Released the version v 3.0 ( release candidate 1 ) of the sa’habuntu live cd, part of G.I.S.S. 3.0, a cd made for streaming with the following streaming programs :

* Theora Streaming Studio ( tss ) : tss is a frontend to streaming with ffmpeg2teora / oggfwd using scripting and enabling two simultaneous streams, usually high and low quality.

* pd/pdp/pidip with GISS streaming patches, for video and audio ( ogg and mp3 ).

* gStreamer python scripts for streaming from a digital camera, a webcam or a capture card.

* Muse from for easy audio streaming.

* Internet DJ Console for a complete solution of audio streaming.

* Various audio and video tools for editing contents : cinelerra, avidemux, kino, audacity, …

* Ad-hoc documentation and HOWTOS for an easy streaming.

The documentation can be browsed on-line here :

Sa’habuntu documentation

just get it here : download sa’habuntu 3.0 rc1

The md5sum is : 79cc2665ad1b19490ee355fa892f30a3

Note : the development of the sa’habuntu 3.0 was supported by the NLNet foundation