Transmission+Interference is an ongoing collaboration between David Strang and Vincent Van Uffelen researching laser light as medium of sound transmission and creation. In preparation for a performance in February 2013 at the Contemporary Music Festival, Plymouth, UK. We will utilise common laser pointers and electronic parts such as photo-resistors, motors, mirrors, and basic amplification circuits to co-create new musical tools and (analog) sound transmission devices that can be used for music making or live performances. The two day workshop will be concluded by a brief performative presentation demonstrating the devices / tools that have been created by the group.

Recent work by David + Vincent on this topic has explored using laser light wavelength to transmit audio signals and using various objects to interfere with the light signal. Elements of this interference are controlled via arduino using motors and servos. We aim to continue this type of approach whilst remaining open to any other methods developed during the workshop. One element we are keen to explore is the inclusion of software in the project. The use of Pure Data to process live sounds / trigger sounds and to send control data to Arduino we believe can increase the sonic complexity of the project without being too far removed from the noise of the objects themselves.

After the workshop the devices / tools will be gathered together in preparation for the performance in Plymouth where all participants of the workshop will be credited with what was built as well as discussed. In addition David is planning take notes of the experiences in the workshop and use them to put forward a paper submission for the journal Organised Sound (Cambridge Journals) Volume 18 Number 3 ‘Re-wiring Electronic Music’ under the sub-themes of “DIT (do-it-together)” and “Sound Objects and Materialism”. This paper will discuss the processes of working and building in groups and pulling together resources and knowledge to show the potential of this form of collaboration.