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Toonloop 1.1 released

Alexandre Quessy  has just released Toonloop version 1.1 for Debian/Ubuntu GNU/Linux! The Debian packages for Toonloop and Pygame (its dependency) can be found at

New in Toonloop 1.1 :
* Added groups of options. One for each effect.
* Unified interface to GLSL effects.
* Added simplechroma, lumakey, leavecolor and brcosa effects.
* Background image is one taken using a special key stroke.
* Able to add or delete frames anywhere in a clip.
* Playback direction : forward, backward, back&forth.
* Display a progress bar when saving a clip.
* Shift-Q to quit, and not ESC anymore.
(continue reading…)

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Report from the OpenCV workshop at BALTAN Laboratories


Report by Yves Degoyon, workshop leader (along with Lluis Gomez i Bigorda), OpenCV workshop at BALTAN Laboratories, September 21-27, 2009 (continue reading…)

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pd_opencv 0.2-rc4

after a week of intensive workshop in BALTAN  laboratories
a new version of OpenCV for PD has been released,
version 0.2-rc4 that fixes the following issues :

version 0.2-rc4 ( codename BALTANIK )

* fixed colorspace problems for mac ppc
* contours detection objects ( hu_compare and pgh_compare ) now give the posititon of matching contours.
* a folder of examples have been added, they should work with pd-extended.


you can find binaries for mac osx and linux packages on the wiki
as well as the source code ( for those who want to compile it ) here :

some videos of the workshop have been published here :

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Kunsthallen Brandts presents Shared Robotics

RoboDays are proud to present the exhibition “Shared Robotics” at Kunsthallen Brandts in Odense from August 21th to November 29th 2009. In “Shared Robotics” two fields: robotics and contemporary art are fused.

Today robot utopias and dystopias have collapsed: Robots are neither slaves nor doomsday machines; on the contrary robots are an increasing part of our everyday lives. The exhibition “Shared Robotics” displays artworks that incorporate custom built robotics and converts industrial robots for new purposes. The exhibition seeks to show, how the actual coexistence between humans and robots can lead to creative developments. (continue reading…)

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OpenCV Workshop at BALTAN – Call for participation

Workshop leaders:
Lluis Gómez I Bigórda,, Barcelona
Yves Degoyon,, Barcelona

In collaboration with Piksel (Norway)

Participants: 16 (maximum)
Fee: 75 Euro

Location: BALTAN Laboratories
Glaslaan 2, SWA 8
The Netherlands

Computer Vision is currently acquiring a growing relevance in the field of interactive arts. From Myron Krueger’s pioneering artwork in the 1970s to the present day, many artists have used Computer Vision techniques in their works, extending its field of traditional applications (medical, military, industrial, etc.) to interactive artistic practices. It might be visible in an interactive installation or hidden/embedded when used, for example, in gesture-driven musical instruments. (continue reading…)

CALL for Proposals: BALTAN + Piksel residency


Open Call for Proposals

BALTAN Laboratories and Piksel collaborative research and development residency

++ Deadline: August 31, 2009 ++

As part of BALTAN Laboratories’ Blueprint research programme investigating the roles and forms of the art and technology laboratory of the future, BALTAN and Piksel are collaborating to explore the relationship between hard and software developers working on free and open source tools for artistic production, and the artistic use and development of these tools in a laboratory setting.

One artist will be selected from this open call to produce an artwork using tools developed in collaboration with local and international developers of the Piksel Community, together with BALTAN and Piksel, through workshops and a residency at BALTAN. The Piksel/BALTAN collaboration will run from September until December 2009.

(continue reading…)

The LiVES Video Editor and VJ Tool Turns 1.0

LiVES is a video editing and VJ tool for Linux and BSD systems and today it celebrates its version 1.0 birthday. LiVES provides realtime video performance and non-linear editing for all classes of video editors and VJs (VJ is the Video equivalent of a DJ).

