Festival for Free/Libre and Open Source Audiovisual Software and Art.

This year the Piksel 05 catalog published for the first time The Libre Culture Manifesto by David M. Berry and Giles Moss. Isabelle Arvers joins efforts with Gisle Frøysland to build up the program NO FUN, as part of the collaboration with Pixelache in Helsinki and Mal au Pixel in Paris, about games made by artists as opposition to consumerism and spam on information society. The festival is divided into parts for the first time: Kickstart, No fun exhibition, Installations, Game OVER performances, SOFTWARE, technologies, and Collectives. The catalog made by Marieke is something to read again.

Discussion and debates on how things should be done in real-time video plugin development keep high. As Herman Robak wrote in his article in LINUX magazine 5/2005:

“An important development project under Piksel’s auspices is the video framework LiViDO. It aims to become a standard plugin architecture for video. The developers of LiViDO had daily meetings during Piksel05. The discussion about how things should be done was heated. When they finished, there was great relief that they had managed to agree.”
LOL / Sustainable Source
Jaromil (NL/IT
Federico Bonelli (NL/IT)
Janet Casey (US)
Eleonora Oreggia (NL/IT)
Kysucix (IT)
MrGoil (DE)

veejay crew
Matthijs van Henten (NL)
Niels Elburg (NL) –
Pablo Martin (ES)
Tatiana de la O.(ES/AR)
Elena Martinez (ES)
Pablo Soto (ES)

David Turner (US)

Kentaro Fukuchi (JP)
Carlo Prelz (NL/IT)
Andraz Tori (SL)
Bostjan Spetic (SL)
Ben Bogart (CA)
Mathieu Bouchard (CA)
Daniel Fischer (DE)
Yves Degoyon (FR/ES)
Sergio Moreno a.k.a. chaser (ES)
David Galligani (ES/IT)
Ramiro Cosentino (AT/AR)
Salsaman (UK)
Georg Holzmann (AT)
David Hately (UK)
Suzi Webster (CA)
Jordan Benwick (CA)
Marloes (NL)
Piksel05 exhibition
Robert Praxmarer (AT)
Florian Berger (AT)
Tim Boykett (AT/AU)
Malte Steiner (DE)
Achim wollscheid (DE)
Alejo Duque (CH/CO)
Lorenz Schori (CH)
Piksel05 performance
Chun Lee (UK/TW)
Aymeric Mansoux (NL/FR)
Erich Berger (NO/AT)
Bjørnar Habbestad (NO)
Jeff Carey (US)
Billy Roisz (AT)
Dieter Kovacic (AT)
Cyrille Henry (FR)
Nicolas Montgermont (FR)
Martin Howse (ES/UK)
Jonathan Kemp (UK)

DRONE collective
Mathieu Guindon (CA)
Julien Keable (CA)
Jean-Sebastien Senecal (CA)
Samuel St-Aubin (CA)
Jonathan Villeneuve (CA)

GePhex crew
Martin Bayer (DE)

Fokke de Jong (NL)
Lodewijk Loos (NL)

SolarDuo Project
Koray Tahiroglu (TR/FI)
Joni Lyytikainen (FI)

PikselXX #Piksel #pikselXXAIAIAI #PikselBergen #floss #ElectronicArts #pikselparticipants #piksel20years #friteknologi #electroniskkunst #piksel2005

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Pixelache Helsinki 2010 / Call for Participation

: : :

Pixelache Helsinki 2010
25-28 March

Call for Participation


Deadline Wednesday 20 January!

: : :

(continue reading…)

Pixelache Software of the Year 2010


The Pixelache Software of the Year 2010 title is given to two different projects this time – pure:dyne by GOTO10 and APODIO by APO33. Both of these are ‘live CD’ projects – distribution versions of Gnu/Linux operating system, which boot on any PC laptop or desktop, including the intel-based Mac and x86 netbooks. These distributions are dedicated to creative multimedia tools for audio/video processing and real-time performance and aims to provide a full set of tools for the average media artists needs.

In addition to these two initiatives, we would like to draw attention to the practice of developing custom GNU/Linux distributions tailored for specific uses such as media production, audio/video streaming, hacktivism, art installations and more. Other such initiatives include dyne:bolic, Sahabuntu and PikseLiveCD. (continue reading…)

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Call for projects – make art 2009 – what the fork?!

