DIY tech

Stormy Thursdays. Open Workshops.

Stormy Thursdays – Exploring the Convergence of Art and Free/Libre Technologies. Open workshops.

We are delighted to invite you to “Stormy Thursdays,” a series of interactive workshops where we delve into the intersection of art and free/libre technologies, fostering a serene space for exploration and creativity.

Discover the Art-Tech Connection: Immerse yourself in the serene blend of artistic expression and free/libre technologies, where innovation takes a tranquil form.

Participate, Craft, Share: These workshops prioritize hands-on engagement. Join us to participate actively, craft your projects, and share your creations with a community of like-minded individuals.

Free/Libre Technologies: Embrace the philosophy of open-source tools. Learn about free/libre technologies and contribute to a collaborative space of knowledge sharing.

Event Details:

Date: Every Thursday / January and February 2024
Time: 17-20 h
Venue: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, Bergen

What to Anticipate:

Interactive Workshops
Live Demonstrations
Collaborative Project Showcases
Casual Networking with Creative Minds

Who Should Attend:

Tech Enthusiasts
Those intrigued by the intersection of art and technology

RSVP Today: Send us an email to piksel24(at)piksel(dot)no

Let Thursdays become a canvas for peaceful creativity, an avenue for thoughtful exploration. We look forward to a serene collaboration of art and technology. See you there.

#StormyThursdays #ArtTechConvergence #FreeLibreExploration #TranquilInnovation

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PikselXX AI AI AI workshops

PikselXX AI AI AI workshops

To sign up send an email to: piksel22(at)piksel(dot)no
All workshops are free to attend.

This year Piksel adds to the regular Piksel festival workshops and the Piksel Kidz Lab edition, for the second year, the initiative in collaboration with Bergen Dansesenter – resource centre for dance in Vestland and PRODA. The new program “Performing arts Workshops, electronics and free/libre technologies applied to the performing arts.” consists in a workshops program for performers, choreographers and dancers interested on the use of digital tools applied to interaction, sound, light, devices control, robotics, etc. with free technologies! As a result of the collaboration with the Critical Engineering Working -group we welcome 2 other workshops “Open Wave-Receiver by Shortwave Collective” and Messaging with lights in a not internet era! by Sarah Grant. Pure Data claims its space as a powerful digital tool for artists with 3 workshops: Pure Data for beginners, PdParty, and Neural Networks with PD.

Workshops are IRL except the one from Alexandros Drymonitis, Neural Networks in Pure Data, that will be online.


Ewasteroid – Paul Granjon
@KIB Workshop I – 10-13h
PIKSEL KIDZ LAB – Age 10-100

The beauty and the ugliness of electronic waste fight it off in this workshop for curious people. Starting with a pile of electronic waste items such as printers, pc towers, DVD players the participants will build a spinning asteroid made of out of date components and found timber, mining the old machines for intricate and complex parts. The resulting temporary sculpture is both celebration of human engineering and sinister indicator of an extractivist civilisation gone in overdrive.

Open Wave-Receiver – Shortwave Collective
@KIB Atrium – 15-18 h
Coping Strategies program

Building Open Wave-Receivers enables DIY communications reception, and allows anyone to freely listen to the broad spectrum of radio waves around us. All you need are a few easy-to-procure supplies and, if you want to try it, a neighborhood fence or other receptive antenna proxy.

Why a fence? Antennas are necessary for radios to receive signals, and many things can be antennas. Fences can make great, and very long, antennas! Other materials can work well too; even a tent peg can become a useful part of a radio. Open Wave-Receivers allow us to explore the relationship between different combinations of materials, antennas, and radio waves, creating a new technology literacy, a new medium for artistic expression, and a new way to explore the airwaves in our communities.

We have found making Open Wave-Receivers to be a fun adventure. The ability to use simple scraps to create variety and personalization in each radio makes this a great maker project for anyone wanting to play with radio.


Movement sensors in Pure Data for beginners– Kris Kuldkepp
@KIB Workshop II – 10-12 h

The workshop for beginners in Pure Data and programming for movement sensors introduces the first steps for processing the data and the necessary algorithms. The guests should bring their personal computers and preinstall Pure Data. As sensors, we will use our smartphones, and participants should also preinstall an app GyrOSC (iOS) or OSChook (Android) on their phones. A computer mouse can be used to stimulate the data stream. During the workshop, we will build examples in Pure Data that introduce the first essential steps in creating music with sensors and what to do with the raw data. No previous experience with Pure Data is required.

Live collaborative radio with Mezcal – August Black
@KIB Workshop II – 12-13 h

Mezcal is a web app for collaborative sound and live transmission that I have been prototyping and building in collaboration with and multiple artists (such as Anna Friz, Betsey Biggs, and Peter Courtemanche In this 1 hour workshop, I give an overview of the software, its design intentions and practical implementations, and then split the group up into sections to create a live experimental radio session on-site. (note: this software is not YET free software, but lives in the web as a free service for free cultural institutions such as radio libre in Medellín, Colombia and Sound Camp in the UK, among others)

Photo by: Alon Koppel Photography

ONLINE Workshop Prototyping DIY smart robots with Arduino and Machine Learning – Ivan Iovine
@KIB Workshop III – 10-13 h

The workshop aims to teach participants the use of the Arduino platform in conjunction with the Ml5.js Machine Learning framework.

Each participant will be given a DIY robotic arm made of recycled wood, to which an Arduino will be interfaced. Through serial (WebSerial) communication, the Arduino will communicate with a Javascript application and the Ml5.js framework. Participants will be explained and taught the basics of Machine Learning, exploring and experimenting firsthand with pre-trained Machine Learning models for body recognition (PoseNet model), hand recognition (Handpose model), face and facial emotion recognition (FaceApi), as well as real-time object tracking (YOLO). Through the use of these Open Source technologies, workshop participants will be able to learn the basics of Arduino and Ml5.js, experimenting in a hands-on manner and creating customized human-machine interactions based on Machine Learning models.

memoryMechanics by Karen Eide Bøen, Mads Høbye, Lise Aagaard Knudsen, Maja Fagerberg Ranten and Troels Andreasen.
@Strandgaten 205 – 12-13 h

Performing Arts Workshops Program in collaboration with Bergen Dansesenter and PRODA

memoryMechanics is an interactive sound installation that explores how we as humans embody memories.

The installation is based on an archive of memories that are collected from different people, by guiding them through sensory experiences and into physical poses that trigger embodied memories. Their recorded memories are then stored in the installation for retrieval through imitating their initial poses.

Artificial intelligence is used to record and retrieve memories from the archive. Through the installation, a synergy between human memory and computer memory appears. Artificial intelligence creates a mediated physical space in which the audience can walk around, position themselves in poses and hear the intimate stories of previous participants.


Messaging with lights in a not internet era! – Sarah Grant
@KIB Atrium 10-13 h
Coping Strategies /PIKSEL KIDZ LAB – Age 10-18

What would happen if we no longer had the internet or mobile phones? How would we send messages to each other? Drawing inspiration from insects and ancient forms of signalling using light, we will learn in this workshop how to create our own blinking firefly lanterns for wirelessly transmitting messages.