The LiVES project was started in 2002 by me, the author, and I continue to manage and enhance the project. At the time I had just bought a digital camera that was capable of taking short video clips of 10 seconds or so. Although I could play these clips perfectly well in mplayer, I was unable to find any editor on Linux which was capable of editing this format. So I thought – if I can play the clips, then I should be able to save the frames and edit them. I looked at the manpage for mplayer and noted that it could output multiple image files. From this the LiVES editor was born.

The other thing that was going on at the time, which is just as important today, was the beginning of DRM, and companies were attempting to lock down video and prevent people from copying and thus being able to edit clips. So I was interested in the new, open formats which were coming along as an alternative – today most people have heard of and even used ogg/theora. LiVES was one of the very first applications to support that format. True to the spirit of open source, the LiVES code does not contain any proprietary or patented codecs, although these can be added through external libraries. (continue reading…)

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SummerLAB  04-08.08.09
LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Centre
, Gijón

SummerLAB 2009 is a gathering of creators, hackers and artists from all over Spain who work mainly with open-source applications and tools. (FLOSS) (continue reading…)

GOSH! – Grounding Open Source Hardware


The Grounding Open Source Hardware (GOSH!) Workshop and Summit at The Banff Centre serves to bring together the many and disparate makers, producers, theorizers and promoters of physical objects that come to life under open and distributed models, and to facilitate the emerging dialogue on both artist-driven and socially conscious open source hardware.

The Workshop and Summit offer a unique opportunity to bring “down to earth” the normally virtual and on-line networks of open source hardware collaboration. Bringing together these cultural producers in one place for an extended period of collaboration, exchange and dialogue, GOSH! will place a critical focus on the possibilities for social transformation and the expansive cultural and artistic possibilities of open source hardware practice.

You can read more about the GOSH! events here, or else visit the Workshop and Summit schedules.

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Streaming now!! rainforest IV – David Tudor – Area10 / london

A10lab, Area10, Apo33, Noise=Noise, Beyond Signal, Fibrr Records &
Sound Research Practice, Goldsmiths presents:


“a collaborative environmental work, spatially mixing the live sounds
of suspended sculptures and found objects, with their transformed
reflections in an audio system. ”


During 2 days, if you couldn’t join us, you could listen at us :

and tomorrow even watch the whole installation 🙂 (continue reading…)

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[1] SOMMERCAMPWORKSTATION 2009 – laboratory for art and media Berlin
[2] SOMMERCAMP – workshop series


[1] SOMMERCAMPWORKSTATION 2009 – laboratory for art and media Berlin

sommercamp+workstation=2009 is meant as a practical example of the feasibility of a “laboratory for art and media in Berlin” carrying on the idea of TESLA – medialab. The starting point of the four-month project is the sommercamp from 10 to 16 August – a module to work and generate ideas, with ten open workshops and two days of final presentations on 15/16 August 2009 at the House of World Culture and a kick-off on 14 August 2009 at the radialsystem. The second part of the project is the workstation – intended as project production support – with four three-month project residencies and a curatorial grant that are produced in close collaboration with local and international partners. A discursive weekend will take place from 13 to 15 November 2009 with the invited artists/projects and experts from science and technology at Berlin based general public, in collaboration with DISK/ctm. Please have a look at our website: (continue reading…)

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  • We’re excited to share some positive news: thanks to your support, we’ve secured in funding from the city about one-third of what we usually received before cuts, which has allowed us to regain our operational footing. This is an important milestone, and we’re truly grateful for your solidarity. Thank you for believing in Piksel and our mission. Let’s keep working together to build a vibrant future for art, technology, and society. Warm regards, The Piksel Team

    10 January 2025 @ 2:17 pm

    31 December 2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Please support our petition!!

    9 December 2024 @ 8:36 pm

    Streaming now: Transmission~, Luis Sanz

    24 November 2024 @ 2:41 pm

    Streaming now: The Way of Schesa, Ryan Ross Smith and Shawn Lawson

    24 November 2024 @ 2:02 pm

    Piksel needs your support!!
    #piksel #culturecuts #electronicart #mediaart #funding #Bergen

    20 November 2024 @ 11:39 pm

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