MAKE ART 2009 – What The Fork?!
distributed and open practices in FLOSS art


make art is an international festival dedicated to the integration of
Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) in digital art.

The fourth edition of make art – What The Fork?! distributed and open
practices in FLOSS art – will take place in Poitiers (FR), from the 7th
to the 13th of December 2009. (continue reading…)

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Tools to Fight Boredom

Tools to Fight Boredom: FLOSS and GNU/Linux for Artists Working in the Field of Generative Music and Software Art. New Article by Marloes de Valk.

This article takes a look at the impact the operating system, programming languages and software, as a whole, have on the practice of artists working in the field of generative music and software art.
Proprietary operating systems lack the openness needed to create an environment that fulfills the specific needs of artists and musicians who program and programmers who produce art and music. “Hackability”,
the possibility to take things apart, modify, adjust, and improve, is an ever more important aspect that software artists and electronic musicians seek to include in their production environment. GNU/Linux and Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) possess this feature, and many more, providing artists with a truly creative and open environment, free of unnecessary technical limitations, predetermined interaction, lack of control over the work environment and dependence on software companies.

The article has been published in Volume 28, Issue 1, 2009 of the Contemporary Music Review journal. This issue, “Generative Music”, has been edited by Nick Collins and Andrew R. Brown. It features other articles from Karen Collins, Andrew R. Brown, Andrew Sorensen, Robert Rowe, Palle Dahlstedt, Margaret Schedel, Alison Rootberg , Paul Berg and Nick Collins.

You can purchase the journal here:
or preview the article online on Marloes’ website:

Call for participation: LIWOLI09

Liwoli 2009
hacklab for art and open source
23 – 25 April 2009 – Kunstuniversität Linz

Liwoli 2009 is a three day long Hacklab and an open invitation to all who would like to participate in an active process of learning, producing and sharing around the areas of Free/Libre Open Source Software and Art.  FLOSS developers, artists and programmers such as the collective GOTO10 or activists from HAIP (Hack Act Interact Progress) and many others form the basis for the event and share their knowledge in the form of workshops, hacklabs, presentations, installations and performances.

(continue reading…)

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Transmediale 2009: Deep North and Open Hardware

Transmediale 09 and Deep North

Piksel participated in this years Transmediale on the topic of Open Hardware.
One of many events bundled under this year’s theme: Deep North.

A theme grounded in the climate changes of our time, and the mystical aspects of a North. Several of the speakers during the opening of the festival were urging artists and the audience alike to get involved in fighting the climate changes of our time through our art and work.
The call is noble, yet it still seems a bit too easy. What kind of actions are we talking about? How can art and digital media fight global warming?

And after the opening the audience was lead to the exhibition space and presented to the exhibited works of this year’s Transmediale artists, and I can’t shake the feeling that I am looking countless pieces involving ice, ice cubes, sounds of ice, ice bergs, polar bears etc, and there is nothing new there. I am instantly transported back in time where when introduced as a Norwegian, was asked if there are polar bears in the streets of Norway.

Deep North is bordering on becoming a cliche. The north should be more than just a place assosiated with ice and global warming melting that same ice, and borders existing under the ice, and even though the speakers at the opening suggested a stronger mystical association with the choice of theme – I am left with a feeling of flatness, what mysteries are you talking about?

A silent visual comment was presented the following day  – the classical t-shirt protest – quote generously borrowed from the KLF.


Piksel and Fair Trade Hardware

Piksel’s involvement in this years Transmediale was centered around a discussion panel on open hardware at Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt.
The host, Aymeric Mansoux (GOTO10) , had put together a diverse group of tinkers and thinkers invited to contribute to the somewhat ambigous subject of Fair Trade Hardware:

Massimo Banzi (, arduino)
Martin Howse (XXXXX)
Matthew Ratto (critical making)
Reto Wettach (fritzing)
Adam Somlai-Fischer (kitchen budapest)
Gisle Frøysland (piksel)

With 1,5 hour in total to cover introduction of subject, presentation of the work of the participants and discussion it is clear that many important topics are only mentioned briefly. And in this case the subject of the brand of Arduino as an important element in a business case, was a repeating theme throughout the session, which somehow made equally important aspects of Open Hardware fade into the background. Such as the lifecycle of hardware and how individual tinkering with obsolete hardware parts can offer new and innovative reuse, how general knowledge of hardware components and circuitry can make technology less ubiquous and more participative, and lastly, the very important question of how to make hardware open through licensing.

