Live Coding

PIKSEL24 – Workshops announcement!

PIKSEL24 is coming with an array of artistic and and tech-driven workshops both online and in person.

Across two days, participants can join the OHANDA.ONE team’s lab to collaboratively envision the design of a sustainable, open-source research vessel—covering cabin layouts, workspaces, and labs with an emphasis on transparency and community-driven governance. Jordan Magnunson, will teach how to create subversive videopoem games that prioritize reflection over reaction and symbolism over spectacle. Meanwhile, Søren Peter Mørch introduces live coding with Punctual, a GLSL shader-based functional language, bringing visuals to life in real-time performance coding. Finally, Sonus Verbosa by Anastasia Melandinou dives into audio-reactive typography design with p5.js, merging sound and visuals.

For those attending PIKSEL24 remotely, there is an online session on November 22nd with James Alec Hardy’s Building Environments in the Metaverse workshop introducing tools for creating immersive, VR-compatible spaces on free platforms like

Please send an email to piksel24(at)piksel(dot)no to book your seat in any of the workshops, writing the title of the workshop in the subject. Thank you!

The link for the online workshops will be send to the participants some days before the workshops will be hosted.

All the workshops will be on NOV 22nd except OHANDA.ONE that last 2 days: Nov 22-23.

(Please get the final schedule updates through our website: OR in our social media channels)


NOV 22nd & 23rd @ Alt Går Bra Lokale

  • OHANDA.ONE – Juergen Neumann (DK), Tuomo Tammenpää (FI), Julian Priest (DE) @ Alt Gar Bra Lokale

NOV 22nd @ Studio 207 / Piksel

  • How to Make a “Videogame Poem”: Creating Subversive Games with Open Source Tools,  Jordan Magnuson (US)
  • Live coded visuals in Punctual, Søren Peter Mørch (DK)
  • Sonus Verbosa, Anastasia Melandinou (GR)


NOV 22nd @ BBB Room I – link (TBA)

  • Building Environments in the Metaverse – James Alec Hardy (UK)

OHANDA.ONE – Juergen Neumann (DK), Tuomo Tammenpää (FI), Julian Priest (DE)

@Altgarbra Lokale
November 22nd and 23rd
IRL (In Real Life)

PIKSEL24 embraces the workshop OHANDA.ONE, a 2 days LAB in Bergen.

The Ohanda One workshop centers on envisioning a zero-emission ocean vessel and research platform that promotes sustainable oceanic exploration while fostering collaboration and innovation. Planned as a hub for open science, software, and hardware, Ohanda One will operate with no passengers, as everyone on board participates actively in research and daily life. The vessel aims to support up to 150 individuals, each contributing to the project’s goals of sustainable energy, reduced carbon emissions, and environmental research.

The workshop delves into specific themes critical to realizing this vision. Topics include developing self-sustaining systems for life on board, advancing green technology for efficient energy use, and designing both the physical space and social structure on the ship to promote collaboration. A key part of the workshop is planning the vessel’s design, including the layout of cabins, workspaces, and labs, to maximize both function and comfort.

Participants also explore open-source tools for project transparency, governance, and funding strategies, essential to the project’s communal ethos and long-term sustainability.

By the end of the workshop, participants aim to map out the steps toward building the Ohanda One, considering technical, social, and environmental factors that will shape this innovative and collaborative maritime platform​

The OHANDA.ONE team: Juergen Neumann, a Berlin-based artist, activist, IT consultant, and entrepreneur; Julian Priest, an interdisciplinary artist from Germany; and Tuomo Tammenpää, a designer, entrepreneur, and artist.

Sonus Verbosa, Anastasia Melandinou (GR)

@Studio207 / Piksel Library
November 22nd – 12:00- 14:00 h
IRL (In Real Life)

The workshop studies a meta-linguistic environment where typography, words, letters, the shapes that convey a meaning gets enriched by sound giving them new multi sensory meanings.

In the workshop the users will get the basic guides how to create audio reactive typography in p5js and on the next step each one will be encouraged to make its own modification creating its own sound reactive font.

Anastasia Melandinou is a graphic and motion designer from Greece with an artistic direction in creating motion narratives and typographic explorations with new technologies. She had been awarded twice with the Greek design award (EBGE) in the section of experimental design, has created her own tools with coding to push the design limits further and is always in to combine typography with another technologies that will create a visual engagement.

How to Make a “Videogame Poem”: Creating Subversive Games with Open Source Tools,  Jordan Magnuson (US)

@Studio207 / Piksel Library
November 22nd – 16:00- 19:00 h
IRL (In Real Life)

Can videogames be a form of poetry? It’s a provocative question that challenges the traditional boundaries between art forms. While poetry is often seen as a medium for introspection and cultural critique, videogames are typically associated with industrialism, consumerism, and resource consumption—more often about conquering worlds than contemplating them. However, these assumptions can be subverted.

In this hands-on workshop, Jordan Magnuson will guide participants through the process of creating “game poems”—small, personal, and subversive videogames that prioritize reflection over reaction and symbolism over spectacle. Using accessible open-source tools such as Twine and Bitsy, attendees will learn how to craft interactive experiences that challenge traditional game design and contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive digital culture.

