RDEX presentation – Claude Heiland-Allen |
A presentation on the art and tech behind my project RDEX – covering aesthetics of higher dimensions, emergent behaviour, GPU programming for audio-visuals, using databases for image similarity, and so on… RDEX (reaction-diffusion explorer) is an installation and performance piece that explores in an autonomous hyperspace mathematical model, searching for interesting emergent behaviour (life-alike, alife). http://rdex.goto10.org |
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Cartografia Sonora Antartica – ALejandra Perez |
It uses sound recordings and footage from expedition to Antartica in december 2010. Very Low Frequencies and transduced hydrophone sound from Wedell seals were recorded during 10 days journey in an icebraker. The project collects sounds in remote places, antartica, atacama and isla robinson crusoe (previous to feb2710 tsunami). The project focus is the monitoring of remote places, often only occupied by scientist and military. *the means to monitor pollution and hear the invisible in the hands of elpueblo* Activities in remote areas are often performed by scientists or the military. It is one instance where universities, research laboratories and defense complexes meet. It is a situation to claim participation of civil society. http://cartografiasonora.org |
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CHEAP, FAT + OPEN: an open source platform for musical exploration, composition and performance – Jacob Sikker Remin / Jakob Bak |
The platform is CHEAP, and OPEN – welcoming you to experiment.It is a combination of the old and new: the raw 8bit / chip tune approach combined with wireless connectivity, state of the art open source hardware, and expandability – gives us that FAT sound.It is portable, allowing you to make music on the go.The platform is a performance instrument, giving a full 11⁄2 octave keyboard control in compact packaging, through a classic stylophone interface. It is also a sequencer, allowing you to program rhythms and melodies, and play them back in sync with other platforms and instruments. CHEAP, FAT and OPEN is designed for geeky musicians, the chip tune community, the makers, the circuit benders, the interaction designers and the musical programmers, and anyone else who wishes to experiment with sequenced / networked / low-level musical exploration.project development blog: http://tthheessiiss.wordpress.com/ sound samples: http://cheapfatandopen.bandcamp.com/ |
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Scenic: Telepresence software for live performances and installations – Alexandre Quessy, Tristan Matthews |
Scenic is a free software suite for streaming audio, video and MIDI between live events. It was created at the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT) to give artists a powerful tool for telepresence in live arts contexts and new media installations.The streaming is done over RTP with the GStreamer multimedia framework. Users can also choose low-bandwidth or high-quality codecs, depending on what is available on their system. It offers up to as many audio channels as your audio device supports.In this presentation, two of the authors will explain and demonstrate the usage of Scenic for live transmission of audio, video and MIDI over networks.See http://svn.sat.qc.ca/trac/scenic/ | ![]() |
Scratch – Audun Eriksen |
Audun Eriksen will do a presentation of two workhops in Scratch ,a graphical programming language for teens, held for 7th graders in Trondheim october 2010.http://scratch.mit.edu |
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Naked on Pluto – Aymeric Mansoux, Dave Griffiths, Marloes de Valk |
“You are 4.3 billion kilometres away from the nearest human, what would you like to do?”Naked on Pluto is a Multiplayer Text Adventure Game on Facebook. You wake up on Pluto, in a city under the rule of Elastic Versailles revision 14, a corrupted Artificial Intelligence and former entertainment colony. It used to be the Las Vegas of the Solar System, a true paradise for consumers and corporations alike. Until something snapped… What happened and how to escape?Naked on Pluto is developed during a shared residency at NIMk, BALTAN Laboraties and Piksel, between June and November 2010, by Dave Griffiths, Aymeric Mansoux and Marloes de Valk. The project is licensed Copyleft. The research and development process is documented and can be followed on http://pluto.kuri.mu and http://facebook.com/is.so.convenient. The game can be played on http://naked-on-pluto.net (teaser only a.t.m.).Naked on Pluto is also part of the international touring exhibition Funware, opening November 12 at MU Eindhoven. | ![]() |
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November 12th, 2010 on 23:42
[…] Presentations […]
November 18th, 2010 on 12:17
[…] | STUDIO USF 14:00-17:00 14:00 Reflecting about ArTe 15:00 How to build a Capitalistic Robot 16:00 […]
November 20th, 2010 on 01:09
[…] Golden Shield Music – sonification of IT censorship technologies 14:30 Naked on Pluto 15:00 The White People 16:00 Scenic: Telepresence software for live […]