The ToonLoop Live Stop Motion Software
Alexandre Quessy
ToonLoop is a set of software tools for live stop-motion animation. It is intended to help teaching new media to children and to give a professional tool for movie creators. The performer can use a MIDI pedal to add frames to a constantly looping animation. ToonLoop is the idea and work of Alexandre Quessy with the help of Tristan Matthews. It is similar to the work of Pierre Hébert and Norman McLaren from the NFB of Canada who draw on film in live performances.
Virtual Entity
Eleonora Oreggia
Virtual Entity is a philosophical research project based in the assumption that current concepts of authenticity, ownership, uniqueness and seriality are, within the digital domain, no longer valid if not redefined. The practical outcome of the research is a software program specially developed to release, license, and catalogue digital files. Digital resources are interpreted as cultural units, and considered the main actors of the web. And any file is a virtual entity with an independent existence within the system.
Danja Vasiliev
Linux that kills itself and can kill You
Linux that kills itself and can kill You.
Re:buntu is an illustration of a system making decisions by itself, committing to self-maintenance and self-destruction. The system is continuously reloading a copy of itself within itself until the memory runs out. When no free memory is left, the system needs to decide which one of the copies of itself it shall kill in order to reproduce itself again, again and again
The Art of Seduction OR Practical Jedi Mindtricks OR Escaping the Matrix
Richard Spindler
Inspired by previous Piksel festivals, Dipl.Ing. of Computer Science, Richard Spindler, will talk about his practical experiments from the last year in respect to programming the brain – your own and other people’s. He will offer advice and tricks on how to tune out of the world that surrounds us and how to train yourself to rely on your natural instincts in a controlled and technocratic world. This talk will be surprising, entertaining and completely crazy. Have fun.
Microcodes presentation
Pall Thayer (IS)
Microcodes are very small code-based artworks. Each one is a fully contained work of art. The conceptual meaning of each piece is revealed through a combination of the title, the code and the results of running them on a computer. In emphasizing the conceptual, artistic potential of software code, these works make no attempt at being useful in the sense that tools may be useful. Their sole purpose is to evoke thoughtful contemplation and, in doing so, perhaps to enlighten the viewer. As works of art these are the creative work of Pall Thayer. As programs they may be copied, distributed, modified and used under the terms of the GNU General Public License v.3 or (at your option) any later version.
Hans-Christoph Steiner, Marius Schebella, Chris ‘the Widget’ DiMauro
We are surrounded by gadgets, from iPods to phones to PDAs. These little black boxes are in fact full-fledged computers and are eminently hackable. Yet all of these devices are built around one assumption: someone else creates, you consume. On top of that, we discard these devices at an alarming rate. By creating new possibilities for these devices, the Re-ware project will stem the tide of electronic waste, and in the process, make open, democratic, and sustainable gadgets. Thanks to hardcore hackers, you can run Linux-based open source software on many of them, giving you the ability to transform old consumer devices into true read/write digital tools.
Milkymist, an open hardware VJ platform
Sébastien Bourdeauducq (FR)
The Milkymist’ project develops a stand-alone device in a small form factor that is capable of rendering MilkDrop-esque visuals effects in real time, with a high level of interaction with many sensors and using live audio or video streams as a base. Open source components and design tools have been developed or used as much as possible. The design is also highly modular and documented, making the code easy to re-use in other open source system-on-chips.
The presentation focuses on the technical aspects of the project. Live demonstration included !
Noise & Capitalism/Free Software Series
Mattin Mattin (ES)
Mattin is an established noise artist and writer of texts on improvisation, free software and intellectual property. He runs the experimental record labels w.m.o/r and Free Software Series, and the netlabel Desetxea. Mattin will present his latest book project: Noise and Capitalism – where several writers and artists have contributed to give an analysis of the impact of capitalism on our subjective minds and daily practise. It further wish to explore to what extent noise and improvisation as practises can challenge the unconscious doctrination of capitalism and make us able to reappropriate our senses.
Open Source Software Tools for creativity
Letizia Jaccheri (NO)
The ArTe contest encourages students of age 13 to 15 to work in meaningful cooperative projects with the goal of producing novel forms of new media art. The ArTe project is focused on the relationships between new media art and openness, organized around three topics: the relation between the author and the audience, the media of the artwork, and the tools used to realize the artwork. This presentation will focus on eight open source tools evaluated according to the ArTe goals.
Pure Data Rhythm & Bass Machine
Carlos Tricas (ES)
The Pure Data Patch is an actualization of old rhytm machines, where the interface is based on the step-by-step programming interface of first drum machines. It can be used for live playing or study of various PD capabilities. The most important development and implementation is the use of matrix’s to load and save registers and states of patrons for live performance.