Participants will leave the workshop with a completed “game poem” of their own, along with the skills and knowledge to continue exploring this unique form of creative expression. No prior game development experience is required, making this workshop suitable for artists, writers, and anyone interested in experimenting with digital storytelling and short-form game design.

NOTE: Attendees should bring their own laptop with them to this workshop. (A tablet or smartphone can work in a pinch, but not ideal.) Headphones are useful but optional.

Jordan Magnuson is an experimental game designer and new media artist who seeks to challenge and push out expectations around videogames. Jordan’s serious games, art games, “notgames,” and “game poems” have been featured by Wired, PC Gamer, Le Monde, and others, shown at festivals and exhibitions around the world, and nominated for a variety of awards including the New Media Writing Prize and the IndieCade Grand Jury Award. Jordan is currently Senior Lecturer in Games and Media Art at the University of Southampton, and 2024-25 Fulbright Fellow in Digital Culture at the University of Bergen.

Live coded visuals in Punctual, Søren Peter Mørch (DK)

@Studio207 / Piksel
November 22nd – 16:00- 19:00 h
IRL (In Real Life)

Learn how to make live visuals using coding. This workshop will be an introduction to Punctual, a functional language based on GLSL shaders. It is more compact that GLSL making it faster to type during a live performance. Punctual runs in the browser, so there is no need for installing anything. Punctual is also part of Estuary so it can be used alongside other live coding languages for collaborative and networked performances.

The workshop will be hosted by Søren Peter Mørch aka darch, a visualist and live coder from Copenhagen. In 2019 he discovered live coding and co-funded Live Coders Collective Copenhagen. Ever since he have been teaching himself and others how to make visuals with code by hosting workshops and algoraves.

Links to my portfolio and socials: (older cv)

Building Environments in the Metaverse – James Alec Hardy (UK)

@BBB Room I – LINK / Piksel
November 22nd – 12:00- 14:00 h

An introductory workshop on creating immersive environments online (for free).

Focusing on the available online metaverse tools which are currently free, or have a freemium model, to utilise the virtual space and create an interconnected metaverse across different worlds and platforms.

Starting with the free spaces which can be built in the game world

Simple block building and drag’n’drop editing tools to create a VR compatible space which can be connected together with reciprocating links.


Internet connection
Metamask browser extension (to create free login to voxels)
PC or Mac with mouse and keyboard
Using site building tools at
(Alternatively as an alternative TBD)

James Alec Hardy is a pioneering multimedia artist, using analog video technology and digital mediums since 2002 to craft immersive, dynamic installations. His unique aesthetic draws from three decades of screen-based culture, rooted in the D.I.Y. punk ethos and an enduring fascination with analog-to-digital transitions. Central to his work is a studio packed with legacy broadcast equipment salvaged from decommissioned studios, allowing him to produce electronic feedback video and modular sound pieces.

Hardy blends traditional and digital techniques, integrating 3D environments, VR production, and blockchain-supported technology to connect virtual spaces with tangible artworks. His work spans live performance and sculpture, fostering an interactive engagement with audiences worldwide. Over the past two decades, Hardy’s art has been featured in numerous international exhibitions, including biennales in Pakistan, Belgium, and Malta. Notably, in 2019, his work appeared daily as an ident for ITV and was showcased at the Saatchi Gallery in an exhibition on rave culture’s history. Hardy’s impact is further evidenced by his performances at prestigious venues like Tate Modern and Tate Britain, as well as exhibitions at international art fairs.

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1stPress Release: Piksel Festival 2024: A Celebration of Electronic Art and Technological Freedom in Bergen

Bergen, Norway 21-24 Nov– Art lovers in Bergen are buzzing with curiosity as they observe a decline in exhibitions featuring diverse groups of artists and artworks. Many galleries have shifted their focus to solo exhibitions or site-specific projects, leaving the community to ponder: where are the exhibitions that unite multiple artists and provide a broader, more panoramic perspective on contemporary themes?

Amidst this shift, Piksel, the festival for electronic art and technological freedom, continues to stand strong in this guerrilla warfare of creativity. Now in its 22nd edition, the Piksel festival is set to arrive in Bergen with a robust lineup of artists presenting a significant electronic art exhibition. The festival will feature two nights of audiovisual performances at Østre, workshops, and presentations at Studio207—a shared space located at Strandgaten 207, home to both Piksel and Borealis, as well as various venues around the city.

Piksel is where new media, art, hacking, and DIY culture converge. This year festival presents the opportunity for local artists to connect with active media labs based in Europe. Artist-researchers from APO33 (France), MADLAB (Cyprus), and STWST (Linz) will gather in Bergen to present a new edition of MEDIA()MESS, an intermedia artwork that explores the disconnections in our mediated realities through audiovisual performances, media activism, and collaborative research.

Download PressPictures
Download 1stPressNote ENGLISH (doc) (PDF)

The festival also highlights sustainable ocean research and seafaring. Three visionary artists and engineers are behind the groundbreaking Ohanda.One Project, a utopian zero-emission ocean vessel designed to revolutionize sustainable ocean research. This mobile collaborative workspace and research platform aims to connect artists, scientists, and environmental organizations, fostering innovation while promoting open knowledge and environmental awareness. The ongoing workshop at Strandgaten 207 will serve as a hub for creative minds to tackle the pressing challenges facing our oceans.

