Archive for November, 2016

Concerts press note PIKSEL16 ZERO Level

PIKSEL16 Festival ZERO-LEVEL, elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi.


From 24 to 27th of November, artists from a dozen of countries will meet at the PIKSEL International Festival in Bergen. Throughout concerts, installations, performances, workshops and presentations, artists will share different ways to look at our marine environment.


Artists struggle to make their own instruments, even if commercial brands compete to give the best features to the sound market, artists have proved to be more demanding. When this happens many of them start creating their own instruments, and share their findings with other musicians at international venues. This is what Piksel is about, an unique festival which requires artists to use only free technologies and open hardware and software to make their live shows.

From 24th to 27th of November, Piksel presents at Bergen the most outstanding audiovisual international performers devoted to this experimental scene. Hosted in several well known Bergen venues (Landmark, BAS), Piksel seeks to incorporate every year new spaces to catch up the Bergen spirit. This year that place is THE MILL. Situated at the end of the bay, this industrial building will open its doors to held the art exhibition and the Saturday night concerts. From 9pm to 3 am.

HALLOGENERATOR, ALGORAVE and Sista Piksel party will close the night events.


21:00 to 01:30
Schedule 24th NOV Opening Night AV Performances
21:00  “All That I Want Is Another Baby”, by Camilla Vatne Barratt-Due (NO) and Alexandra Cárdenas (MX)
21:45 Fake Ocean From Electronics, by Chloé Malaise Arthur Hureau (FR)
22:30 Vrangside by Gard Gitlestad (NO)
23:15 Turing Tape Music: The Sea Is Ground by Tom Schofield and John M Bowers (UK)
24:00 – 01:30 HALLOGENERATOR

21:00 to 02:30
Schedule 25th NOV Concerts and Performances
21:00  ###, by Marco Paúl Valdivia (PE)
21:45 Solo SuperCollider, by Bolka (Matus Kobolka) (SL)
22:30 5-HT_five Levels To Zero by Malte Steiner and Tina Madsen (DE/NE)
23:15 Enactment by Juan Carlos Duarte (MX)
24:00 – 01:30 ALGORAVE

21:00 to 03:00
Schedule 26th NOV Concerts and Performances
15:00 Body Interfaces: zero-level elevation, Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen (DK)
16:00 Intersect, soundwalk by Tim Shaw (UK)
17:00 Plain, Jonatan Pastircak & Jan Sicko (SK)

21:00 징WM_A28 TCM_200DV BK26, Stefan Tiefengraber (AT)
21:45 ZERO-Point Energy, Ryan Jordan & GND LIVE CODING, Peter Gonda,  (UK & SK)
22:45 The heart is an oscillator, Constanza piña (CL)
24:00 SISTA PIKSEL! (Bergen/Norway)

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Pressemelding PIKSEL16 ZERO Level

Piksel 16, ZERO-Level
elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi
24-27 Nov
Bergen, Norway

PIKSEL16 Festival ZERO-LEVEL, elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi.

Et uavhengig blikk på Bergens marine miljø

Fra 24. til 27. november samles kunstnere fra et dusin land på PIKSEL Internasjonale Festival i Bergen. Gjennom konserter, installasjoner, performancer, workshoper og presentasjoner vil kunstnerne dele sine forskjellige innfallsvinkler til vårt marine miljø.

Er fisken vi spiser blitt «femininisert» av forurensing? Hvordan kan vi skape et alternativt kommunikasjonsnettverk i en post-internett tidsalder? Hvordan kan vi samle inn forskningsdata fra havet og lære oss å tolke dem? Kan båter utgjøre et nytt omreisende verktøy for kunstnerisk virksomhet? Er det mulig å lage havgående prototyper basert på nullutslipp?

Bioteknologi er ikke lenger bare et emne for vitenskapsfolk. Også eksperimentelle kunstnere forsker på biologiske, biopolitiske og bioeffektive spørsmål som påvirker samfunnet i sin helhet. Som bevisste samfunnsborgere gransker kunstnere disse spørsmålene og sender dem videre til resten av befolkningen gjennom kunstverk, performancer og workshoper hvor alle er invitert til å delta.

Piksel 16, ZERO-Level, ønsker å rette fokus mot biologiske og sosiale aspekter ved havet som et bærekraftig miljø. ZERO (null) som i: nullutslipp, nullavtrykk, nullavfall, nullenergiforbruk, nullforurensning, nullplastikk, nullforsøpling. Festivalen ønsker også å oppmuntre til bioeffektivitet, bioøkologi, marin arv, bærekraftig sjøtransport og kommunikasjon, vann som lekeplass, og sivilt engasjement.