Intro to PdParty – cowboy man – Dan Wilcox
@KIB Workshop II – 10-13 h

This is an overview workshop PdParty, a free open-source iOS application for running Pure Data patches on Apple mobile devices using libpd. Directly inspired by Chris McCormick’s DroidParty for Android and the original RjDj by Reality Jockey, PdParty takes a step further by supporting OSC (Open Sound Control), MIDI, & MiFi game controller input as well as implementing the native Pd GUI objects for a WYSIWYG patch to mobile device experience. Various scene types are supported including compatibility modes for PdDroidParty & RjDj and both patches and abstraction libraries can be managed via a built-in web server. Unlike the rise of the single-purpose audio application, PdParty is meant to provide a platform for general purpose digital signal processing via Pure Data patches.

ONLINE Workshop Neural Networks in Pure Data – Alexandros Drymonitis
@KIB Workshop III – 10-13 h

This workshop proposal aims to demystify various concepts around the field of machine learning through the use of neural networks. Lately I have developed an external object for Pure Data, called neuralnet (, that enables the user to create various kinds of densely connected neural networks, for various artistic applications. The participants will be introduced to basic theory on neural networks, with hands-on examples that will clarify certain concepts on this popular field. By following this workshop, the participants will be able to use neural networks created with this object, for their own use cases, reaching satisfactory levels of network training and performance.

Each participant must have their own laptop with Pure Data installed. Any additional external objects can be installed during the workshop.

Soft Control and body actuation – Afroditi Psarra &Tingyi Jiang
@Bergen Dansesenter – Studio 1 – 10-13 h
Performing Arts Workshops Program in collaboration with Bergen Dansesenter and PRODA

The implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning systems in all areas of technological artifacts, constantly challenges the ways in which we perceive and understand the world around us, our bodies, and our identities.

In this workshop, the participants will experiment hands-on with the idea of body control through the use of wearable technology and natural language processing, while discussing ideas around the construction of identity, and how algorithms dictate our gestures and movements. Specifically, the workshop will focus on contact improvisation with robotic actuators in an effort to explore the hybridization of human and algorithmic movement.

Creative PCB-design – Marc Duseiller
@nearest bar – TBD

As a creative design / drawing workshop we want to explore how creativity can be use to make unique designs of fuctional electronic circuits. We also will discuss what means Open Hardware and why sharing detailed instructions can lead to a diversity of personal designs and improving the accessibility for DIY electronics workshops. In this creative drawing workshop, we will learn the most basic introduction to read schematics of electronics circuits, and how to implement it as a functional PCB (Printer Circuit Board) where all the connections are drawn in copper. We will learn what are footprints of components and what are the different “layers” for preparing a PCB design for manufacturing (in China factory of DIY home etching). This workshop also serves for re-thinking the diy-CAD methodology (do-it-yourself Children Aided Design) and applying it to the fork of the peepsy, based on the Continuity Tester by David Johnson-Davies. The peepsy circuit is based on the ATTINY85 functions as a continuity tester, the famouse “peeps” of every multimeter, that allows you to test if an electric connection is present, testing your aux cables, or debbugging other electronics. And it has a pink LED on it!

What circuit will we do?

The example circuit is based on the peepsy, by Michael Egger (a.n.y.m.a.) and it has even a practical function as a continuity tester, the most useful tool to test if a connection is present, in a cable or on a circuit. It’s the “peep” that is one of the functions of all multimeters, and usually the one we use the most! The circuit is very simple, 1 capacitor, 2 resistors, 1 LED, a buzzer to make the “beep”, a coin battery holder and an µ-controller (the Attiny85). Due to the special software on the attiny, it will “sleep” all the time, and only use a little electricity when testing, so the battery last almost forever!


@KIB Atrium, @KIB Workshop I, @KIB Workshop II, @KIB Workshop III
Marken 37

@ Bergen Dansesenter / Georgernes Verft 12

@ BIT Teatergaragjen / Strandgaten 205

Piksel Festival 2022 will take place from 17th-20th of November at different venues across Bergen, with 3 main Exhibitions, a Seminar, 3 concert nights, workshops and artists presentations.

Piksel festival is an international network and annual event for Electronic Art and Technological Freedom.

For Accreditation and Press Passes, please visit us at Studio 207, or send an email to piksel22(AT)

More info and full program at

Piksel22 is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Vestland fylkeskommune. Piksel22 collaborates with Dansecenter, PRODA, Lydgalleriet, Critical Engineering Working Group, BIT Teatergarasjen and APO33.



Piksel is an international event for artists and developers working with free and open technologies in artistic practice. Part workshop, part festival, it is organized in Bergen, Norway, and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free technologies & art.


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WORKSHOP Responsive Body | Responsive Technology by Kenneth Flak and Külli Roosna (NO, EE)

Responsive Body | Responsive Tech

Number of Participants: 10-15
Place: Bergen Dance Center, Georgernes Verft 12, 5011 Bergen
Time: Saturday 20th of November from 10-14h
Duration: 4 hours

This workshop is part of the Performing Arts Workshop program, electronics and free/libre technologies applied to the performing arts. It is a Piksel initiative in collaboration with PRODA-professional dance training/Bergen Dansesenter – resource centre for dance in Vestland.

To register please send an email to: with your name and the name of the workshop you want to attend.

Responsive Body is a dynamic system created by Roosna & Flak based on listening to yourself and the environment, training sensitivity and coordination as well as strength and stamina. Its purpose is to develop a strong, resilient and intelligent body that is open to internal and external impulses.

Roosna & Flak created the training from a need to prepare for a wide range of challenges. The system is under continuous evolution as a result of an ongoing movement practice and teaching.

The training starts with a gentle warm-up to access the breath and the joints, before bringing up the pulse and working through the major muscle groups. This is followed by a section focusing on more complex coordination and use of space, preparing for individual and partnering work, where the focus is on creating movement material based on listening to impulses from both outside and inside the body. This leads to more in-depth investigation into both creating and organizing material into choreographic structures.

Towards the end of the workshop sensor technology is brought into the game, enabling the research of a new set of connections between movement and sound. For this we use our own set of sensors.

Workshop leaders would offer a hands-on introduction to performing physically with movement sensors, developing the necessary sensibilities for producing sound and movement as an integrated whole.

About the dancers and choreographers:

Internationally active choreographers and dancers Külli Roosna (Estonia) and Kenneth Flak (Norway) have been collaborating since 2008. Whether they are creating their own choreographies or collaborating with others, their work deals with the narratives and technologies of the body. They have explored a wide range of themes, including deep ecology, Viking mythology, totalitarianism and internet culture. The core of their work is human experience in interconnected realities. This is often explored through the dancing body’s possibilities and limitations, in a constant dialogue with the digital technologies and discourses that extend and counterpoint it.

They have performed their works all over the world. Additionally, they teach Responsive Body movement technique, composition, and sensor programming at various universities and festivals, adapting their methodology and content to different contexts.