The exhibitions will showcase more than 20 artists, theming video games and poetry, artificial intelligence warfare, privacy and the deep net, society defense strategies, and the ethical and environmental impact of technology. Visitors can expect interactive installations and experimental media, alongside live electronics, witnessing a fusion of technology and art that redefines live experiences.

Join us at the Piksel Festival 2024 from the 21st to the 24th of November in Bergen, and be part of a transformative artistic journey that challenges perceptions and sparks dialogue around the pressing issues of our time.

#InteractiveMedia, #LiveElectronics, #ExperimentalMusic, #ElectronicMusic, #LiveCoding, #NewMediaArt, #Piksel, #ElectronicArt, #TechnologicalFreedom, #Bergen, #InternationalNetwork, #FreeLibreOpenSource, #SoftwareProjects, #Workshops, #Performances, #ArtAndPolitics, #DigitalTechnology, #OpenSourceMovement, #ArtTechEconomy

Pictures: Audiovisual performance – Δ [Delta] – Miha Godec – Østre Saturday night
Exhibition and Workshop – – Juergen Neumann, Tuomo Tammenpää, Julian Priest – Studio207
Audiovisual Performance MEDIA()MESS – APO33 (France), MADLAB (Cyprus), PIKSEL (Bergen), and STWST (Linz) Østre Friday night
Interactive installation – Here’s the Information We Collect- Tansy Xiao – Østre exhibition
Interactive 3D Game – Colateral Vertigo – Chico Ortiz de Carvalho – Piksel Exhibition
Interactive installation – Bioart – Organalog – Miha Godec – Piksel exhibition
Artificial Intelligence installation – Death Mother: As Above, So Below (2024) – Tor-Finn Malum Fitje – Piksel exhibition

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Piksel-ICLC Satellite Event, Shanghai 2024

Welcome to the Piksel Satellite Performance Event for ICLC the 2024 International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC), Shanghai 2024.

The International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC) is a global platform dedicated to exploring technologies and philosophies interpreting computer code as gesture within live performances. Hosted by NYU Shanghai, ICLC fosters dialogue and innovation within the live coding community worldwide.

On June 8th guest artists Blaž Pavlica from Slovenia and Flor de Fuego based in Germany, perform the virtual instrument through Hydra instances live coding within IDLE, the Inclusive Digital Laboratory for Experimental Art at Studio 207 in Bergen.

Date: June 8th
Time: 23:00-00:00 CEST
Where: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, Bergen and Online ->
Entrance: Free

The Inclusive Digital Laboratory for Experimental Art (IDLE), based in Studio 207, Bergen, is an innovative art project focused on making art more accessible via the internet. Initiated by Piksel, IDLE has undergone significant development, including the establishment of a virtual gallery, integration of IoT systems into Studio 207, and the creation of virtual audio and visual instruments for remote performances.

IDLE innovative virtual instruments: IDLE is inviting local and international artists to challenge IDLE’s performing possibilities. During the EFFEA residency last year, guest artists Blaž and Flor de Fuego, contributed to create a virtual instrument. On June 8th they will perform at the collaborative playground in the virtual gallery and extend its influence to the physical Studio 207.

Virtual Instruments are abstract instruments in the virtual space that can be musical or visual and they work taking into account the position of the avatars in the space, or their interaction with others. Collaborative interactions affect the physical and virtual gallery changing the color of the led lights, or applying different visual and audio effects over both venues.

Artists, art students and audiovisual performers are welcome to participate in the workshops to learn how to use the virtual instruments and create new performances using the developed tools. Join us the 13th and 20th of june. Participants will perform right after the workshops on public events!

Full program Live Coding at Piksel Fest Spill 2024

June 8th 23-24h: Satellite event in Bergen produced for the International conference for Live Coding in Shanghai (ICLC). International performance by Blaž Pavlica (SL) and Flor de fuego (AR/DE) Live Event at the Piksel TV Channel ( and at Studio 207 in Bergen. ()

June 13th, 20th:
15-18h IDLE Virtual Instruments Workshops for art students, artists and general public.
18h: Art Experiences Performances featuring by the participants.

June 28th:
20 h: Exhibition Program Closure
22 h: Final JAM IDLE Performance

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PIKSEL Kidz Lab 2024 – Plants & Soft Sensors / LIVE CODING

Discovering Plant Magic: A Sensory Adventure with Soft Sensors for KidZ

Duration: 3 hours. The workshop repeats two days:
When: Tuesday 21st from 17:00 to 20:00 for individual kids and parents.
Age: 10-18 years old.
Place: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, 5004 Bergen
To secure a spot, send us an email to piksel24(AT) with the Subject line: Piksel Kidz.
Remember to include the day and time you wish to sign up for as well as name and age of participants!

“Discovering Plant Magic,” is an workshop where kids will embark on a captivating journey into the world of plants using soft sensors and IoT technology. In this hands-on experience, we’ll explore the incredible abilities of plants and create “soft sensors” to unveil the secrets of their hidden language.

Introduction to Plant Power:

  • Uncover the wonders of plant life and learn how they harness energy through photosynthesis.
  • Understand the interconnectedness of ecosystems and why plants are essential for our planet’s health.

