
Stormy Thursdays. Open Workshops.

Stormy Thursdays – Exploring the Convergence of Art and Free/Libre Technologies. Open workshops.

We are delighted to invite you to “Stormy Thursdays,” a series of interactive workshops where we delve into the intersection of art and free/libre technologies, fostering a serene space for exploration and creativity.

Discover the Art-Tech Connection: Immerse yourself in the serene blend of artistic expression and free/libre technologies, where innovation takes a tranquil form.

Participate, Craft, Share: These workshops prioritize hands-on engagement. Join us to participate actively, craft your projects, and share your creations with a community of like-minded individuals.

Free/Libre Technologies: Embrace the philosophy of open-source tools. Learn about free/libre technologies and contribute to a collaborative space of knowledge sharing.

Event Details:

Date: Every Thursday / January and February 2024
Time: 17-20 h
Venue: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, Bergen

What to Anticipate:

Interactive Workshops
Live Demonstrations
Collaborative Project Showcases
Casual Networking with Creative Minds

Who Should Attend:

Tech Enthusiasts
Those intrigued by the intersection of art and technology

RSVP Today: Send us an email to piksel24(at)piksel(dot)no

Let Thursdays become a canvas for peaceful creativity, an avenue for thoughtful exploration. We look forward to a serene collaboration of art and technology. See you there.

#StormyThursdays #ArtTechConvergence #FreeLibreExploration #TranquilInnovation

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Piksel Fest Spill 2020

22nd May – 21th June | @Studio207 | @Piksel Cyber Salon
Opening hours (Monday closed): 14:00 – 18:00 | Weekends: 13:00 – 18:00
PROGRAM | Copy/Paste Exhibition | Hackteria / Bad Lab / Kiyoshi Yamamoto

The exhibition COPY/PASTE features the work of nine artists and art collectives who all incorporate copying as a core aspect of their work. Taking the form of a physical exhibition at Piksel Studio 207, an online exhibition at Piksel Cyber Salon, two hybrid workshops and a lecture, the exhibition aims to show that copying is natural, an exhibition to re-think the way we create/share/copy and paste.

Along with the exhibition, Piksel is also presenting a DIY bio art program, the “DIY or die – Plant Printing Workshop” on the topic of coloring fabrics with wild herbs and the toxic impact of the textile industry. The “Worship – Dinner Performance” joins performers from Zurich, Kazakhstan and Bergen. It is based on an exchange of food, gesture, rhythm and sensuality threw to an online meeting tool like zoom, jitsi, skype, etc. It is a tangible stretch towards how sensuality is perceived in the digital realm threw media. Due to the travel restrictions brought by COVID-19, these two events will take part at Piksel Spill Fest remotely, from the virtual space, , with base in Gessnerallee Zurich.

Piksel Fest Spill is also premiering the Piksel Cyber Salon, a 3D virtual space where the audience can enjoy a Cyber experience through the virtual activities. Piksel Cyber Salon intends to bring a new realms to the boring but necessary digital tele-presence. Designed by the Mexican artist Malitzin Cortés, Piksel Cyber Salon will be the Piksel Fest Spill neuralgic hub.

Live coding is a performance practice that revolves around the creation and modification of code and algorithms in real-time. This kind of events are also named ALGORAVE, joining the words algorithm and rave. The 29th of May we welcome the artists Antonio Roberts and Alex McLean and their live audiovisual performance, taking place in parallel at the Studio 207 and the Cyber Salon.

COPY/PASTE featured artists: Carol Breen (IR), Constant (BE), LoVid (US), Lorna Mills (CA), Matthew Plummer-Fernandez + Julien Deswaef, Duncan Poulton (UK), Eric Schrijver (NL), Peter Sunde (FI)

Hackteria / BadLAB members: Maya Minder, Anne-Laure Franchette and Corinnna Mattner, Zurich. QWAS artists: Dana Iskakova and Takhir Yakyharov, Kazakhstan and with the collaboration of Kiyoshi Yamamoto, Bergen.

PRESS info:
PRESS Note + images:

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Urinotron, Bio-kunst Workshop | Friday 15th – Sunday 17th of November

Urinotron is a large-scale installation that takes our organic waste (urine!) and transforms it into power. Contribute your urine and then put your feet up as the salts in your liquid gold turn into sustainable pee power. Urinotron combines scientific equipment, engineering skills, reels of electronic wires in an artistic equivalent of an alchemist’s workshop will be producing a different kind of gold.

