Festival for Free/Libre and Open Source Audiovisual Software and Art.
This year the Piksel 05 catalog published for the first time The Libre Culture Manifesto by David M. Berry and Giles Moss. Isabelle Arvers joins efforts with Gisle Frøysland to build up the program NO FUN, as part of the collaboration with Pixelache in Helsinki and Mal au Pixel in Paris, about games made by artists as opposition to consumerism and spam on information society. The festival is divided into parts for the first time: Kickstart, No fun exhibition, Installations, Game OVER performances, SOFTWARE, technologies, and Collectives. The catalog made by Marieke is something to read again.
Discussion and debates on how things should be done in real-time video plugin development keep high. As Herman Robak wrote in his article in LINUX magazine 5/2005:
“An important development project under Piksel’s auspices is the video framework LiViDO. It aims to become a standard plugin architecture for video. The developers of LiViDO had daily meetings during Piksel05. The discussion about how things should be done was heated. When they finished, there was great relief that they had managed to agree.”
dyne.org / Sustainable Source
Jaromil (NL/IT
Federico Bonelli (NL/IT)
Janet Casey (US)
Eleonora Oreggia (NL/IT)
Kysucix (IT)
MrGoil (DE)
veejay crew
Matthijs van Henten (NL)
Niels Elburg (NL)
Hackitectura.net – delcorp.org
Pablo Martin (ES)
Tatiana de la O.(ES/AR)
Elena Martinez (ES)
Pablo Soto (ES)
David Turner (US)
Kentaro Fukuchi (JP)
Carlo Prelz (NL/IT)
Andraz Tori (SL)
Bostjan Spetic (SL)
Ben Bogart (CA)
Mathieu Bouchard (CA)
Daniel Fischer (DE)
Yves Degoyon (FR/ES)
Sergio Moreno a.k.a. chaser (ES)
David Galligani (ES/IT)
Ramiro Cosentino (AT/AR)
Salsaman (UK)
Georg Holzmann (AT)
David Hately (UK)
Suzi Webster (CA)
Jordan Benwick (CA)
Marloes (NL)
Piksel05 exhibition
Robert Praxmarer (AT)
Florian Berger (AT)
Tim Boykett (AT/AU)
Malte Steiner (DE)
Achim wollscheid (DE)
Alejo Duque (CH/CO)
Lorenz Schori (CH)
Piksel05 performance
Chun Lee (UK/TW)
Aymeric Mansoux (NL/FR)
Erich Berger (NO/AT)
Bjørnar Habbestad (NO)
Jeff Carey (US)
Billy Roisz (AT)
Dieter Kovacic (AT)
Cyrille Henry (FR)
Nicolas Montgermont (FR)
Martin Howse (ES/UK)
Jonathan Kemp (UK)
DRONE collective
Mathieu Guindon (CA)
Julien Keable (CA)
Jean-Sebastien Senecal (CA)
Samuel St-Aubin (CA)
Jonathan Villeneuve (CA)
GePhex crew
Martin Bayer (DE)
Fokke de Jong (NL)
Lodewijk Loos (NL)
SolarDuo Project
Koray Tahiroglu (TR/FI)
Joni Lyytikainen (FI)