Underneath you find graphical recordring of the session which is left rather uncommented, in the hope you as reader can create your own image of the session taking place. Comments on how to improve this medium for use in this blog is highly welcomed.

FairTrade Hardware Salon Setup and Introduction

oh_salon1_th oh_salon2_th

Participant presentations:, XXXXX, Critical Making, Fritzing, Kitchen Budapest and Piksel


Salon discussion: Business models and licensing


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New netlabel GOSUB10 announces the Substrate release!

Various Artists – Substrate (GOSUB10-001)

The new netlabel GOSUB10 today launches Substrate, its inaugural
release. A 12-track compilation of music from across the electronic
music genre, it features friends and family of the GOTO10 collective,
illustrating the strong networks by which the label will grow and
providing insight into future directions.

Substrate features tracks by: Earweego, krgn, vacca, 0xA, Bazterrak,
Frank Barknecht, Yee-King, Soudo, Julian Brook, Martin Howse, Rob
Canning and Ultrageranium.
Dedicated to innovative music and audio/visuals, the GOSUB10 label will
feature an eclectic group of musicians drawn together by their shared
use of Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS). Freely distributed by
stream, download and special DVD releases, and made available through an
open license, GOSUB10 is run by the GOTO10 collective, an international
group of artists, musicians and programmers, dedicated to FLOSS and
digital arts. Brought to life in a intensive three day work sprint, the
GOSUB10 netlabel is a natural extension of GOTO10’s activities
supporting and promoting digital art alongside FLOSS tools through
workshops, festivals, exhibitions, writing, and more.

We would like to thank the Institute of Network Cultures
( for hosting us during this sprint and we
also want to thank the GISS team ( who is providing the
streaming infrastucture of the GOSUB10 radio.

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Liwoli 2009 – Call for projects – Art University Linz

Liwoli 2009 hacklab for art and open source
23 – 26 April 2009
Art University Linz

Liwoli 2009 is a three day long Hacklab and an open invitation to
everyone who would like to participate in an active process of learning,
producing and sharing ideas around the areas of Free/Libre Open Source
Software (FLOSS) and DIY practices in digital art and culture.

FLOSS developers, software artists such as the collective GOTO10,
activists from HAIP (Hack Act Interact Progress) and many others form
the basis for the event and will share their knowledge in the form of workshops,
presentations, installations and performances. (continue reading…)

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New Book: FLOSS+Art


What does Free and Open Source software (FLOSS) provide to artists and designers – beyond just free alternatives to established tools from Photoshop to Final Cut?

“FLOSS+Art” is the first book to answer this question. It shows how the value of Free Software lies in its differences and creative challenges, as opposed to out-of-the-box and off-the-shelf solutions; how it allows to work and collaborate differently with computers, and therefore enable different kinds of art and design.

The Internet – whose infrastructure is based on free software and open standards – is an obvious example of such an adaptable, collaborative artistic medium. “FLOSS+Art” also covers more traditional artistic domains such as graphic and audiovisual design, and how they shift from customer-centric to community-driven work.

FLOSS+Art critically reflects on the growing relationship between Free Software philosophy, open content and digital art. It provides first-hand insight into its social, political and economic myths and realities.

With contributions by: Fabianne Balvedi, Florian Cramer, Sher Doruff, Nancy Mauro Flude, Olga Goriunova, Dave Griffiths, Ross Harley, Martin Howse, Shahee Ilyas, Ricardo Lafuente, Ivan Monroy Lopez, Thor Magnusson, Alex McLean, Rob Myers, Alejandra Maria Perez Nuñez, Eleonora Oreggia, oRx-qX, Julien Ottavi, Michael van Schaik, Femke Snelting, Pedro Soler, Hans Christoph Steiner, Prodromos Tsiavos, Simon Yuill.

Compiled and edited by Aymeric Mansoux and Marloes de Valk. With the support of the University of Huddersfield and the Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University.