Friday 15th – Sunday 17th November

  • Urinotron, Sandra and Gaspard Bébié-Valérian(FR)
    Friday 15:00 – 19:00
    Saturday 12:00 – 19:00 – with a break
    Sunday 12:00 – 14:00

The project is declined according to the contexts it is hosted. For Piksel festival, a unic workshop will be organized to build a new version of the Urinotron, collectively made and opened to improvements or inventive skills. As energy is one of the most important stakes of our society, working together around the Urinotron will offer the opportunity to think about other energetic models and why we are flushing such a valuable resource.

The general shape of the Urinotron crosses the aesthetics of alchemy, the assembly of heterogeneous elements such as glass, steel, copper, carbon, aluminium, coal and constitutes a clandestine laboratory within which are assembled tanks, electrodes, batteries, cables. This great whole can be likened to a giant microbial battery, functional and whose objective is not so much to reproduce or improve existing research in laboratories on this subject but rather, through a symbolic and artistic bias, to develop a setting criticism of the technique to test the limits and create, then, a material judgment on the industrial and capitalist context about bioenergies.

The challenges associated with the energy transition engage us to rethink our uses, our consumption patterns and industrialization in our societies. From household appliances to transportation, from the management of public lighting to the optimization of web pages (a google search would be equivalent to a boiling water pot), each gesture is the object of the calculation of its carbon footprint and its cost energy. The hyper-industrialization and the abstract nature of pollution and global warming (micro-particles, gases, spatials and elusive temporalities on an individual scale) produce a shift, a decoupling between the production of energy and its use. The growing intermediation of these circuits plays a role in the loss of consciousness of each person’s place. Yet as basic, unlimited and easily adaptable resources, renewable energies open up a resilient economic model.

The intention of this project, symbolic and concrete, points the balance of power between a dominant, centralized electricity production and a microelectricity produced by each one of us, recyclable, reusable aand sustainable. This form of resistance to this economy in tension can be found outside, also, of the exhibition context, and makes it possible to think the project with a nesting in the public space within which the installation would maintain its specificity but would be connected to common uses, useful and to rethink the public space and its uses.

Piksel19 is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Hordaland Kommune, Community of Madrid, Austrian Embassy, Acción Cultural Española, Inaem, Pro Helvetia and BEK.

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Workshops announcement. Piksel19 – e/co,li:b-re.bel

Piksel19 is proud to present the workshops from the 17th festival edition. Download Workshops PDF program Ranging from bioart workshops which target environmental and ecological issues, the smart city technotopias and video manipulation software created for and by artists, all mixed with DIY electronics and, artistic approaches.
Send us an email if you want to attend to piksel19(at)piksel(dot)no with the name of the workshop.

“Urinotron” is an installation that can produce electricity at a local or even micro-local level, from an organic waste, familiar but intimate, the urine. The workshop shows how to build up an Urinotron from scratch.

Cy Keener travelled to the Arctic to deploy RGB light and temperature sensors through sea ice, he is using these open source electronics and data at his installation Digital Ice Core. At his workshop he will train the participants on every DIY sensor that he uses to do this project.

Mapping Smart Futures the smart city technotopias focusing in South Korea and its smart cities as a case study. In the workshop attendants will unpack the omnipresence of technology in the ‘green’, sustainable, and clean cities and by applying Open Source Intelligence tools, citizen forensics and grassroot journalism we want to look at the current state of internet infrastructure in Scandinavia, with a special focus on Norway.

Invisible Ecologies Lab: wind instruments. The Wind Instruments Lab proposes to construct different environmental sensors and explore different sound processes for environmental and meteorological analog data to form a WindSynthLoop, a wind interactive electronic music instrument.

EXCERPT video manipulation software. Visual artists need to screen videos of high quality in many different contexts: from clean video work presentation, single channel video in gallery, a series of video for musical support, audiovisual performance with real time video handling, use of pre-recorded material and real time generated images. Excerpt can do all that.

The workshop Sounding Feet explores how small postural changes of a dancer can be used to control music. From an artistic point of view, this interactive relationship links the musical outcome of interaction to the proprioceptive awareness of a dancer and it exposes to an audience through the auditory modality a dancer’s minute movements that might be visually hidden. The project follows an approach that combines musical ideation, dance improvisation, interaction design, and engineering. Through this combination the development and design decisions (e.g. the characteristics, number and position of force resistive sensors) can be informed by artistic criteria.

Piksel19 is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Arts Council Norway, Hordaland County, Community of Madrid, Austrian Embassy, Acción Cultural Española, Inaem, Pro Helvetia and BEK.