The Magic of Soft Sensors:
Dive into the concept of soft sensors – flexible, adaptable devices that can measure changes in their environment. Explore how these soft sensors mimic the sensitivity of plants, making them perfect companions for our green adventure.

Connecting Plants with Soft Sensors and IoT:
Participants witness the transformation as we connect soft sensors to plants, turning them into interactive, data-sharing companions. Learn the basics of IoT technology and understand how it enables communication and collaboration between devices.

Hands-On Exploration: The workshop engages in interactive activities to create own soft sensors to communicate with plants, collecting data on their responses to the environment.

Imaginative Creations:
Collaborate with others to dream up imaginative scenarios where soft sensors and plants work together harmoniously.
Think together about how this technology can be used to create a more sustainable and interconnected world.

Participants will gain a deeper appreciation for the intelligence and sensitivity of both plants and soft sensors. They will understand the basics of IoT and how it enables devices to communicate and collaborate seamlessly. All while they explore the potential for innovative, eco-friendly technologies inspired by the harmony between nature and soft sensors.

A workshop that seamlessly merges art, creativity, and eco-friendly technologies is immensely important for children’s development. This interdisciplinary approach offers a holistic learning experience, engaging kids on multiple levels and encouraging them to explore scientific concepts through hands-on activities. By stimulating imagination and fostering creativity, the workshop provides a space for children to think innovatively and express themselves.

In essence, a workshop that combines art, creativity, and eco-friendly technologies provides a dynamic and enriching learning experience. The hands-on exploration of creating soft sensors and delving into eco-friendly technologies nurtures children with valuable skills and environmental consciousness.


June 7th
Create your own show with live coding visuals. LIVE Coding!

Duration: 3 hours.
When: June 7th from 10:00 to 13:00
Age: 10-18 years old.
Place: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, 5004 Bergen
To secure a spot, send us an email to piksel24(AT) with the Subject line: Piksel Kidz.
Remember to include the day and time you wish to sign up for as well as name and age of participants!

The internet is full of open-source and free software that we can use to create exciting sound and visuals. This workshop for children aged 14ish will introduce Live coding to the kids. Live coding is an audio visual performance practice that revolves around the creation and modification of code and algorithms in real-time.

Throughout the 3 hours workshop the kids will experiment programming with very simple code sounds and visuals. The workshop intends to de-mystify technology and reveal its design decisions, limitations, and creative potential. Kids will produce a final performance all together at the end of the workshop.

In this workshop, attendees will be introduced to Hydra – a live coding environment created by Olivia Jack. Using live programming, they will have the opportunity to explore image and camera manipulation and create unique visuals. Additionally, we will discuss the various formats where video plays a crucial role, such as live concerts, art installations, and music videos.

Hydra is a web-based video synthesizer. Olivia describes live coding as writing code in real time to make visuals and/or music as part of a performance. Originally begun as a series of explorations in the browser, Hydra is now used by a large community of live coding performers who perform in clubs and other venues, as well as in online streamed performances throughout the pandemic. There are many resources for getting started with Hydra, and a number of spin-off projects including PIXELJAM, also by Olivia, which allows multiple performers to do live coding together. There are also periodic online meetups where live coders worldwide meet up to talk and show off their works created with Hydra.

Hydra is live code-able video synth and coding environment that runs directly in the browser. It is free and open-source and made for beginners and experts alike.

Hydra can be used:

  • to mix and add effects to camera feeds, screenshares, live streams, and videos
  • to create generative and audio-reactive visuals, and share them online with others
  • in combination with other javascript libraries such as P5.js, Tone.js, THREE.js, or gibber
  • to add interactive video effects to a website
  • to experiment with and learn about video feedback, fractals, and pixel operations
  • to stream video between browsers and live-jam with others online
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2003 – PIKSELXX – ARCHIVE – p1k53l

2003 – PIKSELXX – ARCHIVE – p1k53l –

When we look back to the archive we get nostalgic! See who was in Bergen at the first PIKSEL gathering in 2003. You may know most of the faces. Feel free to tag yourself!

Kentaro Fukuchi (Japan) – EffecTV

Jaromil Loyola (Austria/Italy) – FreeJ, HasciiCam and DyneBolic.

Martin Howse (U.K.)- ap02

Niels Elburg (Netherlands)- VeeJay

Gisle Frøysland ( Norway) -founder and maintainer of MøB –

Carlo Prelz (Netherlands/Italy) – MøB

Salsa Man Gabriel Finch (Salsaman) (Netherlands/UK) – LiVES. –

Yves Degoyon (France) – PiDiP for PureData

Lluis Gomez, Sara Rivera, Jordi Torrents (Catalonia)-Skeezo crew

Per Platou (Norway) –

Pedro Soler (Spain)

Simon de Bakker(Netherlands) – V2lab in Rotterdam,

Thomas Sivertsen (Norway)

Dursun Kocha (Netherlands) – VeeJay crew. .

Matthijs van Henten (Netherlands) -VeeJay crew. .

Tom Schouten (Belgia) – PDP for PureData.

Erich Berger (Austria/Norway) –

Peter Votava (Austria) –

Artem Baguinski (Russia/Netherlands) – V2lab in Rotterdam.