Gate peepin’
Linda Hilfling
The Internet services of Web 2.0 are acting as community platforms for users to engage and participate in the creation and development of content and in this way new kinds of private-public spaces are appearing. Gate peepin’ is an open source tool that alters the browsing experience of different Web 2.0-service platforms according to the Terms of Service regulating the services. The project is a Firefox extension that compares the Terms of Service document with the text content of a site and re-edits it by inserting phrases from the regulations into the content of the site.
URL: Download and install Gate peepin’ from
From here to eternity with FOSS
Tommi Keränen (FI)
Tommi Keränen will talk about his work building FLOSS-driven sound installations for Florian Hecker with a detailed look at Heckers installation for the Hijmans van den Bergh building in Utrecht.
OHANDA – Open Hardware and Design Alliance
Jürgen Neumann (DE), Tuomo Tammenpãã (FI), Bengt Sjölén (SE), Gisle Frøysland (NO)
OHANDA (Open Hardware and Design Alliance) is an initiative to foster sustainable sharing of open source hardware. It was started at the GOSH! – Grounding Open Source Hardware summit at the Banff Centre in July 2009, and one of the first goals of the project is to build a repository for open hardware design which includes a certification model and a registration service.
Kelly Jaclynn Andres (CA)
Flock is an experimental system modeled on the synchronization of human movement and flight patterns demonstrated in some species of birds, such as Canadian Geese or European Starlings. The work was created to be used by a group of participants on bicycles equipped with wearable cycling vests that display alternating light patterns for participants to follow in the context of a multi-player, synchronization game. New gestures are introduced to the participants through the system, challenging current intuitive patterns of interaction and introducing new ones.
Piksel Plenum – Open Artistic Production
Angela Plohman, Wendy Ann Mansilla, Jordi Puig, Julien Ottavi
Open Artistic Production: Blueprints, archiving and open source technology
Lounge talk with Angela Plohman, Wendi Ann Mansilla, Jordi Puig and Julien Ottavi.
In this Piksel Plenum panel, we invite you to participate in a lounge talk where we explore how processes of artistic production can be shared beyond pure archiving and documentation.
This talk is directly connected to Piksel’s collaboration with Baltan Laboratories in Eindhoven (NL) which have been running from September til November 2009. Artists Wendy Ann Mansilla and Jordi Puig have partaken in workshops and carried out an artist residency at Baltan Labs. Here they have worked with developers from the Piksel network towards a commissioned work, Flick Flock, which is to be exhibited at Baltan Laboratories and this year’s Piksel festival.
An important criteria for this project is a reflection of how work processes can be opened and shared in art production. We ask Baltan Lab director, Angela Plohman and the two artists to share their experiences from the residency. We have also invited Julien Ottavi from art and technology network APO33, to share insights from his research and experience on open and free technologies and how such tools can stimulate to collective creative processes.
_oneliner: presentation
Arjan Scherpenisse
In this presentation Scherpenisse gives an introduction to the _oneliner project – a self-reflexive installation consisting of a long line of interconnected VGA monitors. In addition to share important insights from his research process and present the end result, he will discuss what role open source plays in this particular work and in work as an artist in general.
Respirator presentation
Bjørnar Habbestad (NO), Jeff Carey (US), Roar Sletteland (NO)
The RESPIRATOR is an electroacoustic performance environment based on custom hardware and software. The project includes the development of a custom built audio mixer, extensive use of HID sensors and controllers, novel synthesis and processing techniques as well as the development of a large scale SC environment for handling multi modal mapping of synthesis, control data and signal processing. The presentation will focus on the collaborative process and the fundamental ideas of instrument development and the need for modality of control data.
Brendan Howell
Julien Ottavi (FR)
APODIO is a 6 years old GNU/Linux distribution, dedicated to multimedia tools for audiovisual creation, to run your own radio, TV, make your own film, animation, art installation, Live Coding and other A/V performance.
APODIO is a GNU/Linux platform containing audio, text-friendly, 3D,Streaming, graphic, Live Coding and video tools. It can be used as a liveDVD or be installed on a partition of your hard disk.
APODIO is a GNU/GPL project, a part of the GNU/Linux Ubuntu family.
Multi-Touch 360
Thorsten Blum (DE)
Multi-Touch 360 project is centered around building a hemispherical multi-touch display for interactive art installations. It was initiated by Thorsten Blum and later on joined by Johann Korndörfer. The hardware for Multi-Touch 360 is ready, and the system can detect touches. The project team is currently working on a Python implementation for the visualization.
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