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City-Tech: SONORATEC! By Margarita Ardila/Oda Bremnes

12 – 14 november – 10:00 – 14:00
15 – 16 november – 14:00 – 18:00
For å melde deg på, send en mail til piksel18(at)piksel(dot)no
Gratis verksted for barn/unge i alderen 4-14 år

Piksel Studio 207
Strandgaten 207

SONORATEC er en lab hvor barna lærer seg grunnleggende elektronikk for å kunne skape lyd til tegnede bilder; leker som lyser; plastpianoer… alt bygget av gjenvinnede materialer.

Hva kommer vi til å gjøre?
Bygge forskjellige innretninger som lar barna eksperimentere med ledlys, strømkretser, lyd, grafikk, kreativ skriving og mye mer.

Margarita Ardila (Colombia)
Margarita Ardila er en colombiansk filmskaper, komponist og lydforsker. Hun er en multidisiplinær kunstner og grunnlegger av workshopen SONORATEC LAB, som fokuserer på bruken av nye medier i kunst, design og utdanning.

Oda Bremnes (Norway)
Oda Bremnes er I si tredje år av bachelorutdanning ved Institut for kunst ved Fakultet for Kunst, Musikk og Design, UiB (udligere Kunst- og designhøyskolen I Bergen). Hun jobber med nye medier. hovedsaklig video, installasjon og elektronikk.

Sonorartec is a lab where the kids learn the basics of electronic to produce sound with drawn images, toys with lights, plastic pianos, … recycling everyday materials. Building different devices which permit kids to experiment with leds, circuits, sound, graphics, creative writing, and much more.

Margarita Ardila, Colombia

Margarita Ardila is a Colombian maker, composer and sound researcher. Multidisciplinary artist coordinator and workshop of SONORARTEC LAB, laboratory oriented to the application of new media in the art, design, education. Emerging, independent and self-managed space interested in sharing and disseminating DIY and DIWO dynamics. Currently developing the project LAPIZ VOLTAJOSO activity mixing electronics and creative writing.

Piksel Kidz Lab er støttet av Norsk Kulturfond og Hordaland Fylkeskommune.

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North Creative Network and Pikslaverk

From 21th of June to June 24th the Pikselaverk festival in Iceland hold the NORTH – Creative Network project. Piksel part of this EEA grant project took part with the DIY DNA action “From NSA to DNA” from the Piksel artists Gisle Frøysland and Maite Cajaraville.

From NSA to DNA

From NSA to DNA

NORTH – Creative Network is a response to the unstable situation of this moment, which requires constant and rapid changes in culture and art sector finding new, innovate solutions for more sustainable future. Past years, new media artists have developed and expanded their field of interests far beyond the so-called “new media” borders. They are engaged in sustainability issues, looking at them from different perspectives – social, cultural, environmental and technological. NORTH Creative Network (NCN) – for open innovation and cultural exchange will be developed by project partners from Latvia, Iceland and Norway in a result of the project activities, taking place in all three countries. The project mission is to contribute towards sustainable culture development by designing and building more accessible routes into the sector of creative industries.

Pikslaverk is an electronic art festival dedicated this year to art and science. Pikslaverk opened with Anna Fríða Jónsdóttir‘s performance based on data from earthquicks in the glacier Bardarbunga. She was accompanied by the bassist Haraldur Ægir Guðmundsson. Other artists participating in the exhibition are Raits Smits, Ragnar Már Nikulásson, Olga Kisseleva, Gisle Frøysland, Maite Cajaraville, Hrund Atladóttir and Katla Rós. There will also be display of photographs from the geologists Hrafnhildur Hannesdóttir and Snævarr Guðmundsson as well as Frederick Howell, Jack Ives, Ólaf Magnússon, Helga Arason, Ingólf Ísólfsson, Tretow Loof and danish surveyors from early 20th Century.

Pikslaverk festival was organized in connection to the workshop Melting on Ice which took place in Reykjavik during May 19th to 21st. Melting on Ice workshop was a series of lectures and a fieldtrip to the glacier Sólheimajökull. The workshop and the festival are part of a collaborative project called NORTH Creative Network – for open innovation and cultural exchange supported by an EEA grants.

NORTH Creative Network partners are Lorna, association for electronic arts, the organizer of Piksalverk festival, Rixc from Riga, Piksel from Bergen and i/o/lab from Stavanger.

Pikslaverk festival is organized in collaboration with Raflost festival and Raflost workshop at the Iceland Arts Academy.
Project coordinator: Margrét Elísabet Ólafsdóttir.
Assistant : Ragnar Már Nikulásson.