Antoine van de Ven (Netherlands) – V2lab in Rotterdam,

Amy Alexander (VJ UberGeek) (USA)

Rama (Argentina/Spain) –

Anders van Goghstadt

Lupo and Halutune.

Ellen Røed (Norway) – BEK

Trond Lossius (Norway) – BEK

Peter Pajchel (Norway/Polen) – re:actor crew

Christian Boen (Norway)

Rune Lossius (Norway)

Ole Kristensen (Denmark)
#PikselXX #Piksel #pikselXXAIAIAI #PikselBergen #floss #ElectronicArts #pikselparticipants #piksel20years #friteknologi #elektroniskkunst #piksel2003

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Piksel KidZ Lab workshop: Creating Audio and Visual effects with Code – LIVE Coding!

Creating Audio and Visual effects with Code – LIVE Coding!

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Piksel KidZ Lab workshop: Creating Audio and Visual effects with Code – LIVE Coding!

Tuesday 25th – Friday 28th October 2022: 15-18h

Duration: 3 hours, the workshop repeats every day.
Age: 10-18 years old.
Venue: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, Bergen
Gratis verksted for barn/unge i alderen 10-18 år for påmelding: piksel22(at)piksel(dot)no

Piksel KidZ Lab is supported by Bergen Kommune and Vestland Fylkeskommune.

The internet is full of ‘open-source’ free software that we can use to create exciting sound and visuals. This workshop for children aged 10ish will introduce Live coding to the kids. Live coding is an audio visual performance practice that revolves around the creation and modification of code and algorithms in real-time.

Antonio Roberts will introduce the group to the Estuary live coding platform, with the aim of writing computer programs “on the fly”. The fast feedback loops and improvisatory spirit of live coding can result in complex and encouraging sound and visual effects. Throughout the 3 hours workshop the kids will experiment programming with very simple code sounds and visuals. The workshop intends to de-mystify technology and reveal its design decisions, limitations, and creative potential. Kids will produce a final performance all together at the end of the workshop.

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Antonio Roberts (UK)

His work has been featured at galleries and festivals including in Arles, France (2012), Glitch Moment/ums at Furtherfield Gallery, London (2013), Loud Tate: Code at Tate Britain (2014), glitChicago at the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art in Chicago, US (2014), Permission Taken at Birmingham Open Media and University of Birmingham (2015-2016), Common Property at Jerwood Arts, London (2016), Ways of Something at Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2017), Green Man Festival, Wales (2017), Barbican, London (2018), and Copy / Paste at the Victoria and Albert Museum (2019).

He has curated exhibitions and projects including GLI.TC/H Birmingham (2011), the Birmingham editions of Bring Your Own Beamer (2012, 2013), µChip 3 (2015), Stealth (2015), No Copyright Infringement Intended (2017). He is part of a-n’s Artist Council, is an Artist Advisor for Jerwood Arts and from 2014 – 2019 he was Curator at Vivid Projects where he produced the Black Hole Club artist development programme.






Piksel KidZ Lab is supported by Bergen Kommune and Vestland Fylkeskommune.

Gratis verksted for barn/unge i alderen 10-18 år for påmelding: piksel22(at)piksel(dot)no

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Live coding Algorave performance Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.

Live coding Algorave performance Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.

Piksel Fest Spill 2020
29th of May – 23:00 – 24:00
Live coding Algorave performance by Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.

Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, BERGEN
Piksel Cyber Salon -

Live coding Algorave performance Antonio Roberts, Alex McLean.
Live coding is a performance practice that revolves around the creation and modification of code and algorithms in real-time. This kind of events are also named ALGORAVE, joining the words algorithm and rave. The 29th of May we welcome the artists Antonio Roberts and Alex McLean and their live audiovisual performance, taking place in parallel at the Studio 207 and at the Cyber Salon.

The venues

  • Piksel Cyber Salon. Piksel invites you to have a cyber experience and to join us at our hybrid activities. Piksel Cyber Salon will host part of the Copy Paste exhibition, workshops, performances and lectures. Join us!
  • Piksel youtube@Piksel Produksjoner
  • Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, BERGEN The new Piksel/Borealis space in town for electronic art, experimental music and adventurous listening.

Piksel Fest Spill is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway and ProHelvetia.

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Piksel Fest Spill 2020

22nd May – 21th June | @Studio207 | @Piksel Cyber Salon
Opening hours (Monday closed): 14:00 – 18:00 | Weekends: 13:00 – 18:00
PROGRAM | Copy/Paste Exhibition | Hackteria / Bad Lab / Kiyoshi Yamamoto

The exhibition COPY/PASTE features the work of nine artists and art collectives who all incorporate copying as a core aspect of their work. Taking the form of a physical exhibition at Piksel Studio 207, an online exhibition at Piksel Cyber Salon, two hybrid workshops and a lecture, the exhibition aims to show that copying is natural, an exhibition to re-think the way we create/share/copy and paste.

Along with the exhibition, Piksel is also presenting a DIY bio art program, the “DIY or die – Plant Printing Workshop” on the topic of coloring fabrics with wild herbs and the toxic impact of the textile industry. The “Worship – Dinner Performance” joins performers from Zurich, Kazakhstan and Bergen. It is based on an exchange of food, gesture, rhythm and sensuality threw to an online meeting tool like zoom, jitsi, skype, etc. It is a tangible stretch towards how sensuality is perceived in the digital realm threw media. Due to the travel restrictions brought by COVID-19, these two events will take part at Piksel Spill Fest remotely, from the virtual space, , with base in Gessnerallee Zurich.