Their interactive music and dance performance Blood Music was nominated for the Estonian Dance Awards 2015; Stalking Paradise, a commission work for Lublin Dance Theater, was selected for the biannual Polish Dance Days. Prime Mover (2018) and Two Body Orchestra (2020) were nominated for the Estonian Dance Awards.

Külli Roosna (EE)

Born 1981, is an Estonian dancer, choreographer and teacher. She graduated Tallinn University in 2005 as a choreographer/dancer and continued her studies in Rotterdam Dance Academy in the Netherlands, obtaining her second bachelor degree in 2007.

In 2013 she obtained an MA of choreography at Tallinn University.

She has worked with international choreographers Stian Danielsen, Karen Foss, Kari Hoaas, Cid Perlman, Richard Siegal, Dylan Newcomb, Fine5 Dance Theater, and many others.

In 2010 her solo performance Circle Through was awarded the First Prize at the International Festival of Modern Choreography in Vitebsk, Belarus. She is the recipient of the 2017 Pärnu City Creative Stipendium.

Her teaching and performing has brought her to festivals, universities and theaters in Estonia, Norway, The Netherlands, Poland, Jordan, India, Japan, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, Sweden, Germany, France, Russia, Finland, Lithuania, Belarus, and South Korea. In 2014-15 she was board member of Estonian Dance Artist Union and head of its Stipendium commission.

Kenneth Flak (NO)

Born 1975, is a Norwegian dancer, choreographer, composer and teacher. He has performed in the works of André Gingras, Dansdesign, Richard Siegal, Kari Hoaas, Preeti Vasudevan and many others.

He is educated at the National Academy of Dramatic Arts in Norway and the Amsterdam Arts School in the Netherlands.

In 2007 he received a Bessie Performer’s Award in New York for his interpretation of Gingras’ solo CYP17. In 2010 he was nominated for the BNG Award in Amsterdam for his choreography Of Gods and Driftwood.

Flak has taught contemporary dance and sound design at universities and festivals around the world.

A self-taught composer and creative coder, he makes music and interactive tools for live choreographies and dance films.

He was chair of Norwegian Arts Council Commission for Dance 2018-2020.

Kahe keha orkester, Anu Jurisson, Pärnu Postimees, 26 March 2021.
Post-dramaatiline tantsu-uurimus ja numbriballett, Heili Einasto, Postimees, 12 November 2020
Kehad tehnoloogia ja tantsu puutepunktis, Iiris Viirpalu, Sirp, 23 October 2020
Video: Sõltumatu Tantsu Laval kohtuvad kehad ja tehnoloogia, ERR kultuur, 6 Oktober 2020
Olemise protsess, Eline Selgis, STL, 29 September 2020

11 January 2019: Elu pingeväljade liikumapanev jõud (Marie Pullerits, Sirp)
13 November 2018: [Külli Roosna rääkis tantsulavastusest “Prime Mover”]( November 018-k-lli-roosna-r-kis-tantsulavastusest-prime-mover) (Tre raadio)
12 November 2018: Külli Roosna lavastusest “Prime Mover”: see sündis meie endi elust (Ester Vilgats, ERR)
12 November 2018: Endlas esietendub pärnakate rahvusvaheline tantsulavastus (Anu Jürisson, Pärnu Postimees)
12 November 2018: Endla Teatris toimub tantsulavastuse “Prime Mover” Eesti esietendus (ERR)
5 November 2018: Video: katkend Külli Roosna ja Kenneth Flaki uuslavastusest “Prime Mover” (ERR)
2 November 2018: Tütrekese sünd ärgitas looma Endla Küünis tantsulavastust (Anu Jürisson, Pärnu Postimees)

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Hackteria & Bad Lab

Hackteria / BadLAB
with the collaboration of Kiyoshi Yamamoto.

Engineering is also affecting to molecular biology, posing new ethical challenges that artists investigate through DIY bioart methods. International DIY bio networks and communities encourage the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to combine their expertise. Piksel is inviting the main artistic DIY bionetworks worldwide, to establish a collaborative interaction with local artists. Piksel Fest Spill invites the audience for interesting interactions through a DIY or die – Plant Printing Workshop and the Worship – Dinner Performance.

11th of June Worship – Dinner Performance
HackteriaLab & QWAS | Migrating Dialogue
The Performance is based on an exchange of food, gesture, rhythm and sensuality threw online meeting tool like zoom, jitsi, skype, etc. It is a tangible stretch towards how sensuality is perceived in the digital realm threw media.

Worship is a dinner performance created by Maya Minder in collaboration with Almaty based artists Dana Iskakova and Takhir Yakyharov. The Performance is based on an exchange of food, gesture, rhythm and sensuality threw online meeting tool like zoom, jitsi, skype, etc. It is a tangible stretch towards how sensuality is perceived in the digital realm threw media. Elements of #asrm (autonomous sensory meridian response) the tickling sounds of whisper or crumbling paper, walking on snow or stroking hair combined with the elements of new media trend of #mukbang (Korean word for food space) the eating in front of audience recorded with detailed sounds, is probed and performed during an mutual dinner happening. The audience is invited to partake or just to relaxe and concentrate on chatter and talk during the food. People are served with umami rich food, so to give a physical layer of sensual perception emphasized threw food and audio-visual experience.

13th of June Workshop DIY or die – Plant Printing
HackteriaLab & BadLab & Kiyoshi Yamamoto.
You can attend physically at Studio 207 in Bergen or online. Inscription is necessary. We will send you the instructions on equipment and materials you need to follow it online and how to join us.
To attend please send us an email to: info(at)piksel(dot)no
At the Studio only 5 persons.

DIY or DIE Is an transdisciplinary workshop on the topic of coloring fabrics with wild herbs. The toxic impact of the textile industry is the starting point of this workshop. Together we will learn the old technique of dyeing with natural dyes that we find in our neighborhood. The Workshop will be held mutually in Bergen, NW and Zurich, CH under the guidance of a local assistant and threw a virtual meeting with the BadLab project based in Zurich and working at the Theater house Gessneralle during the Naked Transition Project. We will dye fabrics of silk and cotton ourselves, go foraging for wild herbs and work with poisonous substances in small quantities – poisonousness is always a question of dose (Paracelsus) – investigating the toxic side effects of the textile industry.

This workshop is a lot about the playful approach of learning and unlearning, we will follow the art of dyeing by means of DIYbio methods and old knowledge about plant dye and natural coloring. We use plants to dye fabrics and create unpredictable design and patterns. In the framework of the theme of the exhibition „naked transition the aspect of empowerment by DIY and community based work is celebrated threw the moment of liberation – Just do it and Do it with Others. Embroidery hoops stand as a symbol of the time we save, which we take as free time by growing beyond the collective stick tradition of manual work, no longer embroidering the fabric with rules and slogans, but use nature itself, its signs leaves to create traces of stories.

Participants: Paloma Ayala, Lisa Biedlingmaier, Lucile Haute, Anne-Laure Franchette, Corinna Mattner, Maya Minder, Les Plants Sorcière.

