Piksel08 :: Code Dreams
— Bergen, Norway

Piksel08 :: festival
december 4-7 2008

Piksel08 :: exhibition
dec 12 08-jan 25 09

How does code dream? What are the dreams of code?

Piksel08 examines the other side of code, an alternative side to a hard-coded reality of work and play. Open hardware and free software project a utopic vision, yet exist within economies of capital, the dream factory of mainstream technology. Within the chance meeting of sewing machine and umbrella on the dissecting table, hardware and software are flattened.

Piksel08: code dreams explores the dreams of this soft machine; bachelors coding for pleasure, reverse engineering paranoiac constructs of the real, automatic coding practice, soft hardware, and everyday magic.



EXHIBITIONS @ Galleri 3,14, Volt, Lydgalleriet & USF —

Anaisa Franco (BR), Aymeric Mansoux (FR), Marloes de valk (NL), Voldemars Johansons (LV), Daniil Umanski (NL), Federico Sangati, Pall Thayer (IS), Oyvind Mellbye (NO), Gijs Giieskes (NL), Jan Carleklev (SE), Ben Bogart (CA), Martin Aaserud (NO), Loud Objects (US), Jo frgmnt Grys (DE), Seamus O’Donnell (IR), Julian Oliver (NZ), Bjorn Magnhildoen (NO), Ana Buigues (ES), Danja Vasiliev (RU/NL), HC Gilje (NO)


Animata, Jelly, Wind-up birds, Data Jockey, Fritzing, LevelHead, pure agents – augmenting live patching, Gmerlin Audio Video Decoder, G.I.S.S. 3.0, exist.pl, BOT : virtual networked lab, Hexaclock, Sprocket, Caligraft, print “soapbox”, Free Software from a writer’s perspective


Avatar Orchestra Metaverse, Derek Holzer (US), Agoston Nagy (HU), Gabor Papp (HU), Julien Ottavi (FR), Jenny Pickett UK), Yves Degoyon (FR), Alejandra Perez Nunez (CL), Bureau d’Etudes (FR), Malte Steiner (DE), Federico Bonelli (IT), Robert Fischer (NL), Iohannes M Zmolnig (AT), Adam Parrish (US), Benjamin CADON (FR), Ryan Jordan (UK), Jessica Rylan (US), One Man Nation (SG), Christopher McDonald (US), Canetoad Orchestra (UK)


*Sound production made Easy
*Realtime animation with Animata
*Hands-on web development with Jelly
*software + craft+ art = fonts

SUBSECTIONS @ StudioUSF & Wrap —

real code:
Otto Roessler (AT), Jonathan Kemp (UK), Martin Howse (UK), Eva Verhoeven (NL), Oswald Berthold (AT), FoAM (BE), Graham Harwood (UK), Eleni Ikoniadou, Grzesiek Sedek, Vincent Van Uffelen, Beatrice Fazi, Caroline Heron, Joao Wilbert

abstract code:
Eleonora Oreggia (IT), Nancy Mauro-Flude (AU), Gaia Novati (IT), Goto80 (SE), Simon Yuill (UK), Alex McLean (UK), Glerm Soares (BR), Junior Isjtar (BE), Cristina Ekman (BR), Pixa Babel (XY)

more info and complete programme:

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