Piksel Fest Spill is also premiering the Piksel Cyber Salon, a 3D virtual space where the audience can enjoy a Cyber experience through the virtual activities. Piksel Cyber Salon intends to bring a new realms to the boring but necessary digital tele-presence. Designed by the Mexican artist Malitzin Cortés, Piksel Cyber Salon will be the Piksel Fest Spill neuralgic hub.

Live coding is a performance practice that revolves around the creation and modification of code and algorithms in real-time. This kind of events are also named ALGORAVE, joining the words algorithm and rave. The 29th of May we welcome the artists Antonio Roberts and Alex McLean and their live audiovisual performance, taking place in parallel at the Studio 207 and the Cyber Salon.

COPY/PASTE featured artists: Carol Breen (IR), Constant (BE), LoVid (US), Lorna Mills (CA), Matthew Plummer-Fernandez + Julien Deswaef, Duncan Poulton (UK), Eric Schrijver (NL), Peter Sunde (FI)

Hackteria / BadLAB members: Maya Minder, Anne-Laure Franchette and Corinnna Mattner, Zurich. QWAS artists: Dana Iskakova and Takhir Yakyharov, Kazakhstan and with the collaboration of Kiyoshi Yamamoto, Bergen.

PRESS info:
PRESS Note + images:

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PIKSEL e/co,li:b-re.bel PIKSEL VENUES PROGRAM AV Concerts Exhibition PikselSavers Talks Workshops Projects PROGRAM

PIKSEL e/co,li:b-re.bel PROGRAM Download the PDF


Thursday 21st Nov

16:00 – 18:00 AV performance – Piksel Music Pavilion

18:00 – 20:00Installation and Piksel DJ’s – Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

20:00 – 24:00Exhibition Opening – S59 + Piksel Studio 207

Friday 22nd Nov

11:00 – 17:00 – Exhibition – S59 and Piksel Studio 207

11:00 – 13:00 – Workshop EXCERPT video manipulation software Gregoire Rousseau, Piksel Studio 207

11:00 – 13:00- Workshop Environmental / Biological sensing using Arduino and other open source approaches, Cy Keener, Piksel Studio 207

15:00 – 17:00 – Workshop Sounding Feet by Instituto Stocos: Pablo Palacio, Daniel Bisig, Muriel Romero, Piksel Studio 207

15:00 – 17:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s + Special guest – Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

16:00 – 17:00 – Lecture Post-news journalism: Art meets journalism talk, Hossein Derakhshan, Bergen Public Library

19:00 – 21:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s – Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

21:00 – 03:00 – AV Performances – Østre
Invisible Ecologies, Gabriela Munguía (MX)
Jana Jan vs. čirnŭ (NO/ES)
ALOES: The Road, Alex van Giersbergen, Marloes van Son (NL/FI)
Juan Antonio Nieto (ES)
Limit of the Off-limit, Nnja Riot, Lisa McKendrick (UK/NZ)

Saturday 23rd Nov

11:00 – 17:00 – Exhibition – S59 and Piksel Studio 207

11:00 – 13:00 – Workshop Invisible Ecologies Lab: wind instruments, Gabriela Munguía (MX), Piksel Studio 207

11:00 – 13:00 – Workshop Mapping Smart Futures, Andreas Zingerle, Davide Bevilacqua, Linda Kronman, Piksel Studio 207

15:00 – 17:00Installation and Piksel DJ’s + Special guest – Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

19:00 – 21:00 Installation and Piksel DJ’s – Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

21:00 to 03:00 – AV Performances – Østre
OECUMENE, Pablo Palacios, Muriel Romero, Daniel Bisig (ES) Crystal Moss Core Force, Noish (ES)
Jukka Hautamäki (FI)
Transduction, Matt Spendlove (UK)
Agnes Pe (ES) + Aleksandar Bradic (US)

Piksel is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Hordaland Kommune, Community of Madrid, Austrian Embassy, Acción Cultural Española, Inaem, Pro Helvetia and BEK.

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AV Performances. Piksel19 – e/co,li:b-re.bel

AV Performances nights Download AV Performances PDF program
Interactive dance, laser performance, opti-sonic intervention, live coding muscles controlled, extreme computer music, electronic performances, voice and noise, psychoacoustic effects and environmental magnitudes into sound, light and movement.

PIKSEL19 – e/co,li:b-re.bel
The 17th annual Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies is hosting three performance days. Thursday at the Piksel Pavilion from 4pm to 6pm. Friday and Saturday at Østre from 21:00 to 24:00, Piksel resident DJs will be playing until the very end of the night. Along the three days, Piksel Hut, the Utestuen i Skostredet will serve as a Piksel meeting point with installations and special guests from 15:00 to 17:00 and 19:00 to 21:00.