Hackteria is a global network active since 2009 of people practicing DIY (do-it-yourself) and DIWO (do-it-with-others) biology, with a focus on art, design and interdisciplinary cooperation. Its goal is to allow artists, scientists, cooks, farmers, philosophers and hackers to collaborate and test various biohacking and bioart techniques, outside conventional settings such as academic laboratories and art institutions.

BAD LAB project is a collective laboratory of interdisciplinary ideas and practices around plants. BAD LAB deals with the politics of the invisible, plant migration, the resurgence of oppressed and marginalized feminine knowledge, the creation of solidarious ways in which to narrate space that include rural, indigenous beings, and biota, digging up lost and old recipes around healing and culinary, healthcare and colloquial practices.

QWAS – Migrating Dialogue
The project QWAS – Migrating Dialogue is a transcultural collaboration between the Zurich University of Arts (ZHdK) and the Eurasian Cultural Alliance (ECA) in Almaty, Kazakhstan.The project was launched in 2017 and has so far encompassed two student exchange programmes (for which participants travelled from Zurich to Almaty by train) and two e-learning seminars; with exhibitions taking place simultaneously in both cities.

QWAS was created by Rada Leu and Peter Tränkle. The project is kindly supported by the framework of the International Hub Arts for Change – Arts and Design in Social Processes of ZHdK.

Participating artists from HackteriaLab 2020 in Bergen:

Maya Minder (CH/KR) *1983
Artist, Fermentista and Organizer. Lives and works in Zurich. Several exhibitions in local and global spheres. Pro Helvetia, Werkbeitrag 2018, nominated for the KADIST AWARD 2017, Part of the Klöntal Triennale 2017. Several grants and support from Migros Kulturprozent, Pro Helvetia and Gerbert Rüf Stiftung for projects she co-curated. She studied art history at the University of Zurich and helds a MA Fine Arts Degree from the Zurich University of Arts.
Founder of Gasthaus: Fermentation & Bacteria
Active member of the Hackteria – Open Source Biological Art Network
Member of Gesellschaft für

Piksel Fest Spill is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway and PROHELVETIA.

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Urinotron, Bio-kunst Workshop | Friday 15th – Sunday 17th of November

Urinotron is a large-scale installation that takes our organic waste (urine!) and transforms it into power. Contribute your urine and then put your feet up as the salts in your liquid gold turn into sustainable pee power. Urinotron combines scientific equipment, engineering skills, reels of electronic wires in an artistic equivalent of an alchemist’s workshop will be producing a different kind of gold.

Friday 15th – Sunday 17th November

  • Urinotron, Sandra and Gaspard Bébié-Valérian(FR)
    Friday 15:00 – 19:00
    Saturday 12:00 – 19:00 – with a break
    Sunday 12:00 – 14:00

The project is declined according to the contexts it is hosted. For Piksel festival, a unic workshop will be organized to build a new version of the Urinotron, collectively made and opened to improvements or inventive skills. As energy is one of the most important stakes of our society, working together around the Urinotron will offer the opportunity to think about other energetic models and why we are flushing such a valuable resource.

The general shape of the Urinotron crosses the aesthetics of alchemy, the assembly of heterogeneous elements such as glass, steel, copper, carbon, aluminium, coal and constitutes a clandestine laboratory within which are assembled tanks, electrodes, batteries, cables. This great whole can be likened to a giant microbial battery, functional and whose objective is not so much to reproduce or improve existing research in laboratories on this subject but rather, through a symbolic and artistic bias, to develop a setting criticism of the technique to test the limits and create, then, a material judgment on the industrial and capitalist context about bioenergies.

The challenges associated with the energy transition engage us to rethink our uses, our consumption patterns and industrialization in our societies. From household appliances to transportation, from the management of public lighting to the optimization of web pages (a google search would be equivalent to a boiling water pot), each gesture is the object of the calculation of its carbon footprint and its cost energy. The hyper-industrialization and the abstract nature of pollution and global warming (micro-particles, gases, spatials and elusive temporalities on an individual scale) produce a shift, a decoupling between the production of energy and its use. The growing intermediation of these circuits plays a role in the loss of consciousness of each person’s place. Yet as basic, unlimited and easily adaptable resources, renewable energies open up a resilient economic model.

The intention of this project, symbolic and concrete, points the balance of power between a dominant, centralized electricity production and a microelectricity produced by each one of us, recyclable, reusable aand sustainable. This form of resistance to this economy in tension can be found outside, also, of the exhibition context, and makes it possible to think the project with a nesting in the public space within which the installation would maintain its specificity but would be connected to common uses, useful and to rethink the public space and its uses.

Piksel19 is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Hordaland Kommune, Community of Madrid, Austrian Embassy, Acción Cultural Española, Inaem, Pro Helvetia and BEK.

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Oecumene. Piksel19 – e/co,li:bre special event.

PIKSEL19 – e/co,li:bre
The 17th annual Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies, is pleased to announce OECUMENE, an interactive dance and music piece premiering in Bergen as an special event by Piksel19 Festival.

OECUMENE reflects on the role of the individual in the world, expanded through technology beyond the limits of her geographical birthplace or cultural identity of origin.

Oecumene is a piece that explores the creative possibilities of interactively controlling sound and light synthesis models. In this piece, a dancer experience through improvisation the relationships between their expressive movement qualities, and their translation into sound and light entities To relate the qualities of expressive movement of a dancer with the creation of musical and light material, the piece employs real-time analysis of movement qualities, generative algorithms to create musical structures and control the synthesis of sound and light. In addition several types of sensors and hardware have been specially designed for the piece: pressure sensitive shoes, inertial Movement Units ( IMU) and Interactive Lasers. These sensors and systems have been manufactured by the technical team specifically for this production.

The Oecumene is a term that comes from the Alexandrian ideal of Cosmopolis: the world inhabited as a whole, as the common possession of the civilized humanity of free men and women. A concept developed in this creation for a dancer and immersive sound and visual design, in which she enters and interacts with visual simulations of natural phenomena and sonic landscape composed of thousands of sounds coming from multiple places on the planet. The development of the expressive qualities of dance in relation to this tapestry of universal sounds and visuals in constant transformation, work as an organism that mirrors the trans-cultural syncretism of the world that we have to live.

Oecumene is a piece that explores the creative possibilities of interactively controlling sound and light synthesis models. In this piece, a dancer experience through improvisation the relationships between their expressive movement qualities, and their translation into sound and light entities To relate the qualities of expressive movement of a dancer with the creation of musical and light material, the piece employs real-time analysis of movement qualities, generative algorithms to create musical structures and control the synthesis of sound and light. In addition several types of sensors and hardware have been specially designed for the piece: pressure sensitive shoes, inertial Movement Units ( IMU) and Interactive Lasers. These sensors nd systems have been manufactured by the technical team specifically for this production.

Dance Technology, Interactive Sonification, Music and Movement

CHOREOGRAPY: Muriel Romero
MUSIC : Pablo Palacio
PERFORMANCE: Muriel Romero
SOFTWARE AND INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY: Instituto Stocos, Daniel Bisig and Pablo Palacio.
LIGHTING: Juan Carlos Gallardo
PRODUCTION: Instituto Stocos.
SUPPORTS:Comunidad de Madrid, Inaem, Beirut

Piksel19 is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Hordaland County, Community of Madrid, Austrian Embassy, Acción Cultural Española, Inaem, Pro Helvetia and BEK.

