Torres Porres (AR)**
*Saturday 20.11 11-13 @ StudioUSF*

The objective of this workshop is to cover the basics of Puredata and introduce to Spectral Analysis and Processing. Participants will be provided with a good didactic material, and will learn how to use the Phase Vocoder Abstractions provided by the author, as well as other examples from the othertopics.
more info: https://www.piksel.no/p10/schedule-2?page_id=2573/#Porres


**exquisite_code – Brendan Howell (DE), Jonathan Kemp (UK)
*Saturday 20.11 11-19 @ KNIPSU*
Participatory algorithmic text production and performance.
more info: https://www.piksel.no/p10/schedule-2?page_id=2480/#Howell

more info and complete program:

Piksel10 is supported by The Norwegian Art Council, Bergen Municipality, Hordaland County Council, PNEK, OCA, UD – Music from the south, BEK, Bergen Kunsthall/Landmark, The Norwegian embassy in Belgium and the Austrian embassy in Norway.

Piksel is an international event for artists and developers working with free and open technologies in artistic practice.
Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas,
coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free technologies & art.

Piksel10 – 18-21 nov. 2010

  • We’re excited to share some positive news: thanks to your support, we’ve secured in funding from the city about one-third of what we usually received before cuts, which has allowed us to regain our operational footing. This is an important milestone, and we’re truly grateful for your solidarity. Thank you for believing in Piksel and our mission. Let’s keep working together to build a vibrant future for art, technology, and society. Warm regards, The Piksel Team

    10 January 2025 @ 2:17 pm

    31 December 2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Please support our petition!! https://chng.it/pJpmgmJvzh

    9 December 2024 @ 8:36 pm

    Streaming now: Transmission~, Luis Sanz

    24 November 2024 @ 2:41 pm

    Streaming now: The Way of Schesa, Ryan Ross Smith and Shawn Lawson

    24 November 2024 @ 2:02 pm

    Piksel needs your support!!
    #piksel #culturecuts #electronicart #mediaart #funding #Bergen

    20 November 2024 @ 11:39 pm

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