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Pure Data Synthesizer OPEN workshop

Servando Barreiro

In this workshop, among other more advanced things, the attendants are going to learn the basic building blocks of a classic synth.

Concretely we are going to study and hack a clone of the beautiful and simple ¨moog werkstatt¨ synth which is an experimental limited edition synth. As it´s name indicates, this is a perfect synth to hack, improve, modify and also to learn about basic ¨clean¨ analogue subtractive synthesis.

To register send an email to: piksel14(at)piksel(dot)no
More info:

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PiksteriaLab – Open LAB

PIKSTERIA LAB – OPEN CALL to participants

Bring your own ideas, interests, knowledge and tools.
10-15th november – Bergen Kjott
More info:

“From 10th to 15th november, PIKSEL14 – be\O/art festival is presenting PIKSTERIA LAB a biohacking lab open to all citizens interested at experimenting new models for knowledge sharing and collaboration building, in the emergent artistic practices related to bio, nanotechnology and science related to Bergen and surrounds.”

Open BioElectronix and BioSonification
During this sessions we’ll continue on various prototypes connecting plants to puredata, making sound with fishes, connecting brain-measurements to glitch visuals and generally exploring the possibilities of monitoring the processes of life using open source hard/software.

Water Monitoring
Water monitoring, purification and analysis has been important nodes throughout our activities of the last few years.

Hackteria / Lifepatch Evergreens
You wanna build a DIY microscopy? Or join us for some basic DIY Fermentation or the Art of making Wine, bubble sonification? Join us anytime and we’ll introduce you to some of the all time classics!

8bit Mixtape 0.8 and beyond
The idea was to create a synthesizer from an affordable programmable chip that is playful and could be used by anyone to play the music. 8-Bit Mixtape is using a mathematical expression into a single line of programming code which generates Algorithmic symphonies. In this workshop participants will be invited to identify basic electronic components, soldering the correct way and how to add sound into the synthesizer.

**Schedule 10 – 15. Nov / Pre-Piksel
10. Nov: If you can’t build your Lab you don’t own the Lab
11h | Introduction of all participants and start lab making!

11 – 13. Nov: DIWO Biohacking (Do it with Others)
11 – 17h | Every day DIWO PiksteriaLab .
16 – 18h | Open sessions. join us, discuss with us, bring some something, make something
— Nights | spontaneous and improvised late night biotinkering as much as needed…
— Project work, collaboration, discussions & mini-Workshops

14 – 15. Nov: Open PiksteriaLab
11h – 17h | Every day DIWO PiksteriaLab .
16 – 21h | Open sessions for all piksel peeps who want to be in a lab
— Nights | spontaneous and improvised late night biotinkering as much as needed…
— Jamming with the Living Elektro & mini-Workshops

Register by mail to Piksel Team: – First come first serve.
Other questions can also be directly send to
Slots for full participation are limited. Everybody is welcome to join and visit the open sessions.

Please, provide us a few sentences about yourself (short bio).
Why are you interested in the DIWO biohacking session?
Can you join all days of the PiksteriaLab (11-17h)?
Do you want to start another node to work, collaborate on and share?
What kind of lab-tools, organisms, hardware will you bring the lab?

More info at:

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OpenLab 5 : Cafe OTO, 25th April 2009

OpenLab 5 : Cafe OTO, 25th April 2009

Openlab are providing a day of workshops & presentations about
opensource software, and performances in the evening at Cafe OTO,
Dalston. There is a venerable lineup of OpenLab members providing some
in depth knowledge during the day and some great performances at
night. The preliminary line up goes like this:


(continue reading…)

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  • We’re excited to share some positive news: thanks to your support, we’ve secured in funding from the city about one-third of what we usually received before cuts, which has allowed us to regain our operational footing. This is an important milestone, and we’re truly grateful for your solidarity. Thank you for believing in Piksel and our mission. Let’s keep working together to build a vibrant future for art, technology, and society. Warm regards, The Piksel Team

    10 January 2025 @ 2:17 pm

    31 December 2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Please support our petition!!

    9 December 2024 @ 8:36 pm

    Streaming now: Transmission~, Luis Sanz

    24 November 2024 @ 2:41 pm

    Streaming now: The Way of Schesa, Ryan Ross Smith and Shawn Lawson

    24 November 2024 @ 2:02 pm

    Piksel needs your support!!
    #piksel #culturecuts #electronicart #mediaart #funding #Bergen

    20 November 2024 @ 11:39 pm

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