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Expirator and Touching sound, performance and workshop by Pierre Berthet (BE)

26th of May Performance @Piksel Studio 207 – At 20:00

Expirator (reversed vacuum cleaner) by Pierre Berthet (BE)

27th of May Workshop @Piksel Studio 207 from 14:00 – 18:00

Touching Sound by Pierre Berthet (BE)

To sign for this workshop write an email to piksel19(at)piksel(dot)no


Touching Sound, a workshop by Pierre Berthet (BE)

Listen what we touch

touch what sounds

sounds knead ears

ears catch time


tin cans, water, steel wires, bamboo, plastic bags, tubes, dead plants, D.C. motors, sea shells, snail shells, stones, buckets, filter queen, hooks and gloves, balloons, straws, bottles…

Things own time are objects

they own space, they own time.

We walk with sounds in our hands

on our head

in our mouth, moving tongues while singing

moving lips while blowing

blow blow blow

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SIGNAL TO NOISE, Curator: Tincuta Heinzel Exhibition program 2019 Piksel Studio 207

Official opening 24th of May from 19:00 – 23:00

Exhibition dates: 25th of May – 16th of June (Mondays closed)

Opening hours: 15:00 – 18:00

Bergen 2019

“I remembers the radio broadcasts from London during World War II and Norway’s king stiffening the resolve of his subjects under German occupation. ”
Judith Haaland, 98

The Paraset (Paratrooper radio set) was one of the most notorious of all the transceivers used by the partisan clandestine radio operators during WWII. Often transported in food baskets, suitcases, and other obscure places, it was used for clandestine radio communication primarily in Norway and Europe. The equipment is known as the “Paraset” because it was dropped by parachute for field agents. A fascinating piece of history.

With this exhibition Piksel wants to make an homage to the radio as a device and also to the importance of the listeners. In a historical moment where the FM analogue radio has been shot down and there are voices that claims that “Norway is not prepared for this.” and “Of course there is a lot of nostalgia in radio. That’s one of the reasons this switch is so controversial.” Piksel wants to bring some fresh air doing both, recalling the analogue radio and bringing new low-cost digital technologies to the people, radio-makers and emitters.

One of the well known examples of Victor Papanek’s “designs for the real world” is that of a radio receiver for the third world. Produced from very simple, “cottage” like materials, such as an used juice can, paraffin wax and a wick as power source, the radio was non-directional, receiving any and all stations simultaneously. “But, as Victor Papanek will comment, in emerging countries, this was then of an importance: there was only one broadcast (carried by relay towers placed about fifty miles apart”. And, as Papanek continues, “It was much more than a clever little gadget, constituting a fundamental communication device for preliterate areas of the world. After being tested successfully in the mountains of North Carolina (an area where only one broadcast is easily received), the device was demonstrated to the Army. They were shocked. “What if a Communist”, they asked, “gets to the microphone?” The question is meaningless. The most important intervention is to make information of all kinds freely accessible to people.”

This story of the non‐expensive, locally adapted produced radio receiver is the starting point for an exhibition and a workshop which deals with different aspects of radio broadcasting: From the way a radio receiver and a radio transmitter are produced to radio infrastructure, and from the delivered information to the means of questioning its accuracy and validity. The exhibition will consider a historical perspective, but will mostly bring into discussion researches related to the present forms of radio infrastructure and radio phenomena, as well as strategies and tactics of radio‐based interventions.

List of works and artists:
Repertories of (in)discreetness
Tincuta Heinzel & Lasse Scherffig

∏‐Node Platform

Embodied RF Ecologies
Afroditi Psarra

Do your own radio!
∏-box : streaming and local FM radio broadcasting with a raspberry pi

Piksel Fest Spill is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, the Wallonie-Bruxelles International and Rumanska Kultur Institutet.

Repertories of (in)discreetness
Tincuta Heinzel & Lasse Scherffig

Largely used during the Soviet Revolution, the “new” communication mediums of the beginning of 20th century’s played an important role in the Soviets’s propaganda strategy during the 1917‐1918 revolution [3]. The same strategy was equally adopted during the installation of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe. The policies at the time have encouraged the production and the acquisition of radio devices by a large number in order to ensure the impact of the propaganda, while in the same time, the content of the broadcasting was subjected to a strict control.

Using this infrastructure, the USA and their Western alliances were trying to counter the communist propaganda. The creation of Radio Free Europe aimed to deliver “truth” and “objective” information. In the same way, radio phenomena (like interference) were used as technical interventions.

Repertories of (in)discreetness project has its starting point in the archives of Radio Free Europe from the Open Society Archives in Budapest. It questions the act and mechanisms of archiving “the Other”, with a focus on the European “East”. The project discusses the ways in which information is collected and transferred, the ways in which the East has gained an epistemic body through refraction. Thus we would like to point out the relation between nature of the information, the production of knowledge and its reception.

Radio Free Europe is considered unique in the annals of international broadcasting: acting as surrogate domestic broadcaster for the nations under Communism. It also relied on local official media and informal news in order to broadcast what was considered objective information. Due to their wish to outline an exhaustive portrait of the world behind the Iron Curtain, Radio Free Europe Archives give way to a series of questions:

What did the archives not capture and what rests uncatalogued and unverified? And, if something was indeed captured, how was it transformed through archiving? What parts of this composite portrait sketched by Radio Free Europe still survive today? And is this portrait only a mirror image resulting from the media war between East and West? By raising these questions, our project looks to divert and to put into a sensible perspective the act of collecting, organizing and using information, in order to question the nature of the information itself.

Documentation link: References: 3. Nicholas Reeves, The Power of Film Propaganda: Myth or Reality (London: A&C Black, 2004).

∏‐Node Platform

Fig 5. ∏-Node Installation, Orleans (2015).

∏-Node is an experimental platform for hybrid Web/FM radio-phonic composition. As a multi‐dimensional radio infrastructure platform, ∏-Node explores the narrative, involves participation, and imaginary possibilities of radio through the use of both historic and new, digital technologies.

∏-Node aims to explore the many dimensions of radio’s format and diffusion: its physicality (ether, radio waves, and the electromagnetic spectrum), its spatiality (bandwith, frequencies), its infrastructure (network of radio receivers/emitters), its methods of creation and editorial content management (programming boards/teams, recording studios), its methods of metadata reception (RDS/SDR), its history (radios libres and pirate radio movements), its legislation. Most importantly, ∏-Node also wishes to examine radio’s future at a time when everything is moved towards “the digital”.
The interconnectedness of these various dimensions, tools, and networks allow for the establishment of a decentralized and hitherto unseen diffusion structure, where each of the network’s nodes serve to both receive and diffuse information. Such a structure creates a break with the classic one-way radio format, substituting it with a horizontal peer‐to-peer model that creates room to play with new potentials for multi‐ diffusion and superposition, as well as room to rethink the radio network’s topology.