Piksel 16, ZERO-Level er en internasjonal festival for elektronisk kunst og teknologisk frihet som holdes i Bergen. Fra 24. til 27. november vil konserter, AV-performancer, utstillinger og workshoper finne sted ved BAS (Bergen Arkitekthøgskole), PIKSEL Studio 207 i Strandgaten, Rom 8, og Møllen på Hegreneset. Kunstnere fra et dusin land vil presentere DIY biokunst, DIY elektroniske instrumenter, visuell programmering, livekoding, workshoper for FM-radio, installasjoner og performancer.


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Volunteers for PIKSEL16 ZERO Level!

Join our team and become a volunteer at this year’s festival 24 – 27 November

Do you want to be a Piksel volunteer?

Piksel is an international festival for electronic art and technological freedom. Part workshop, part festival, it is organized in Bergen, Norway,and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free technologies & art.

Join our team and become a volunteer at this year’s festival 24 – 27 November
Do you want to be a Piksel volunteer?

Piksel16, ZERO-level, wants to focus on the biological and social aspects of the sea as a sustainable environment. Zero encourages bioefficiency, bioecology, marine inheritance, sustainable maritim transport, sea communication, civil society, water as a playground, and civil engagement.


As a volunteer you will experience the festival from the inside and will gain useful knowledge while having fun and making new friends.

The different tasks include selling tickets, manning the galleries, distributing information and handling technical equipment. So if you are curious about the combination of electronics and art and would like to meet likeminded people, sign up today!

Contact: piksel16(at)piksel(dot)no (mark with ‘volunteer’)

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Press Note PIKSEL16 ZERO Level

Piksel 16, ZERO-Level
elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi
24-27 Nov
Bergen, Norway

PIKSEL16 Festival ZERO-LEVEL, elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi.

An independent look at the Bergen’s marine environment.


From 24 to 27th of November, artists from a dozen of countries will meet at the PIKSEL International Festival in Bergen. Throughout concerts, installations, performances, workshops and presentations, artists will share different ways to look at our marine environment.

Are the fish we eat “feminized” by pollution? In a post-internet era, how would we create an alternative communication network? How can we collect direct data from our seas and learn to interpret that? Is the boat a new artistic mobility tool? Is it possible to prototype with ZERO-emission?

Biotechnology is no longer just a subject for scientists; experimental artists are also researching biological, biopolitical and bioefficiency issues that affect society as a whole. As conscious citizens, artists raise these questions to the general public through art works, performances and workshops where everyone is invited to participate.

Piksel16, ZERO-level, wants to focus on the biological and social aspects of the sea as a sustainable environment. Zero in the meaning of: zero-emissions, zero-footprints, zero-waste, zero-energy, zero-pollution, zero-plastic, zero-trash. Also Zero encourages bio-efficiency, bio-ecology, marine inheritance, sustainable maritime transport, sea communication, civil society, water as a playground, and civil engagement.

Piksel 16, ZERO-Level is an international festival for electronic art and technological freedom in Bergen. From the 24th to the 27th of November; concerts, AV performances, exhibitions and workshops will take place at BAS, PIKSEL Studio 207, Rom 8 and the Mill. Artists coming from a dozen countries will be presenting DIY bio-art, DIY electronics instruments, visual programming, live coding and FM radio workshops, installations and performances.


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  • We’re excited to share some positive news: thanks to your support, we’ve secured in funding from the city about one-third of what we usually received before cuts, which has allowed us to regain our operational footing. This is an important milestone, and we’re truly grateful for your solidarity. Thank you for believing in Piksel and our mission. Let’s keep working together to build a vibrant future for art, technology, and society. Warm regards, The Piksel Team

    10 January 2025 @ 2:17 pm

    31 December 2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Please support our petition!!

    9 December 2024 @ 8:36 pm

    Streaming now: Transmission~, Luis Sanz

    24 November 2024 @ 2:41 pm

    Streaming now: The Way of Schesa, Ryan Ross Smith and Shawn Lawson

    24 November 2024 @ 2:02 pm

    Piksel needs your support!!
    #piksel #culturecuts #electronicart #mediaart #funding #Bergen

    20 November 2024 @ 11:39 pm

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