Piksel21 – WORKSHOPS

The 19th annual Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies

– Wokshops.
– November 18th-21st, Bergen (NO)
Workshops Programme:

All workshops are free to attend.
To sign up send an email to: piksel21(at)piksel(dot)no

A Butterfly in an Analog Computer – Wolfgang Spahn
Generating chaotic signals, noise and sound with an analogue computer and Chua circuit, learning the basic functions of an analogue computer along the way.  

Audiovisual creation in Pure Data/GEM using [ARRAST_VJ] – Bruno Rohde
This workshop introduces the basic and creative uses of **[ARRAST_VJ]**, a free software for audiovisual creation that enables real time manipulation of videoclips (with sound), images and cameras, and also the creation of interactive compositions, which may be stored, reproduced and exported. 

Mellite – an environment for creating experimental computer-based music and sound art – Hanns Holger Rutz
__Mellite__ is an open source application that aims to be an environment both for the composition and creation as well as for the performance and exhibition of computer based music and sound art.  In general, participants should have some basic experience with a programming language, knowing how sound synthesis works in SuperCollider is advantageous but not mandatory.

Jeu Videa – Natacha Roussel/Amelie Dumont
Exploring collectively, feministand intersectional possibilities of vide-a game by learning Godot Engine software.  Since the episode of “Gamergate” a few years ago, and partly thanks to the work of feminist academics such as: Anita Sarkeesian (feminist frequency), among others, we now have a better understanding of gender relations in video games. So far there is still very few attempts to develop a video game format that captures feminist and collaborative principles, by transforming the modalities of video games.

Ephemer(e)ality Capture: Glitching Photogrammetry – Tom Milnes
Ephemer(e)ality Capture is a practice-based workshop in which participants hack, disturb and glitched the parameters of photogrammetry. Participants use free or open-source 3D scanning apps and software (which they can access online) to scan reflective, invisible, specular, refractive, or ‘ephemeral’ objects and materials to create images that actively confuse the imaging algorithm. 

Simple WebXR with AR.js and Model-Viewer – tacacocodin 
Covering the basic and recommended settings for having simple AR web applications.