Embodied RF Ecologies
Afroditi Psarra

E-textile installation and sound performance

Following my quest to embody the invisible transmissions that surround us, in this wearable I explore the use of an IC mixer circuit to down convert the emissions from the NOAA weather satellite and make them audible. By continuing my research into textile antennas and fractal geometry as a means to detect radio-frequency (RF) transmissions, I aim to speculate about the body as an agent of power in a post-capitalist world, and to re-interpret transmission technologies through handmade crafting techniques.

Teaser video here:

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Piksel18 Buzzocrazy! Workshops in a glance!

PIKSEL18 Buzzocrazy!
22nd – 24th November
Piksel Studio 207
Strandgaten 207
5004 Bergen

WORKSHOPS announcement– Piksel Studio 207 (All in 1 PDF)

PIKSEL18 Buzzocrazy!
The 16th annual Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies

– Wokshops.
– November 22nd-24th, Bergen (NO)

Buzzocrazy! The Piksel18 festival slogan points to the new era of “post-truth” based on appeals to emotion rather than policies and facts. Stretching the truth can be seen as just part of a game. The post-truth affects how we make sense of the world around us. That phenomenon has a name — agnotology, the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.

Piksel 18 Buzzocrazy! Claims to repair the hive mind. The global consciousness has been manipulated and we have to bring it back again from echo-manipulation to eco-pollinization, we seek the bee drones as the new metaphor to restore the logic ecosystem.

PIKSEL18 – BuzzOcrazy!

Workshops Programme:

All workshops are free to attend.
To sign up send an email to: prod(at)piksel(dot)no

OMSynth: DIY electronics and building audio circuits from scratch Workshop by Peter Edwards

23rd Nov
Building: SKUR14
Date: 15:00-18:00

In 2013 Peter presented the early stages of a DIY circuit building interface called the Open Modular Syntehsizer (OMSynth).

In this lecture he will share how the OMSynth has evolved from an idea to a product and how it challenges many of the established norms of DIY electronics practice. Along the way he will also discuss a call for a new standard of DIY circuit design in the post SMT (surface mount electronics) age.

Participants will build an experimental sound circuit from scratch using the OMSynth.

Peter Edwards is an American artist, musician, and teacher. He has been exploring the field of circuit bending and experimental musical electronics since 2000 through his business Casperelectronics. He performs regularly under the same name.

Edwards has performed, taught workshops and spoken on the topic of circuit bending and creative electronics at MIT’s Media Lab, Hasbro Toys, Hampshire College, Skidmore College, New York University, Bloomfield University, Long Beach University, Georgie Southern University and at new media festivals around the world including The Piksel Festival (Bergen, Norway).

Weird Signal Processing – a VGA Hacking Workshop by Wolfgang Spahn
24th Nov
Building: SKUR14
Date: 15:00-18:00

Name June Paik is known for manipulating a TV set with a magnet. One might think that after we abandoned monitor tubes the combination of TV and magnetism is gone as well. But similar techniques are still possible today by manipulating the monitor signal.

The fact that most signals used to connect devices via wires are based on electric current allows for easy hacking. For example one can manipulate the VGA video signal flow with coils and magnetic fields. The signal being similar to sound signals makes for an easy transfer to sound and vice versa. One can make a video signal hearable and display an audio signal on a monitor.

In the workshop we will process VGA signals. We learn the basic about the VGA standard and how to manipulate, mix and sonify the signal, how to amplifier, invert and add fast video signals. Every participant will build a VGA breakout board that allows easy access to the signal.

Please bring your own laptop (with a VGA connection or converter), an Arduino and or your Raspberry Pi if you have some.

Wolfgang Spahn (*1970, Austria) is a visual artist based in Berlin. His work includes interactive installations, videos, projections, and miniature-slide-paintings. After having studied mathematics and sociology in Regensburg and Berlin he founded the screen-printing-studio at Tacheles. He also managed various art projects e.g. Schokoladen Mitte and was one of the artists at Meinblau, Berlin. He currently teaches at the BBK-Berlin, Medienwerkstatt and is associated lecturer at the University of Paderborn, department of art.

International exhibitions (selection): 2000 Biennial of young Art in Genua, Italy, 2003 The Kosovo Art Gallery in Pristina, Kosovo, 2005 Biennial in Prague, Czech Republic, 2008 and 2009 Internationales Klangkunstfest in Berlin, 2009 The Art of the Overhead in Malmö, Sweden, PIXEL09 and 10 in Bergen, Norway, 2010 Biennial Of Miniature Art in Serbia, 2010 Media-Scape in Zagreb, Croatia, Transmediale 2012, Berlin.


The Umwelt of the Forager: on Bees, pheromones and bacteria by Anne Marie Maes
23rd and 24th Nov
Building: Piksel Studio 207
Date: 15:00-19:00

The workshop -the Umwelt of the Forager- will be studying the bio semiotics of the beehive & its ecosystem. The workshop will be organized as a DYI BioLab: the starting point is the role of pheromones and the important task these signifiers play for the communication in the beehive and for the relation of the bees to their ecosystem.

Participants will be sensing the ecology of the beehive and interpret the emergence of symbols. They will be detecting the granularity of waves formed between bacterial signals and the signs emitted through invisible (bio)technologies. In several hands-on sessions the microbial sphere in and around the beehive will be studied under the microscope. Participants will prepare agar plates to culture bacteria and spores that they collect at the intersection of places, called the Umwelt of the Forager (bee). They will ‘design’ with bacteria and reflect upon shared habitats for bees and other micro-organisms.

Anne Marie Maes is an artist who has been studying the tight interactions and co-evolutions within urban ecosystems. Her research practice combines art and science with a strong interest for DIY technologies and biotechnology. She works with a range of biological, digital and traditional media, including live organisms. Her artistic research is materialized in techno-organic objects that are inspired by factual/fictional stories; in artefacts that are a combination of digital fabrication and craftsmanship; in installations that reflect both the problem and the (possible) solution, in multispecies collaborations, in polymorphic forms and models created by eco-data.

Radio Mycelium & How I Hack Plant Conversations by Martin Howse and Mindaugas Gapševičius
23rd Nov
Building: Piksel Studio 207
Date: 10:00-14:00

Radio Mycelium & How I Hack Plant Conversations
Martin Howse, Mindaugas Gapševičius
Keywords: Installation, tutorial, toolkit, experiments

The project invites us to experience interspecies communication and feedback loops between mycelium networks and their habitats, including other organisms and beings. It also proposes the examination of a new networked imaginary between electrochemical signals, digital data, and electromagnetic waves. The project invites the user to experience plant to plant or plant to fungi interaction by connecting an electronic interface and converting data from electrochemical to digital and back to electrochemical signal. Using allelopathy as a metaphor for plant interaction, the project questions the mechanism of translation of signals, which, through the number of generations are influenced by the information from outside, including its own transmitted information.

The experiments introduced in the tutorial will give an idea of how to grow mycelium, how to make electronic tools and attach them to living organisms, and how to use the tools for audiovisual expression. During the hands on session, we will do four experiments:

– Start growing mycelium on coffee grounds;
– Sense electric potentials in living organisms;
– Assemble and test the mycelial radio transmitter;
– Use built tools and a Pd patch provided for audiovisual expression.