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make art festival – Poitiers 25-30 November 2008

make art is an international festival dedicated to the
integration of Free/Libre and Open Source Software
(FLOSS), open practices and free culture in digital arts.

make art est un festival international dédié à
l’intégration du Logiciel Libre et Open Source (FLOSS),
des pratiques ouvertes et de la culture libre dans les
arts numériques.

With the participation of:
Avec la participation de:

Robert Atwood (CA)
Big Buck Bunny / Elephants dream (NL)
Marc Chia (SG)
The Codebreakers (GB)
Andy Farnell (GB)
Dave Griffiths (GB)
Martin Howse (GB)
Benjamin Jean (FR)
Stéphane Leveillé (FR)
Julian Oliver (NZ)
Geraldine McEwan (GB)
Alex McLean (GB)
Ezequiel Netri (MX)
Revolution OS (USA)
Ernesto Romero (MX)
Jagannathan Sampath (IN)
Pall Thayer (IS)
Danja Vassiliev (RU)
Jaime Villarreal (MX)
Valentina Vuksic (DE)
Matthew Yee-King (GB)

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Pure Data and sound design workshop – 25-27 Nov 2008 – Poitiers/France

Pure Data and sound design
25th-26th-27th November 2008 – 9h-12h30 / 14h-17h30
Poitiers, France

Part of the 2008 edition of the make art festival, this 3-days workshop
taught by Andy Farnell (GB) and assisted by Stéphane Léveillé (FR) is
focused on sound design and Pure Data software. It aims to familiarize
with the basics of sound, audio synthesis and effects using Pd. While
learning how to build their own sounds and musical tools, the
participants will end up playing all together over the local network.

Booking + more info:

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  • The Piksel Newsletter oct-24 is out! Read about the Piksel24 festival:
    Piksel Festival 2024 will offer an engaging and thought-provoking experience, blending art, technology, science, and critical discourse. With the involvement of artists, technologists, and activists from around the world, the festival is set to challenge conventional thinking and inspire new ideas on the digital world and our environmental responsibilities.
    #piksel24 #festival #newsletter

    17 October 2024 @ 1:46 pm

    Piksel24 – Volunteers Needed!Piksel Festival is approaching, taking place from November 21-24, and we need enthusiastic volunteers to help make this electronic art festival a success!
    We are looking for volunteers for both preparing and rigging the days before the opening of the festival and volunteers that can help us during the festival.
    If you’re ready to dive in , please sign up here:
    #festival #volunteers #frivillige

    16 October 2024 @ 2:29 pm

    Stormy Thursdays x Rob La FrenaisDate: Torsdag 26. september 2024Time: 19:00 – 21:00Place: Studio 207, Strandgaten 207, Bergen
    Rob La Frenais in BergenWe are excited to welcome curator and performance artist Rob La Frenais to Piksel Studio during his stay in Bergen. On September 26th, during our Stormy Thursday event, Rob will host an informal, free talk on the concept of slow travel.

    26 September 2024 @ 1:29 pm

    📣 Piksel brings IDLE to Ars Electronica📣
    Piksel is pleased to announce our participation in STWST48x10 NOPE, part of the Ars Electronica festival, taking place from September 6 to 8, 2024, in Linz, Austria. This year, Piksel will showcase IDLE, our digital platform designed for collaborative art and live performance, both as an exhibition and a presentation.
    #PikselFest #PikselCyberSalong #idle #stwst48x10 #arselectronica

    3 September 2024 @ 1:51 pm

    The Piksel Newsletter for August is out with more info about the Piksel Festival Call for Projects, IDLE at STWST48x10 NOPE and Stormy Fridays.Read it online here:
    #PikselFest #PikselCyberSalong #newsletter #bergen #norway

    17 August 2024 @ 1:58 pm

    📣 Friendly Reminder: Open Call for Projects! 📣
    Piksel24 | November 21-23, 2024 | Bergen, Norway
    Piksel is excited to announce the call for innovative online and physical projects for the 22nd edition of the Piksel Festival!
    We're especially interested in projects that explore our virtual gallery, IDLE.
    more and apply at by September 1st, 2024,

    6 August 2024 @ 2:48 pm

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