Four days of workshops, exhibitions, audiovisual concerts and a BioARt Lab with international and local artists working on art and technology with a special focus on bioart, environmental sciences and DIY electronics to be held in Arequipa, Cuzco (Perú), Santiago de Chile (Chile) and Manizales (Colombia).
June- July 2017
sound art, sound installation, video research, interactive video, video performance, interactive installation, stand alone video loop (pikselsavers), textile gadgets, DIY BioHacking, visual programming and live coding.
TransPiksel is initiated by: Piksel
in Colombia: | The Road Hose Foundation, La Casa Rodante
in Perú: | Asimtria
in Chile: Festival Tsonami & Casa Plan
Funded by: In Norway: TransPiksel is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, OCA, Bergen Kommune, Nordic Culture Fund, Piksel Festival
In Colombia: | ISEA International Symposium for Electronica Arts, | Festival Internacional de la Imagen, | Universidad de las Caldas
In Peru: | Instituto Superior de Música Público “Leandro Alviña Miranda” del Cusco, | Asociación Pukllasunchis / Institución Educativa Pukllasunchis, | Casa de la Cultura de Cuzco
Project Description
Piksel, in collaboration with its partners, is initiating TransPiksel, a South American touring lab comprising 3 countries: Colombia, Chile and Peru. Our partners are museums, artist-run organisations and other non-profit cultural institutions.
Four days of workshops, exhibitions, audiovisual concerts and a Bioart Lab with international and local artists working on art and technology with a special focus on bioart, environmental sciences and DIY electronics held on each city: Cusco (Perú), Manizales (Colombia) and Valparaíso (Chile).
The Piksel team have chosen a representative group of artists and works from Piksel Festival participants in order to present the most innovative artistic research on new and emerging technologies based on openness and free cultural practice.
The international group of artists are Alexandra Cárdenas (CO), Gisle Frøysland (NO), John Hegre (NO), Alexandre Castonguay (CA), Pierre Padilla (PE), Juliana Londoño Murillo (CO), Carlos Pedreros (PE) and Maite Cajaraville (ES).
The works range from sound art, sound installation, video research, interactive video, video performance, interactive installation, stand alone video loops (pikselsavers), DIY BioHacking, visual programming and live coding.
Curators 2017 Gisle Froysland (Norway), Maite Cajaraville (Spain), Marco Valdivia (Perú), Fernando Godoy (Chile), Juan David Ruzzo (Colombia).
Transpiksel will take place in June and July 2017.