The experiments are facilitated by Mindaugas Gapševičius.

Mindaugas Gapševičius,
Martin Howse,

Martin Howse is occupied with an artistic investigation of the links between the earth (geophysical phenomena), software and the human psyche (psychogeophysics), proposing a return to animism within a critical misuse of scientific technology.

Mindaugas Gapševičius (b 1974) is an artist, facilitator, and curator living and working in Berlin and Vilnius. He earned his MA at Vilnius Academy of Arts in 1999 and started MPHIL/PhD program at Goldsmiths University in 2010.


City GO! DIY Traffic lights of air pollution by Hamilton Mestizo
5th – 7th November – 10:00- 14:00
8th – 9th November – 14:00 -18:00
Building: Piksel Studio 207
To participate send and email to piksel18(at)piksel(dot)no

Do It Yourself Traffic lights of air pollution is an eco-design workshop for kids. Kids will be assembling “air traffic lights” that visualise the pollution in our cities. The goal is to experiment with a sensor which detects levels of Carbon Monoxide (CO) concentrations, the main gas produced by gasoline and diesel cars and go to the city and test them in the urban environment.

The project mixes artistic, environmental and social concerns and adheres to the design principles of open hardware and software: Everyone is invited to learn how the electronics and the code functions in order to be able to modify it.

Hamilton Mestizo (CDMX, Mexico)
Hamilton Mestizo explores the interfaces of arts, science and technology and their critical, ecological, and social-culturall implications. In the last decade, Mestizo has combined his artistic practice with education and research focused on open source hardware development, DIY-DIWO culture, new media and biotechnology.

City TECH! SONORATEC! en kunstlab med nye medier for barn! by Oda Bremnes (Norway), Margarita Ardila (Colombia)
12th – 14th – 10:00- 14:00
15th – 16th November – 14:00 -18:00
Building: Piksel Studio 207
To participate send and email to piksel18(at)piksel(dot)no

Sonorartec is a lab where the kids learn the basics of electronic to produce sound with drawn images, toys with lights, plastic pianos, … recycling everyday materials. What we will do? Build different devices which permit kids to experiment with leds, circuits, sound, graphics, creative writing, and much more.

Oda Bremnes (Norway) is a third year of bachelor’s degree at the Department of Art at the Faculty of Arts, Music and Design, UiB (further Art and Design College in Bergen). She is working on new media. mainly video, installation and electronics.

Margarita Ardila (Colombia)
Margarita Ardila is a Colombian maker, composer and sound researcher. Multidisciplinary artist coordinator and workshop of SONORARTEC LAB, laboratory oriented to the application of new media in the art, design, education.

City TECH! Electrotextile! Customize your clothes or accessories with LEDs! by Pauline Vierne (France)
12th – 14th – 10:00- 14:00
15th – 16th November – 14:00 -18:00
Building: Piksel Studio 207
To participate send and email to piksel18(at)piksel(dot)no

Electrotextile workshop is a practical and theoretical workshop to make, remixi and intervene your accessories and garments through the manufacture of soft and flexible electronic circuits.

The participants will approach to the concept of “wearable technologies” and to the basic notions of electronics. To this end, circuits will be prototyped and creative projects will be developed by mixing textiles and materials capable of conducting electricity.

Kids will learn to make resistances and soft switches with cloth, felt, thread for lighting or sound applications and they can customize your clothes or accessories with LEDs!

Pauline Vierne, France
Pauline Vierne completed an MA in Innovative Textiles at ENSAAMA, Paris, and works as an e-textile researcher at the Design Research Lab, Berlin University of the Arts since 2014. Using experimental design and practice-led processes, her work bridges conductive and unconventional materials using traditional craft techniques to explore new materiality.

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City Tech – Elektrotekstil! Utsmykk klærne og tilbehørene dine med LED-lys!

12 – 14 november – 10:00 – 14:00
15 – 16 november – 14:00 – 18:00
For å melde deg på, send en mail til piksel18(at)piksel(dot)no
Alder: 10-18 år.

Piksel Studio 207
Strandgaten 207

Elektrotekstil! Utsmykk klærne og tilbehørene dine med LED-lys!

Elektrotekstil workshop er en praktisk og teoretisk workshop hvor du lærer å skape og utsmykke klær og tilbehør ved å fremstille myke og fleksible elektriske strømkretser.

Deltagerne vil bli kjent med konseptet «teknologiske klær», og innføres i grunnleggende elektronikk. Vi vil sette sammen elektriske strømkretser fra grunnen av, og vi vil lage kreative prosjekter hvor vi utstyrer klær og tilbehør med materialer i stand til å bære elektrisitet.

Barna vil lære hvordan man kan bygge elektrisk resistans og myke av/på-knapper inn i stoff, å lage strømførende tråder for lys- eller lydinstallasjoner, og hvordan man kan utstyre klær og tilbehør med LED-lys!

Pauline Vierne, France

Pauline Vierne har en master i «innovative tekstiler» fra Frankrikes ledende kust- og designutdanning, ENSAAMA i Paris, og har siden 2014 arbeidet som forsker på e-tekstiler ved Design Research Lab på Kunstuniversitetet i Berlin. Arbeidene hennes kjennetegnes av at hun kombinerer strømførende og ukonvensjonelle materialer med tradisjonelle håndverksmetoder i jakten på nye materielle uttrykk.

Piksel Kidz Lab er støttet av Norsk Kulturfond og Hordaland Fylkeskommune.


Piksel Studio 207
Strandgaten 207

Email to piksel18(at)piksel(dot)no with the subject Electrotextile – CITY TECH
Ages: from 8 to 18 years old.

Gratis verksted for barn/unge i alderen 8-18 år

Electrotextile workshop is a practical and theoretical workshop aimed at the making, remixing and intervening of accessories and garments through the manufacture of soft and flexible electronic circuits.

The participants will approach to the concept of wearables or “wearable technologies” and to the basic notions of electronics. To this end, circuits will be prototyped and creative projects will be developed by mixing textiles and materials capable of conducting electricity.

Kids will learn to make resistances and soft switches with cloth, felt, thread for lighting or sound applications and they can customize your clothes or accessories with led light.

Using the learning methods Do It Yourself (DIY) and Do It With Others (DIWO).

Pauline Vierne, France
Pauline Vierne completed an MA in Innovative Textiles at ENSAAMA, Paris, and works as an e-textile researcher at the Design Research Lab, Berlin University of the Arts since 2014.

Using experimental design and practice-led processes, her work bridges conductive and unconventional materials using traditional craft techniques to explore new materiality.

Having one foot in academic research and the other within the international community of the E-textile Summercamp gives Pauline a complex perspective on directions and tendencies currently present in the e-textile field.

Piksel Kidz Lab er støttet av Norsk Kulturfond og Hordaland Fylkeskommune.