Audiovisual Performances PROGRAM

Thursday 21st Nov

16:00-18:00 – AV performance
Piksel Music pavilion

18:00 – 20:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s
Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

20:00 – 24:00 – Exhibition Opening
Piksel Studio 207 + Strandgaten 208

Friday 22nd Nov

15:00 – 17:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s
Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

19:00 – 21:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s + special guest
Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

21:00 to 03:00 – AV Performances
Invisible Ecologies, Gabriela Munguía (AR)
Jana Jan vs. čirnŭ (NO/ES)
ALOES: The Road, Alex van Giersbergen, Marloes van Son (NL/FI)
Juan Antonio Nieto
Limit of the Off-limit, Nnja Riot, Lisa McKendrick (UK/NZ)

Saturday 23rd Nov

15:00 – 17:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s
Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

19:00 – 21:00 – Installation and Piksel DJ’s + special guest
Piksel Hut // Utestuen i Skostredet

21:00 to 03:00 – AV Performances Østre
OECUMENE, Pablo Palacios, Muriel Romero, Daniel Bisig (ES)
Crystal Moss Core Force, Noish (ES)
Jukka Hautamäki (FI)
Transduction, Matt Spendlove (UK)
Agnes Pe (ES) + Aleksandar Bradic (US)

Thursday 21st Nov 16:00-18:00

at the Piksel Music pavilion

From 16:00 to 18:00, the music pavilion in Bergen will be known as the Pixel Pavilion, flooding the city center of Bergen in light and sound. Always updated on the latest and greatest in electronics, the pavilion will play host to the music of Agnes Pe along with the stunning visuals of Aleksandar Brandic, two Piksel artists doing high impact performances guaranteed to make you want to explore the entire Piksel festival program this year. 

Bleep: A visual detour in Synthetic Biology
Aleksandar Bradic

Bleep is a new Open Source MIDI-driven browser-based vector graphics live coding framework, and is being used to create a event-specific visual narrative exploring the topic of Synthetic Biology. This visual work is based on the recontextualization of SynBio visual language, as well as the relevant data and research content from the field, to create a high-information-density abstract narrative posing questions at the intersection of biology, knowledge, and computation. The piece represents a kind of a random walk through synthetic, algorithmically generated design spaces, which are controlled and modulated in real-time by muscle actions of the performer. In this way, the work questions the relevance of human action in our increasingly algorithmically determined reality. All code and visual assets created for this work, as well as the hardware controller used for the performance, is entirely Open Source Software/Hardware.

Friday 22nd Nov 21:00 to 03:00

At Østre

Invisible Ecologies
Gabriela Munguía (AR)

Invisible ecologies is the result of a series of sensing and amplification devices of different environmental magnitudes such as wind speed and the process of mineral erosion. From the construction of various open source technologies, a series of machinery articulate different geological natural processes in the form of sound, light and movement. From a poetic and philosophical study on the possible processes of co-creation with nature, I am interested in the metamorphic relationship between scientific representation and artistic creation through technological experimentation.

Jana Jan vs. čirnŭ
Ivan Andre Paulsen, Itziar Markiegi (NO/ES)

Loud, extreme and unrepentant; both čirnŭ and Jana Jan are known for uncompromising and intense live-sets. After being thrown together for the first time at the Bruital Furore festival in 2019, finding their individual styles resonated quite nicely with each other – they decided to join forces again.

ALOES: The Road ((NL/FI)
Alex van Giersbergen, Marloes van Son

The audiovisual composition ‘The Road’ is inspired by endless bus-trips on winter roads and the ambiguous feeling of being away from home. ALOES moves along an abstract road through a computer generated landscape of ghostly visuals. They translate their travels into melodic soundscapes with self-built digital synthesizers, field recordings and voice. The sound is created using Arduino-based instruments, field recordings, a looper and voice. The accompanying visuals are live generated with custom made software.

Juan Antonio Nieto (ES)

Juan Antonio Nieto is a Spanish experimental musician. He plays live electronics using field recordings as a raw material. His records have been published on labels as Moozak, Trente Oiseaux, Mandorla, Experimedia, Impulsive Habitat, Plus Timbre, Test Tube, A.M.P., and Luscinia among others. He has won the Radical dB award in the category audio/performance in 2016.

Limit of the Off-limit
Nnja Riot, Lisa McKendrick (UK/NZ)

Nnja Riot’s music is an exploration into the possibilities of instruments, electronics, collected sounds and the human voice. She performs with a combination of instruments, self-built synths and video synths. She has co-designed the Fort Processor which is a stand alone oscillating synth.  Nnja Riot is the solo project of Lisa McKendrick who is based in London and born in New Zealand. Recently she has performed at Noise Shed, Sound Art Improv Electronics – Salon de Refuses, The Intimate Space at St Mary’s Tower, Classical Enemy in Noise Waters (The Golden Hinde), Skronktronic, Dronica Festival, Queer+_ Noise, Common Ground, Berlin, Liminality – Gallery 46, ELECTROLIGHTS AV, Gleetch, EVTV, EAM Experimental Electronics, Sotu Festival Amsterdam, Supernoise Festival Aarhus. She was featured in MusicTech magazine January 2019, The Sunday Tribune May 2019, Loose Lips blog, Noods Radio, Dronica Podcast, Resonance FM, Female Pressure Radio podcast and ZRadio.