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City-Tech: SONORATEC! By Margarita Ardila/Oda Bremnes

12 – 14 november – 10:00 – 14:00
15 – 16 november – 14:00 – 18:00
For å melde deg på, send en mail til piksel18(at)piksel(dot)no
Gratis verksted for barn/unge i alderen 4-14 år

Piksel Studio 207
Strandgaten 207

SONORATEC er en lab hvor barna lærer seg grunnleggende elektronikk for å kunne skape lyd til tegnede bilder; leker som lyser; plastpianoer… alt bygget av gjenvinnede materialer.

Hva kommer vi til å gjøre?
Bygge forskjellige innretninger som lar barna eksperimentere med ledlys, strømkretser, lyd, grafikk, kreativ skriving og mye mer.

Margarita Ardila (Colombia)
Margarita Ardila er en colombiansk filmskaper, komponist og lydforsker. Hun er en multidisiplinær kunstner og grunnlegger av workshopen SONORATEC LAB, som fokuserer på bruken av nye medier i kunst, design og utdanning.

Oda Bremnes (Norway)
Oda Bremnes er I si tredje år av bachelorutdanning ved Institut for kunst ved Fakultet for Kunst, Musikk og Design, UiB (udligere Kunst- og designhøyskolen I Bergen). Hun jobber med nye medier. hovedsaklig video, installasjon og elektronikk.

Sonorartec is a lab where the kids learn the basics of electronic to produce sound with drawn images, toys with lights, plastic pianos, … recycling everyday materials. Building different devices which permit kids to experiment with leds, circuits, sound, graphics, creative writing, and much more.

Margarita Ardila, Colombia

Margarita Ardila is a Colombian maker, composer and sound researcher. Multidisciplinary artist coordinator and workshop of SONORARTEC LAB, laboratory oriented to the application of new media in the art, design, education. Emerging, independent and self-managed space interested in sharing and disseminating DIY and DIWO dynamics. Currently developing the project LAPIZ VOLTAJOSO activity mixing electronics and creative writing.

Piksel Kidz Lab er støttet av Norsk Kulturfond og Hordaland Fylkeskommune.

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Concerts press note PIKSEL16 ZERO Level

PIKSEL16 Festival ZERO-LEVEL, elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi.


From 24 to 27th of November, artists from a dozen of countries will meet at the PIKSEL International Festival in Bergen. Throughout concerts, installations, performances, workshops and presentations, artists will share different ways to look at our marine environment.


Artists struggle to make their own instruments, even if commercial brands compete to give the best features to the sound market, artists have proved to be more demanding. When this happens many of them start creating their own instruments, and share their findings with other musicians at international venues. This is what Piksel is about, an unique festival which requires artists to use only free technologies and open hardware and software to make their live shows.

From 24th to 27th of November, Piksel presents at Bergen the most outstanding audiovisual international performers devoted to this experimental scene. Hosted in several well known Bergen venues (Landmark, BAS), Piksel seeks to incorporate every year new spaces to catch up the Bergen spirit. This year that place is THE MILL. Situated at the end of the bay, this industrial building will open its doors to held the art exhibition and the Saturday night concerts. From 9pm to 3 am.

HALLOGENERATOR, ALGORAVE and Sista Piksel party will close the night events.


21:00 to 01:30
Schedule 24th NOV Opening Night AV Performances
21:00  “All That I Want Is Another Baby”, by Camilla Vatne Barratt-Due (NO) and Alexandra Cárdenas (MX)
21:45 Fake Ocean From Electronics, by Chloé Malaise Arthur Hureau (FR)
22:30 Vrangside by Gard Gitlestad (NO)
23:15 Turing Tape Music: The Sea Is Ground by Tom Schofield and John M Bowers (UK)
24:00 – 01:30 HALLOGENERATOR

21:00 to 02:30
Schedule 25th NOV Concerts and Performances
21:00  ###, by Marco Paúl Valdivia (PE)
21:45 Solo SuperCollider, by Bolka (Matus Kobolka) (SL)
22:30 5-HT_five Levels To Zero by Malte Steiner and Tina Madsen (DE/NE)
23:15 Enactment by Juan Carlos Duarte (MX)
24:00 – 01:30 ALGORAVE

21:00 to 03:00
Schedule 26th NOV Concerts and Performances
15:00 Body Interfaces: zero-level elevation, Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen (DK)
16:00 Intersect, soundwalk by Tim Shaw (UK)
17:00 Plain, Jonatan Pastircak & Jan Sicko (SK)

21:00 징WM_A28 TCM_200DV BK26, Stefan Tiefengraber (AT)
21:45 ZERO-Point Energy, Ryan Jordan & GND LIVE CODING, Peter Gonda,  (UK & SK)
22:45 The heart is an oscillator, Constanza piña (CL)
24:00 SISTA PIKSEL! (Bergen/Norway)

Check out the program at
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  • 📣 Piksel brings IDLE to Ars Electronica📣
    Piksel is pleased to announce our participation in STWST48x10 NOPE, part of the Ars Electronica festival, taking place from September 6 to 8, 2024, in Linz, Austria. This year, Piksel will showcase IDLE, our digital platform designed for collaborative art and live performance, both as an exhibition and a presentation.
    #PikselFest #PikselCyberSalong #idle #stwst48x10 #arselectronica

    3 September 2024 @ 1:51 pm

    The Piksel Newsletter for August is out with more info about the Piksel Festival Call for Projects, IDLE at STWST48x10 NOPE and Stormy Fridays.Read it online here:
    #PikselFest #PikselCyberSalong #newsletter #bergen #norway

    17 August 2024 @ 1:58 pm

    📣 Friendly Reminder: Open Call for Projects! 📣
    Piksel24 | November 21-23, 2024 | Bergen, Norway
    Piksel is excited to announce the call for innovative online and physical projects for the 22nd edition of the Piksel Festival!
    We're especially interested in projects that explore our virtual gallery, IDLE.
    more and apply at by September 1st, 2024,

    6 August 2024 @ 2:48 pm

    Piksel24November 21-23 2024Bergen, Norway
    Dear friends,
    We are excited to announce the call for projects for the 22nd edition of the Piksel Festival!

    10 July 2024 @ 12:27 pm

    Piksel Fest Spill – Finnisage
    Silent Vegetal Thoughts closing event and IDLE Virtual Instruments Performance.
    Date: Friday, June 28thTime: 18:00 - 21:00Location: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207
    To finish up Piksel Fest Spill, we invite you to spend some additional moments with the plants before their time controlling Studio 207's lights and sounds comes to an end.
    In addition, we are excited to showcase the IDLE Virtual Instruments with an AV performance.
    #piksel #IDLE #Bergen #Studio207

    19 June 2024 @ 1:46 pm

    IDLE Virtual Instruments Workshop
    For musicians, artists, programmers, and VR professionals.
    Date: June 20thTime: 15:00-18:00Where: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, BergenSignup: Email piksel24(at)piksel(dot)no
    the IDLE Virtual Instruments workshop, Piksel invites musicians, artists, programmers, and VR professionals to continue exploring the potential uses of Virtual Instruments, emphasizing the artistic standpoint.

    19 June 2024 @ 1:41 pm

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