Limit of the Off-limit
Nnja Riot, Lisa McKendrick (UK/NZ

Saturday 23rd Nov 21:00 to 03:00

Special event, interactive dance
Pablo Palacios, Muriel Romero, Daniel Bisig (ES)

Oecumene is an interactive dance and music piece that reflects on the role of the individual in the world, expanded through technology beyond the limits of her geographical birthplace or cultural identity of origin. The piece employs an original technology that allows the dancer to interact in real time with lights and a sound reflection of the multidimensionality of the world that surrounds us.

The piece employs real-time analysis of movement qualities, generative algorithms to create musical structures and control the synthesis of sound and light. In addition several types of sensors and hardware have been specially designed for the piece: pressure sensitive shoes, inertial Movement Units ( IMU) and Interactive Lasers.

Crystal Moss Core Force
Noish (ES)
[noish] audio>
[noish] audio>

Extreme computer music that explore chaotic and generative territories. Software under linux ubuntu; pure data, supercollider. Hardware: axolot and attack delay. Design of the release by Carlos Valverde and text by Lucia C Pino.

Live electronics sound performance.
Jukka Hautamäki (FI)

Hautamäki’s sound performances are microscopic studies into electronic sound picking up electromagnetic radiation and interference from under-hood work lights, electromagnetic sources, coil mics, diy amps, radio waves, fluorence lights,… Hautamäki addresses the concept of “forced” improvisation using difficult interfaces, and turning chaos and trash-aesthetics into instruments of live electronics.  In his live electronics performance practice he experiments with interfacing, by integrating bodily performance with media technology.

Matt Spendlove (UK)

Transduction is a performative opti-sonic intervention designed for projection and multi-channel sound. Presented as an abstract animation of visual music, illusory visual and psychoacoustic effects probe perception via experimental psychological processes and kinetic optical techniques. The performance is algorithmically generated and manipulated in realtime via live coding.

Agnes Pe (ES)

SNUFF !! It is the parasitic kidnapping of live radio broadcast to turn it into a single sound matter: no interviews, no news, no music, no announcements, without all those conventions that have been generated around the radio medium. The sound planes disappear.

Piksel19 is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Hordaland County, Community of Madrid, Austrian Embassy, Acción Cultural Española, Inaem, Pro Helvetia. and BEK.

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Live Coding Piksel Pavilion at the Musikkpaviljongen in Bergen

Piskel Fest Spill 2019 program

30th of May AV Performance @Piksel Pavilion from 21:00 – 23:00
LIVE CODING Music, Toccata for two keyboards Hlöðver Sigurðsson (IS)
LIVE CODING Visuals with Visual Hifa, Valentín Vago (CH)

Piksel Pavilion – The central info point for Piksel Fest Spill

The 30th of March, Piksel comes back to the Music Pavillion in Bergen with 2 hours of audiovisual live performances. The music pavilion will be electronically updated to host different Piksel artists doing high impact performances as a preview of what is going to happen at the Piksel Festival.

Piksel Pavilion are LIVE CODING sessions focused on sound and visuals.

Hlöðver Sigurðsson (IS) is a computer musician and composer from Reykjavik. His performances has been seen at the Spektrum (berlín), Piksel Festival (Bergen) and Sonic Code Sessions Showcase, part of vorspiel of Transmediale 2017.

Valentín Vago (CH)
In 2016 I decided to create a new software called Visual Fiha which allows the generation of visuals based on live coding and real time audio analysis. I have been performing alongside with international DJs and producers.

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Visual live coding in the browser with Visual Fiha by Valentin Vago (CH)

31st of May Workshops @Piksel Studio 207 from 14:00 – 18:00

To sign up send and email to piksel19(at)piksel(dot)no with the subject Live Coding Visuals

Visual live coding in the browser with Visual Fiha by Valentin Vago (CH)

The Visual Fiha web app is a personal and non-commercial project from Valentin Vago (zeropaper) aimed for him to experiment with web related technologies.

It is a free VJing software that runs in browsers. The development of the first version of Visual Fiha begun in October 2016. That first version was based on the amazing AmpersandJS library, it supported live manipulation of THREE.js scenes, HTML5 canvas, SVG, HTML with CSS, integrated the P5 library as well and implemented the concept of signals.Visual Fiha was first used for a live performance in December 2016 and a first workshop took place in May 2017 in Moscow.

Valentín Vago (CH)

In 2016 I decided to create a new software called Visual Fiha which allows the generation of visuals based on live coding and real time audio analysis. I have been performing alongside with international DJs and producers.

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  • We’re excited to share some positive news: thanks to your support, we’ve secured in funding from the city about one-third of what we usually received before cuts, which has allowed us to regain our operational footing. This is an important milestone, and we’re truly grateful for your solidarity. Thank you for believing in Piksel and our mission. Let’s keep working together to build a vibrant future for art, technology, and society. Warm regards, The Piksel Team

    10 January 2025 @ 2:17 pm

    31 December 2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Please support our petition!!

    9 December 2024 @ 8:36 pm

    Streaming now: Transmission~, Luis Sanz

    24 November 2024 @ 2:41 pm

    Streaming now: The Way of Schesa, Ryan Ross Smith and Shawn Lawson

    24 November 2024 @ 2:02 pm

    Piksel needs your support!!
    #piksel #culturecuts #electronicart #mediaart #funding #Bergen

    20 November 2024 @ 11:39 pm

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